I just thought it was getting kinda funny that there was so much of it. Looks like it has become a meme checking over on Discord. Not complaining this game is one of the better ones out there, good stuff so far, just felt like I was patting a cat, a puppy or a little kid on the head
I thought maybe it was gone when I got to later in the game but nope the headpatting was still there, at least in Amrit and Vi's case, both of which I adore. I've finished my first playthrough and am wondering if I should do another playthrough right away or just wait for the next update. I like many of the girls but I'm not sure how the routes work, what the throuples are, and so on. I could check the walkthrough but that kind of takes a little of the fun away of knowing what happens. This first playthrough I tried to focus on Vi but Amrit kept tugging at me and I find her hard to resist as well. Think I was also somewhat flirty with Ines, she's very gorgeous. That being said without spoiling too much can anyone tell me, if I'm completely ignoring other girls will I get more content with Vi? Or does it matter much if you pursue other girls while also pursuing Vi? I may be wrong but in my first playthrough it didn't appear we have to make a hard choice yet about which girl we want to be our actual girlfriend. What are the throuples planned and how will they be handled? Or if I completely ignore other girls will I get more content with Amrit as well? I did notice that if you don't fuck Kana after giving her her Christmas gift I got a scene with Vi but that's about all that's stuck out to me as far as extra content with Vi based on a choice like that.