Dev updated the subscribestar and put this
- Art: ?????
- Story: 14/16
- Code: 16/16
Cool so story and code both got 2 more maximum numbers, but code is still finished and story is still 2 away? So is that saying that absolutely fuck all has been done but he wanted to post an "update"? Or is it saying he needed to do more then he thought? Also like the other people are saying the art shouldn't be the limiting factor here (I mean neither should story, unless it's getting a MAJOR quality boost this update) but even if they don't want to hire other artists and want to keep the same one how is the progress unknown? Is the artist just ghosting everyone? Unlike story and code, art I feel is far easier to measure in this manner. Like how many images are done out of how many need to be done?
Sucks this is just another money leech, dev could make a really good game while also raking in cash (and as a side effect of actually making the game at a decent pace, GROW the audience and therefore revenue) but I guess why work for more money when you can just fuck about and still get paid twice the yearly income of an Aussie working minimum wage, 40 hour work weeks, 48 weeks a year?
Edit: I put Australian minimum wage because I'm Australian but also because our minimum wage is more then America's even after converted from AUD to USD (Australian minimum wage is $23.23AUD which is $15.50USD and apparently US minimum wage is only $7.25USD)