Mmm. Problem is, sooner or later, you run into running out of things that make sense to add, or additions that *seriously* increase the required assets. Kind of a basic flaw in having a single game related to an ongoing Patreon, really... Sooner or later, you have, technically speaking, finished, and from there, it's either new project (Which, depending on how satisfied folks are or if it's actually finished, will lead to greater or lesser cries of "Abandoned project!"), or lengthening the time between updates in service to, essentially, feature creep because we want The Next Big Mousetrap.
Even knowing that version numbers can get hinky, with no common standard folks seem to work from, and that sometimes, games are considered finished before 1.0, 2.7.5 would appear to be quite the run.
There's also, y'know, that underlying assumption that more content would "fix" or improve things greatly. One that's not always the case (Yes, to answer an inevitable question, I'm p. sure if I went back to Strumpets, I'd have things I'd want improved, added, or just plain changed. But I've seen drastic changes/major additions harm a game as much as help it, so it's a case by case thing.)