3D-Daz STWA - The Author Fan Art and Assets


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
I went down the rabbit hole of trying to find what asset was used for Drusilla. I went through about 2000 images of G8 Female models. After about 200 or so it almost seems like there are a lot of duplicates, or at least a lot of models start to look alike. I just couldn't find anything that even remotely resembled her model.
He posted in the game thread that Dru took him a long time to make and is a mix of 4 different models morphed together so that is probably why it's so hard to find the assets used for her. I think your only option would be to ask him what he used or see if he is willing to share a DUF file for her.


Engaged Member
Feb 13, 2019
First day back from visiting elderly parents, haven't started any renders yet, but I did take a bit of time to send a personal message to STWAdev and ask that he stop by this thread and maybe give us a few hints for the other characters in the VN. Maybe we will get to see a few more characters if he does.