Fair enough, thanks for the answers. The remaining question that goes unanswered for me is if women are (by and large) immune to the dangers of the Succubi, why don't the angels and other mortal organizations concerned have them do the fighting from an in-universe perspective while the men stay at home or are kept as reserves? Or hell, why not send men and women in pairs?
In other news I tried out the game and finished chapter 1 so far. Pretty decent from a gameplay perspective, a slightly more advanced than average turn-based RPGM game which I'm all good with. My one complaint is that it was a wee bit too easy to unlock the max leveled fire buff-talent-skill-thingy which gave me Flames IV and from there no one and nothing stood a chance against me unless I allowed it. It does drain loads of mana, but the campfires are not too hard to get to both because they're spread out and because enemies don't respawn unless you leave the area. Even the last boss got two-hit. Okay one more complaint, the vine-haired succubus' stunlock was kind of annoying as there didn't seem to be much defense against it other than the good graces of the AI not to spam it which made it feel a bit cheap at times when it cost me the battle, but it wasn't a huge problem overall, especially not when I got too OP for the game to handle.
The story was, unsurprisingly, pretty good so far. The writing holds up, I particularly liked the training section as kids and the characters, I find, are memorable. The world intrigues me quite a bit and I want to see more of it and what mysteries it holds; and you're doing this desire a big service by not only showing the PC's progression in the world, but also giving glimpses of how the other three are doing in their own respective stories. The worst I can say is that the prologue felt a little out of place with the Assassin's Creed-style of DNA-based ancestral memories digging, but it didn't bother me too much especially since it was over pretty quick and there you were in the ancient world.
The H was pretty good I found. As I mentioned before I'm not very into snuff as a genre but it didn't get in the way for me both cuz it consistently takes a while to get there and because you only see so much of it visually (so far), and the stuff leading up to it tended to be aesthetically pleasant. I think it's safe to say that anyone more in line with the main fetish this game plays upon will be more than pleased with what you have to offer. If I had to be whiny and complain about anything, it'd be that the scenes when seduced by an enemy can be a little repetitive if you're fighting the same type over and over as there is only one scene per enemy which felt a little bit "when you've seen one you've seen them all" and made the fight less engaging cuz there wasn't an element of "how will it get the drop on me" present.
All in all a solid kickoff for this setting in my opinion. Somethings can always be improved upon (and where is that ever not true) but I think if you can succeed in finishing it on the current level of quality at a minimum, this game will be up there on the list of quality H-games around to check out. My only fear is the risk of the project dying, intentionally or otherwise, and my only curiosity for the game's future so far beyond what's next is how the other time periods will be handled, if at all. Best of luck to you and hope the project continues to go well, your efforts so far definitely show the potential the final product has.
Damn..... LOL
-Females are immune to succubus temptation except if lesbian, but not much would come of that since she can't be drained or corrupted by a succubus.
-The Void Wars (last known conflict between Yrdarvyr [planet the game takes place] and the Scorching Hell) happened more than a thousand years ago. So society returned to the way it was, men in power, able to vote and ready for war and women at home taking care of familial affairs, with few exceptions in between. When the succubi hit Yrdarvyr, the warriors were practically all males.
-The Seraphim of Yrdarvyr has plans for all hunters. But what? Just like its reasons for not going to war with the succubus, you have to find out yourself in game.
-Yes, balancing gameplay is hard, and I did exaggerated in the amount of gold. It should be way less. You can take some herbs in the area of Leafhair succubus to counter her biding skills.
-Thank you, I'm glad you like the story. I'm building up the world since you are going to visit all those cities before the end of this Era and I think you must know what's going on and how it evolved into that situation you will find out in the game once we arrive there. The White Covenant (future prologue) was
essential to show my intentions to going to the future. We shall have many Eras, such (4 games per Era):
--Bronze Age (Ancient Greece)
--Medieval Age (Crusades)
--Industrial Revolution (Victorian Era)
--Modern Age (Our days)
--Future (When the game begins)
-I'm glad you liked the H-scenes.
-Many things will change from Era to Era, it will not be always an invasion. In fact every Era will handle things differently. I can't say more without going into spoilers territory, but I hope you enjoy when the time comes.
Thank you for playing! I hope this answers your questions!