VN - Ren'Py - STWA: Unbroken [Book 1 Steam] [STWAdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best story I read in a visual novel. Every character have their own demons. It feels real. It's just perfect. Els is the best girl though. Better give her the best ending. Amrit, Kana, Vi and even Ines everybody is written flowlessly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not just some random fuck around game.
    This is about emotions, character arcs, connections and lead to a few Sex scenes.
    The women of this game are pretty unique to me and no I very much like, that when you say no to one they are persistant, because they really want to. It is cool to see, that there are language differences, due to origin, age and social background
    What I don't like is that the MC does not really has to do something to get the attention, of those georgous girls. Most of the girls, are already in MC's life.
    Keep up the good work!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As a diehard MMA fan, I can understand most of the references they make and the moves they have you do during the fights. But where it really misses for me is the tension and emotion inherent in the sport. It's literally impossible to lose, and your opponents don't really have any character. They're all faceless mooks you beat up while you slam all the hot pussy you can. Your training is a non factor as well. I tried to do as little training/MMA as possible to see if I could lose and nothing was significantly different. Your fighting decisions mean essentially nothing for the plot and the game fails to make you really care.

    There's also a lack of real male training partner presence, probably so the game can focus more on the girls. BADik mixes in dudes well, but this game really doesn't. There's one male training partner who is also a fighter but that's about it.

    As a porn game sure it's fine, but if you expected a little bit of MMA realism, or looked forward to an MMA career simulation it's extremely lacking. There's a lot of missed opportunities they could have built on imo, but maybe I'm just a stickler.

    Personally I rate it a 2 for plot/immersion. Renders and girls are great though, so no worries there.

    Overall, I'll give it a 3 only because the renders are super hot.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game with a gripping cast and story. Assets aren't anything two amazing nor is the the sexual content but it you're okay with that and playing it for plot its damn good.

    The main issue I have with game is while I know it's trying to sell a setting. No self respecting scottish woman is having a Union Jack. Ever.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not into tomboys, short haired girls or whatever but dammmn these girls looks fineee!!

    This VN has two of the best looking ginger girls too! Specially Elspeth <3

    The face gestures look amazing, very well done.

    I don't have complaints: you're a successful MMA fighter, has a shared mansion, students, good friends, money and the chance to interact with beautiful ladies. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!!

    You may have a bit chip of PTSD but nothing to cry about.. With some work you can overcome it.

    5/5 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I should start off by saying I do not like MMA. I think it's silly for two people to get into the ring/cage and try and beat the crap out of each for no real reason. I am not knocking people who fight nor the fans, but I just am not a fan of meaningless violence. I have held of playing this because of it, but I love the dev and their previous game so I have been anxious to play. I am sorry I did.

    I may be stereotyping, but a person who willingly gets into a fight with someone else for no reason and they have to psych themselves up to beat the crap out of someone else.... I would imagine they almost have to create a false sense of dislike for the person. I firmly believe, if you can get into a fight like that when there is no life on the line or no cause to defend, then you cannot be a sympathetic character irl. That's doesn't mean you can't love or care for people, but if you are prone to violence like that, how can you possible empathize with most people? I just don't buy it. I am not saying a fighter cannot be a good person, I just think it takes a unique individual to be able to do that for a living and the MC in this story does not fit that mold.

    Of course the other issue are the LIs... while all of them are hot, none of them are interesting. I mean Amritz has issues galore. Kano is just silly. She was "wronged" by her best friend for reasons I still have not figured out. I don't want to spoil anything, but there was no reason for her to betray Kano like that. So now we have to deal with some silly former wrestler who wants to be the best at something? IDK.

    Then there is Elspeth. Some super intelligent girl who acts all mysterious and closed off only to give the MC crap because he can't figure her out. Then there is VI, a 14 year old trapped in the body of an adult. Or the attorney... snore... boring... lacking any personality except being hot for the MC. At least the hookups are interesting.

    I know I am being a bit of an a-hole, but I really love this dev and I was really looking forward to another good story, but this just doesn't work for me. Granted, it my be my MMA bias, but to be fair, the fighting is not really that big a part of the story. I just have a hard time buying the MC as an MMA fighter and I am not really interested in any of the LIs. Other than looks, they are just silly and shallow.

    Anyway, take what you will away from this. I am obviously in the minority so considering the talent of the dev, you should still download it and give it a try. and make up your own mind.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Reveiw as of version: Pt.6
    This game is a visual novel with a lot of player input in the form of choices. There's an outstandingly rich set of variables the player affects with his choices.
    However, they're also greatly underused and despite the complex structure the dev implemented, right now it boils down to "love" and "friend" points and a couple switches to open/close certain paths.

    In the visual department, the renders are awesome, the locations are fitting, appealing and very high quality and the characters look, mostly, realistic, not just because of image quality, but because of being realistically proportioned.
    There are however some slip-ups with characters designs like McNab having very short hair (growing after a shave) in some renders of a scene and also having his old short, but still longer, hair in other renders of the same scene. I also had the impression in several occasions that girls chest changes in size depending on what clothing they wear.
    Lastly, the bit in which characters don't look realistic is nipples/areola. All girls have very tiny nipple/areola regardless of their breast size or situation. In a way that they look only reasonable for girls with tiny tits (which isn't the case for any of the girls) or if they felt really cold, which could be the case at some point, but certainly not in every situation.

    Regarding the sound, others have commented on the good music of the game but my experience is that, aside of two specific scenes at a club in which fitting music plays, the rest of the game is entirely silent. No music and no other sound effects despite they're in the game files.

    As for the narrative, it's by far the best and also most cared for part of the game.
    The story feels a bit chaotic because there isn't a clear (or even unclear) goal or route for the MC and the story has often severe, long and not too well explained cuts (from scene to scene, weeks may pass inbetween).
    But aside of the lack in direction and understanding of the progress, the characters are deep, intricate and realistic. Even at the most difficult part for these kind of games: girls accepting the harem situation. They all have well established and told pasts and it makes it really easy to empathize with them. The story is very compelling in this sense and makes you want to know what's going to happen next.

    Finally, when it comes to the lewd scenes... They're probably the worst part of the game.
    There are only a handful despite the great size of the game both in GB and in lines of text. There's also very little "intermediate" scenes. Characters interactions are either slice of life scenes of people having common daily interactions used to develop their characters and building the story with very mild flirting on occasion, or openly offering sex out of the blue and having sex. So, it's not just that the lewd scenes are very few, it's that there's no sexual tension built between the MC and the girls.
    Also, the sex scenes themselves don't feel realistic. In comparison to the rest of the narrative, they're very shallow and simple. To the point that they have awesome animations and still aren't too satisfactory.

    In my opinion, this visual novel is like a very good conventional movie. Great picture quality, great story, great script and an the occasional, very plain and simple sex scene that's by no means the focus. Meaning, this game is awesome, but certainly not a "porn" game.

    Given the established mechanics and narrative, if the dev wanted to improve the lewd department, I think the best way would be to allow the player a small degree of navigation between major scenes to include optional encounters with characters that were heavily dependent on the choices made so far and might include the typical "Oops, sorry, I didn't knew you were taking a shower" kind of scenes to add some lewdness inbetween all the drama, build most-needed sexual tension and providing interactions with characters that at this point feel left out, like Viridiana and Ines. Especially considering the story puts Viridiana at its very center.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    First of i really enjoy and like the game . Just like with The Author , the characters are beautiful , but also well written and their psyche quite well explored .
    Especially again , the MC , which got a depth to him (like again in The Author) , beyond just being the chosen horndog that can do no wrong for the women involved .

    Now i have some nitpick and issues , and i'm surprised that i don't dock points for it yet (pending another review of the game once it ends) . The points systems do not lend themselves to showing any real consequences through the game .... besides a few minimum requirements i'd guess to start some scenes .

    Take the "interest in girls" one , where does it lead ? What's supposed to do ? I won't claim having tried every path and everything , but from what i noticed , it does not affected much the girls and their dynamic with either the MC or the other girls . At best some pouts when you don't hang out with them and it's supposed to veer them toward women , but it feels invisible so far .
    Is this going to just be a points checklist at the end of the game to determine if they end up with the MC , or even in a throuple ?

    And it's not just the "horny" points systems that are annoyingly vague and without much consequences . Even Fame/Infamy does not seem to do much , till the end checks i venture
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Let's pop this 100th cherry ;)

    1. Solid writing with diverse cast with unique personalities. Comical at times and very hard hitting feelings at times when discussing war and ptsd stuff.
    2. Music (played with mod) was decent
    3. Renders are beautiful (Elps simp here and also Reenie <3)
    4. MC acts very realistic and doesn't have creepy inner monologs about banging everything.
    5. Multiple choices and paths.
    6. Animations are decent.

    1. It takes a while to get engaged. I had given up on this game earlier cuz it got boring but once I sat thru it, it really REALLY grows on you. So maybe adding more flavor or conflict in earlier chapter.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely for realistic AVN fuckos like me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Engaging story. likeable characters, great art including lewds. Would happily play it without the sex scenes, it's that good :)

    A great follow up to the Author (another amazing game) that improves on it in every way. Happily supporting the patreon, I cannot sell the quality of this game enough.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A solid story and memorable characters. Definitly an improvment from his first game. All of the LI's are unique and memorable. The visual part improves from chapter to chapter. It lacks music but the story makes you forget about that minor detail.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautifully written, gorgeous art, engaging story this game has it all. Special mention for how MC and Alistair can be open and loving without the need for weak ass "no homo" bollocks. Very interested in the brief scene where Vi and Ines talk about
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Story was about average to me and a bit on the boring side, there is a ton of text and alot of it dident matter much, and as always there is some secrets with some girls that takes forever to be revealed but they dont really feel importen so they where meaningless to me and dident add any fun to the game.

    One thing does feel a bit wierd, MC is supposed to be a pure playboy with alot of girls, he invites girls to live in hes house as well and yet this game has no harem tag, so your supposed to only pick one girl which could be a tuff choice since it could split up friendships like VI and her friend that has been living together for 7 years, ofc we dont know how endings will be, if it will be possible to be with more then just one which would make alot of sense with some.

    To me the girls just looks so much alike and not unique, and they all have big or huge tits which i am also not into, so it was tuff to feel anything for the girls in a romantic way, whice was a little annoying since i liked the story with Viridiana and would want MC to be with her due to the story, but i couldent manage to do it when i constantly have to look at her ugly big tits like so many others in game and its just to big a turn-off to me.
    Its a matter of personal taste but i wish they would have made something for everyone instend of only having focus on big tit fetish, i think the smallest ones in this game is a big c-cup or d-cup and nothing below that, on the female fighter which is the one i went for since she had the smallest pair of tits which arent even small at all....

    Virgin scene was also pretty bad, MC says he will go slow and in a single lick he pushed it all the way in, the hole secene just felt like any other normal sex scene nothing special at all about it.

    Story 3/5
    I liked a bit of it but mostly i found it a bit boring and very vanilla

    Animations 3/5
    They are pretty average and there arent many of them.

    Girls 2/5
    I like the faces but there arent unique enough to one another, and body frame is just focused on big tits, so dident really enjoy them much.

    Music 0/5
    Well it had some in the start but vanished very fast same for sound effects, so its pretty much just a silent game which is a bit boring as well.

    I will update my review later if something changes along the way, but for now its just an average or below in all aspects.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Sooo boring, everything about it.
    Story boring, girls are boring, they all look the same, choices does not really matter, story is happening either way anyway, always tons of boring dialoges with girls that i am not attracted to, its just crap.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 6 update review:

    Very good game.
    Beautiful girl.
    Engaging story.

    It has a few flaws in my opinion (all girls are quick to fall for MC or ok to have sex with him) but the MC is quite interesting and has some qualities redeeming it.

    I'm more curious about how the "no harem" will go down because up to that point, it was almost a "collect all girl" game (but one of the best!).

    I really expect a lot of the future for this game.

    I'd say the lack of a gallery is one of the main flaw, which is quite saying because that's minor.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    In the middle of Part 6, but I think I have enough to make a partial account of my opinions.

    This story is decent. Not the most exciting story, but still has its hooks in me. I have been enjoying that it is a story, and have been enjoying watching it unfold. I have appreciated that the story has not been skimped on.

    The one possible constructive criticism that comes to mind is that sometimes the emotion of the text doesn't match the emotion of the character in the render. I have seen a few places where there is an exclamation, but the character is neither shocked nor excited in the picture.

    I do understand that it is intended to match the ambiance of the story, but if that is the case, the text and images are not in sync. If the character should be excited, then let the render exemplify that fact. If they are showing somberness, then let the text mirror that with equally somber text.

    I look forward to continuing the story, and hope it keeps on par with what i enjoyed about another STWA story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting story, masterfully crafted and deeply captivating.

    Meaningful choices are abound, with precise details, and still branching stays focused on the main line of events, not becoming dissipated.

    The characters are lovely. Many women there suffer from megaloboobitis, and I don't recall a single example of small tits, but some of the faces are very beautiful. Ines is especially witty and charming, not mentioning utterly cute. Elspeth is quite interesting too, and could serve as a model for Goddess of beauty and embodiment of femininity. I really hope there would be an ending with both Ines and Elspeth as wives of MC. Vi and Amrit and Kana are attractive too, mostly as great friends and interesting personalities. It's a shame Katie Kafton is not a full fledged LI, she is so pretty and is a remarkable person too. I wish they all could end up as a large happy family.

    Renders are of high quality, and animations are pretty good either.

    Fight algorithms are meaningful and rather intuitive.

    All dialogs are interesting, with mostly very decent humor. The amount of content is generous. I'm so much awaiting to play this game further.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    loved the first game. made the feels outy and could relate on many forms.

    moving the new game also. great story that make you try to predict the many waves-roads it can go and what people are hiding from you.

    renders are great and keep getting better and better you can see the progress dev does from update to update. more effects and work from background and on each person. only down is animations are a bit lacking but i play mostly for story.

    i saved 2 updates before playing agian so i had like 10 houer to play and i went a few roads and reload to try and see other picks and im still prob missing 2-3 houers if i did everything but i will safe that for next update so have even more playtime..

    cant wait to see what dev will come with next. hopefully dark past of redhead El is big girl <3 want to see her past and rest of main guy's past what little is left.
    keep doing a great job dev <3 art is love and love is art.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written dialogue and stunningly beautiful renders. The story is engaging and it is so refreshing to have choices that matter and change the story, rather (meet girl, fuck girl, meet another girl, ect.). The characters are all different enough with fleshed out stories and personalities.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is good. Well written, good looking renders with a reasonably grounded story

    The story is about you being a fighter guy. Basic stuff, I dont know who did it first, the person who created this "MC is a fighter" trope but it is kind of funny that so many of these games has it as a central story element. But either way it isnt insultingly cringy here, and while it is an important part there are more important things, such as the women and your relationship with them as per usual.

    Nevertheless you live in a big house with all these women and they all want to bone you, normal wholesome reasonable stuff. One of them is your student and you coach her but actually she wants you to coach her cooch and it just works. The characters are well written and act consistently so you actually care about what they are saying instead of just skipping to the good parts. Now, has to be said this is very slow burn stuff, it takes a long time to get going but it is all the better for it.

    But honestly, Elspeth, Rena and Kana all feel like side characters not really main LIs. I dont care about them much at all. Also the MC is bald normal looking dude yet everybody acts like he is cute handsome adonis. It doesnt match with what im seeing here on screen. All these women being magically attracted to him is just a tad bit strange. Of course some of them have known MC for a long time but Ines just met MC and all of a sudden she is in love as well, Idk it is a bit off-putting

    Good game for sure worth reading if you like slowburn stuff and are OK with the game not having sister breeding.