VN - Ren'Py - STWA: Unbroken [Book 1 Steam] [STWAdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: Part 5.

    Rating: 8.5/10

    Fun+unique premise for a VN. An MMA fighter with a military background who's trying to get his life together and deal with the trauma of his past.

    I'll try to keep this one short and rattle off some points I think are valid.

    The story is interesting and somewhat engaging. It's still early days of course but I'd love for more of the focus to be on MMA now that we are settling in with the characters.

    Characters are all good IMO. They have interesting dialogue and look great. I like that there's build up to differing degree's depending on the LI. Facial expressions are sometimes off but I appreciate the attempt to use a lot of them for the most part, it's better than the alternative.

    Renders look great and animations get better as the game goes on. The last one with Kana was really hot.

    Lack of music really rips the soul out of this game, but It's not a valid criticism due to the game being in development. It just has to be said because it makes the world of difference. - Play with your own playlists.

    As much as I really like Kana (It could be another LI, but Kana's path feels the most interjected), I would have liked 1 less LI. They are all done so well that I feel I want more time with them and it actually takes me out of the story due to switching between them all.

    MC: Probably the best looking MC I have ever seen. Helps to connect with him a bit but I do wish we got a few shots of MC alone and possibly struggling to cope. We see he has deep issues but he really is a stone wall even when he's on his own. I think it would serve the story well if we see him break down or just have a cry to himself. It takes nothing away from him, he's seen so much. But it helps us, the player see more of him and help us empathize.

    Conclusion: A very fun VN with a great deal of potential. I wish I could connect with the characters more because It's definitely possible with the current models+dialogue. I just needed more time with them individually and some good accompanying music to hook me in. - Give it a go!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    It's unreal how good the writing for this game is. All of the dialog is entertaining and relevant, all of the characters are believable and interesting, and the visuals are perhaps the best I've ever seen on this site.

    This is OUTSTANDING game that I highly recommend you pick up. I personally used the mod that allows you to see the effects of your choices so I could drive towards specific goals, but I suspect you'll be able to figure things out if that's not the way you prefer to play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good one! Great setting, characters are fun, girls are beautiful and colorful. Not pushing it too much on fawning over MC, but still pretty easy to get who you want. I also like the references to the other STWA game. I really dig this consistent universe thing. Recommended.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a real treat.

    Character's personalities make them feel real and less like caricatures or tropes that you get in most games. Makes you feel like your reading a well written story which really does go a long way in making games stand out in the sea of games out there.

    Story is gripping that you actually care about what is happening and the layer of mystery that is being weaved in with each update is a wonderful touch to really bring players into the story as you will always be trying to figure out what the big secret is.

    The girls which lets be honest is why most play these games are the best. Each girl is unique and brings something new to the table for the MC and visually stand out against each other just as much as personalities. You will be hard pressed to pick a favorite and I predict that the longer the game continues the harder it will be to make your final choice as if like the creators first game will be non-harem. Knowing you may have to reject any of these girls at some point is the only negative thing I could even give the game lol.

    With Part 5 this game has cemented its place as one of my top 5 games Ive every played on this site and Id be hard convinced that will change based on how well the first game went.

    Congrats to the creator this game really is something special and a great way to start 2023!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game and i loved The Author as well, perhaps this is my most favorite of all the renpy VNs out there. Immersive, fantastic writing and satisfies my tomboy cravings. The two games are set in the same universe, and you can meet characters from The Author, which makes it interesting. There are no forced sex scenes, you can choose to remain loyal or try it out with a few other girls before deciding the one.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played around here. Visually beautiful and with a intricate story. The pace is very good and there is a lot of mystery that is revealed little by little. Can't wait to see where this goes.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game begins by telling you how much of a worthless asshole you are. That you suck compared to everyone, that nobody likes you and such.

    Except the main character is famous, rich, and everybody ever loves him. He has an asshole MMA fighter fame and that's it. Anyone close to him loves him.

    It's so awkward to listen to the MC call himself an asshole again and again while every character around him just keeps parroting his insanely good soul or whatever the fuck.

    It's a very contrived plot. The MC is just not as interesting as the author thought he was while writing it, and certainly it's not well written. It's like the author is fascinated by his own self insert.

    Oh and there's very little actual sex in the game. And it's not well animated. Just pretty renders is all.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say that I'm thoroughly impressed with the quality of writing on this title. There are a number of things that are done quite well, and they may not be the things that get the most praise in games like this.

    This is a story with a slow burn. It takes its time carefully, letting the characters open up at their own pace, and that really appeals to me. I didn't take the first sex option that came early on, and that made a difference to the story and the way it unfolds. I'm sure that many players would jump right at that, and I think that would be a mistake. Skipping the first sex scene lets the story breathe a bit before getting right into it, and believe me, that's a strength.

    The author clearly has taken the time to get the details right on the backgrounds and the stories of the characters, and that effort really shows. I don't know much about MMA fighting myself, but it's clear to me that the author does, and has put in the time to make the details feel properly organic.

    What I do know something about is the veterans issues, and those are handled extremely well. Not typically something that comes up in games of this nature, but as a vet myself who's struggled with my own share of trauma, this is handled so very gracefully, and makes the game feel more personal to me.

    This isn't a game that slaps a loose story into place around sex. Sure, there's sex in the story, but the story comes first, rather than the reverse. If you're just here for the slap and tickle, this may not be the game for you. But if you find the story more appealing because the characters come to life as things evolve, I cannot recommend this strongly enough. You won't be disappointed.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, the characters and narrative are strong. The decisions aren't really difficult, but the tale is nonetheless compelling. Excellent models as well. I'm looking forward to seeing where the fighting mechanisms go in future versions.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There's only ONE dev i know that has renders that tops this game & that's saying something. Story & writing? S tier. Pacing? Really good. Love Interests? Man, it's hard to decide. I wish there was background music playing for better immersion but that's very minor & i can certainly live without it. Would be nice though. Invest in this game, you won't regret it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I played the Author and really liked it so decided to give this one a try as well. I must say I am a bit disappointed with the game in general and I am surprised at its high scores. I played through the whole available content so I could give it a fair try.

    The renders are very beautifully done and the models are attractive and look different. The animations are a bit simple but do the job.

    The sex scenes are the real letdown in the game, they are very short, and there's not much buildup to them, they sort of just happen. The writing on them isn't particularly exciting either.

    The story has some nice points, in particular I like the conflict between the MC and Davis, and his internal dialogue. I also liked the parts of him working on the Vet Center. I think those show a mature subject treated well and in a believable way.

    I didn't like very much the relationships between the MC and most girls, except for Vi, they felt a bit force.

    Why 3/5?
    With these renders, the story seeds... etc this game could have been an easy 5, however the already mentioned lackluster sex scenes really left me a bad impression, the other point was the MCs interactions with the girls.

    To elaborate, the MC here is presented as a bit of a playboy, there are constant allusions to him getting on with supermodels and being a player. The girls in his life comment on this, mocking him a bit even, and yet, they all throw themselves at him:, in order:

    The ring lady: she comes to him, out of the blue and offers to have sex.

    Amrit: your friend tells you not to fuck with her, and you are given the choice if you would accept her or not, and then a couple of scenes later she offers you her V-card, this is independent of your choices.

    Elspeth: she is obviously infatuated with the MC and tries to get him into a relationship in a very passive way, expecting him to take the first step.

    Serena: at the hotel, your first interaction with her, she basically offers to fuck. If you say no, she will later offer again a date.

    Ines: she throws herself at the MC at any chance she gets, to "protect Vi", really?

    All in all, the MC is always passive and, if you do not chose the absolute asshole options during the choices, you get the girls without doing anything. It doesn't feel rewarding, the MC feels empty and not in the good way of "he is filling his life with meaningless sex to cope with his pain but really wants more out of life and needs help", because he does nothing and yet everyone around him falls for him.

    I will keep an eye out on this one and might play it to completion once it is finished, but overall it left me quite unimpressed.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Mature and profound story. I played it with a bittersweet soundtrack/playlist from spotify in my headphones, perfect match. Recommeded!
    I read every line and enjoyed the story, would have played it without the lewd scenes as well.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review up to Part 4.

    I love this game and I strongly recommend it to those who enjoy a good story, amazing writing and excellent renders. It is a continuation from STWA: The Author but this game is far more engaging and enjoyable IMO.

    The biggest reason for that is I like the main character (including his profession) a lot more. You are badass, and the plot is more exciting, but still a kind, caring and overall good person (setting aside the lechery at least but at least you are open/honest about it).

    I can't say enough good things about the is funny, witty and well thought out. Perhaps the best part is I feel I can relate to and/or connect with many of the characters and they are each interesting in their own way.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating up to "Part 4" of this AVN.

    Rather good game in my humble opinion.
    Story is intriguing and interesting, visuals are basic but appealing. Animations are there but rather rudimentary.
    The writing is what keeps my interest for the most part.

    Characters are written rather realistic and seem to have an agenda of their own, which is rare in this day and age. Most other AVNs seem to revolve around the MC and the events he experiences alone.
    Love interests aren't all eager to jump your balls, at least most of them aren't. You have to work on some of them to get the lewds, (or work really hard in some cases) and I like that. That's especially remarkable in this setting, where you play as an up and coming MMA star with a fondness for bedding supermodels in his free time.

    The LI models are mostly quite detailed and appealing with a decent deal of variety. Unfortunately the more you play these VNs, the more you start to recognize certain models that get a lot of use by different devs. I started to see them as "actresses" playing different roles, it's not as jarring this way. One of the main LIs has a very "special" model, both in the right and the wrong ways. But I guess that's ultimately a matter of personal taste. It's not a harem game so you ultimately might have to pick and choose. Right now there are no dire consequences yet if you whore around.

    Gameplay is nothing super special, so far it's a classic VN and the most "gameplay" there is are decisions that alter the progression with the different LIs. To be quite frank I was looking forward to something a little more involved with it's self proclaimed focus on the MMA and fighting business. But hey, it's still Ren'Py so I'm not really sure what I expected.

    There's a lot of charm in this game. The writing stands out from the sea of samey VNs and I'm gonna follow its development with great interest.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game kicks ass!

    As an MMA fan, it's so awesome to see something related to the sport in a VN. You can tell the Dev is a fan, as well, as they nail the details of the positions. The writing is where this game really shines. Some of the most enjoyable, and realistically written characters you'll find in any adult game.

    The renders are great, the character's designs are all unique. No cookie-cutter honey select models to be seen. And the choices are aplenty. The MC is a badass without seeming contrived, but he's also a really good dude. Just an overall joy to play as. Honestly, not a bad thing to say about this one.

  16. 5.00 star(s)


    • Strong individual character writing and leadup.
    • Plot moves at a fair pace.
    • Sexual advances don't feel out of place or rushed in the wrong ways.
    • Character interactions have weight behind 'em.
    • Good visual diversity.
    • Story is well-articulated.
    • Main character is decently interesting and complex.

    • Missing that harem tag
    • Could use some mood music, even with the mod helping.

    I'm enjoying what I've got so far. Strong contender for one of the better VNs on the market, though shorter than I'd like for four chap ters. Given this seems more dating sim than harem, there is a bit of uncertainty as to how the cards come tumbling down with my mixed approach to the choices in the game, but instead of dreading it by being baited, I'm rather anticipating and looking forward to it, given the quality of the writing here.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    awesoem game the character models are amazing incredibly detailed and each of them stunning and attractive, the writing for each character actually feels like real people, great game overall keep it up!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I am totally in love with this game. It does something right that not many games on this site do: the writing. I actually come back for the story with this game. While the sex scenes are nothing to write home about, they are made enjoyable because they are with characters that are well written and seem to actually have a personality (also the renders are nice).
    All the girls are different, but I like every one of them. The romance paths are slow and believable, no pouncing on MCs dick because they saw him shower once.
    Play this, you won't be disappointed
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: Pt. 4

    I wasn't familiar with this dev and downloaded Unbroken on a whim, and to say that I was pleasantly surprised is quite the understatement. The writing here is miles better than that of every other game I played, and yes that includes a lot of the most popular titles and fan favourites.

    This dev gets something that 99% of others don't: the need for romance/eroticism and the importance of the written words on screen. Let's face it, the overwhelming majority of WEGs are usually nothing more than glorified collections of porn CGs, where not much care is given to the "novel" side of the whole Visual Novel thing, and the usually clichè ridden story's only purpose is that of directing the player from one dull sex scene to the next. This isn't the case here. The story is interesting for sure, but what really sets Unbroken apart is its lovely cast of characters, from the obviously damaged MC trying to find his place in the world, to the diverse cast of potential LIs who gravitate around him and their different and endearing personalities. I especially appreciate how genuine the dialogues and banter between the cast feel, and the fact that the author knows not to superimpose his own interests or opinions over the characters, which is something that for whatever reason a lot of devs like to do (i.e. an overabundance of obscure movie references or, god forbid, "memes"). Also, choices seem to matter a whole lot, so you're free to choose which girl(s) you want to pursue and which others to straight up reject, and let me tell you, considering this isn't tagged as a harem game and there will most likely be consequences down the road, those choices can be quite difficult to make.

    The downside of Unbroken being a "slow burn done right" kind of game, is that it ultimately has to deliver on the smut, which has to be on par with the high expectations set by the writing, or at the very least not seem like an afterthought. There is little sexual content to be seen so far and, like others have mentioned before me, it's not really up to snuff so far. This is the only aspect where this game stands to improve, and if it does it will be nothing short of outstanding.

    P.S.: As always, I'll wait for the game to be completed to give it the full 5* should that be the case.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    SERIOUSLY... HOW!?! How did it take me this long to find and try this amazing title..
    The characters are incredible both in writing and design.. (minus the ring girl her face seemed a bit off)
    I never played the Author so i was coming into this without that prior experience, HOWEVER as of writing this its currently downloading too..
    I'm from the UK too so it was a surprise when i saw that this was actually UK based and with references to towns and citys i know well.. usually its seems that almost all VNs are asia or stateside based, so this was a welcome change of scenery..
    I LOVED the use of the MMA assets from daz and so on for this title.. the way the scenes were set out and rendered felt authentic and while i was hoping for some crowd noise and music during those early scenes it wasnt a deal breaker.. just would have been so much better with it..
    I hope the dev keeps progressing with this title as its rare i'm THIS hooked from a few mins of reading and cant wait for more in the future..
    Thanx for a truly enjoyable and unique read for once