3.90 star(s) 15 Votes


New Member
Apr 23, 2018
Another bugfix update released, would appreciate an upload and/or changelog post. Messing around with mods/file editing/bug fixing and these updates keep showing up right when I get somewhere lmao


New Member
Jun 28, 2020
Quick question, does anybody know what pack the bombardment spell (Destroy target magic card on the field) is in? I have 6 packs available in the shop and it isn't appearing in any of them. I used it to cheese Cammy when the game came out but now I don't remember how I got it


Mar 6, 2020
Quick question, does anybody know what pack the bombardment spell (Destroy target magic card on the field) is in? I have 6 packs available in the shop and it isn't appearing in any of them. I used it to cheese Cammy when the game came out but now I don't remember how I got it
It's in the tree pack (the green book). It's a UR card. You view all cards in a pack via the Special Options.
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Aug 8, 2022
anyone have a translation/mtl? I fucked my game with mods and had to delete but I have no clue where the most recent stuff is now that i've gotten a fresh copy
Jun 30, 2020
So does this card "Cut-in-two Sword" actually work? I think it says "whenever you normal summon a Warrior, you may discard a card. Deal damage equal to the Warrior's power to all enemy creatures", yadda yadda yadda. I tried it in the Water-deck and in spite of Guud and Poseidon being Warriors, it only started to trigger towards the end of the match...?
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Jan 1, 2018
So does this card "Cut-in-two Sword" actually work? I think it says "whenever you normal summon a Warrior, you may discard a card. Deal damage equal to the Warrior's power to all enemy creatures", yadda yadda yadda. I tried it in the Water-deck and in spite of Guud and Poseidon being Warriors, it only started to trigger towards the end of the match...?
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you can not activate trap card on the turn you set it.
so yeah, despite having a warrior card in the field already, you need to wait your next turn to activate it.
Jun 30, 2020
I see. Did they buff Eiraira-sensei's deck in one of the patches? I feel like she's suddenly way harder and the deck more consistent; I thought I used to be able to take over 50% of the games I played against her but now I'm losing like 80% with even solid decks. Her ability to destroy all your magic and trap cards with Gunner Harpy and Falon (and the randomly very relevant ability to turn your stuff into Wind-cards) effectively neuter a lot of otherwise strong archetypes; Reservoir, Hiding, Ocean Voyage, etc. have trouble landing the strong creatures you need to really take it home. Even stopping her spells with Magical Frozen and Tsunami doesn't really do that much due to how heavily creature-based her deck is - best-performing deck I could find against her thus far was ironically a Wind-deck of my own (mostly thanks to it not really needing spells that stick in play to get a bunch of stuff out) but I don't think I've yet found the right build of that deck. And it's basically a mirror making it a bit tough since her cards are generally better than mine.
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Sep 21, 2019
I see. Did they buff Eiraira-sensei's deck in one of the patches? I feel like she's suddenly way harder and the deck more consistent; I thought I used to be able to take over 50% of the games I played against her but now I'm losing like 80% with even solid decks. Her ability to destroy all your magic and trap cards with Gunner Harpy and Falon (and the randomly very relevant ability to turn your stuff into Wind-cards) effectively neuter a lot of otherwise strong archetypes; Reservoir, Hiding, Ocean Voyage, etc. have trouble landing the strong creatures you need to really take it home. Even stopping her spells with Magical Frozen and Tsunami doesn't really do that much due to how heavily creature-based her deck is - best-performing deck I could find against her thus far was ironically a Wind-deck of my own (mostly thanks to it not really needing spells that stick in play to get a bunch of stuff out) but I don't think I've yet found the right build of that deck. And it's basically a mirror making it a bit tough since her cards are generally better than mine.
She's always been like that (at least on hard mode). I think you probably just got lucky before (or maybe you weren't on hard mode - I don't know how different she is on lower difficulties).

The best strategy for beating her in my opinion is to try to only play spells on the first turn and never play continiuous spells or traps (except as an act of desperation), and try to only have 1 monster in play at the end of each turn. The goal is to get her to fill her entire board with spells/traps that will never trigger, and once she has 3 or more spells/traps she can't play any more spells, at which point the only thing she can do is just play 1 4 star harpy each turn, which you can kill each turn with ninjas and eventually run her out of monsters she can use (she only has 6 4 star harpies in her deck).

The main things to be wary of - every time a spell or trap card is destroyed, she can summon her 6 star harpy by discarding a card. This is the main reason why you don't want to have traps or any continuous spell in play. It's also why destroying her spells isn't very effective because it also triggers when her spells are destroyed too. Additionally, this also triggers when her trap that draws cards whenever wind effects are triggered 3 times - this is largely why I put so much emphasis on trying to prevent her from triggering her effects, because you absolutely do not want that trap to draw cards 3 times.

Second, if you have multiple monsters in play, and she kills one of them while she has a gunner harpy in play, she can trigger her effect to do damage to the other monster (it won't trigger if you have no monsters left). This is why you don't want to keep multiple monsters around, because if that effect triggers it triggers the wind trap that draws her cards - and as mentioned above, if that triggers 3 times, she gets to special summon all of her 6 star harpies and things can go south very fast.

Third, using spells.. this can *sometimes* be worth the risk, but there are a few things to bear in mind. First, she has the continuous spell that triggers whenever you cast a spell tand reduces the next damage a harpy takes by half - the damage reduction in itself is no big deal so if that's the only spell she has in play you don't necessarily need to stop playing spells, but once again, if that triggers, it means that it triggers her traps that draws cards (as well as the healer harpies too). Secondly, she also has a trap that removes 2 cards in your hand - I'm not really sure exactly what the trigger for that trap is (the translator didn't work on that card for me) because it seems to happen on some other effects too, but I know it definitely triggers whenever you activate a spell or trap, and you want to avoid triggering that when possible (not only because of all the bad stuff that happens because of the effect itself but also because your goal is to fill her entire board with spells/traps). She only has 1 copy of that trap in her deck so sometimes if you're desperate it can be worth gambling that she doesn't have that trap, but you want to try to avoid it when possible.

Fourth, she has some cards that change your cards into wind types. Fortunately, ninjas can counter this easily, as when you return a ninja to your hand it becomes dark type again - all of the bad stuff associated with wind types only happens when an effect is triggered, so if you play the wind ninja first (no effect is triggered just by playing it) then use the effect of a dark ninja to return the wind ninja to your hand then nothing bad happens and you turn the wind ninja back into a dark ninja and you can play normally after that.

Anyway, the deck that I use against her, winning something around 80-90% of the time on hard mode (with the caveat that I was very overleveled and there are a ton of ways to misplay it and my win rate was considerably lower before I figured out all of the nuances of the matchup - I've also beaten her with the 6000/1000 stat cap, but that I can probably only do it with the stat cap something like 30-50% of the time) - play your card draw/cycling on turn 1 obviously, and then hopefully never play any of your spells/traps after that (but if she floods the board on turn 1 and you can't deal with it then you can use whichever of explosion or mirror shield works best in the situation - if you have to then try to play all of your mirror shields in the same turn and activate all of them even if you don't need more than 1 of them - it's better to have 0 traps than 1 trap so even using mirror shield to do 0 damage can sometimes be correct.. ideally you never play the mirror shields at all, but sometimes you have no choice). Depending on the situation you can sometimes use defense mode on your ninjas - more or less what it comes down to is defense mode is better when she has no minions, attack mode is better when she does have minions, but there are way too many exceptions to give a simple answer for when you should or shouldn't use defense mode:

Jun 30, 2020
She's always been like that (at least on hard mode). I think you probably just got lucky before (or maybe you weren't on hard mode - I don't know how different she is on lower difficulties).

The best strategy for beating her in my opinion is to try to only play spells on the first turn and never play continiuous spells or traps (except as an act of desperation), and try to only have 1 monster in play at the end of each turn. The goal is to get her to fill her entire board with spells/traps that will never trigger, and once she has 3 or more spells/traps she can't play any more spells, at which point the only thing she can do is just play 1 4 star harpy each turn, which you can kill each turn with ninjas and eventually run her out of monsters she can use (she only has 6 4 star harpies in her deck).
Huh. I did play Hard back then too; I guess it might've been that she just drew bad since her deck has a lot of do-nothing cards. I tried your deck and I had the issue that she just has those Gust-starts where she plays 2-3 of her 4-stars on turn 1 and it's really hard to not die (unless I can draw Explosion specifically). She also has turn 1s where she just goes like Gust > 4-star > 6-star. My primary problem seems to be not running out of ninjas before I can defeat her; I just can't put on enough damage on the turns when I get to attack her past her creatures (26000 is a lot). Exactly how high-leveled were you when you beat her?


Sep 21, 2019
Huh. I did play Hard back then too; I guess it might've been that she just drew bad since her deck has a lot of do-nothing cards. I tried your deck and I had the issue that she just has those Gust-starts where she plays 2-3 of her 4-stars on turn 1 and it's really hard to not die (unless I can draw Explosion specifically). She also has turn 1s where she just goes like Gust > 4-star > 6-star. My primary problem seems to be not running out of ninjas before I can defeat her; I just can't put on enough damage on the turns when I get to attack her past her creatures (26000 is a lot). Exactly how high-leveled were you when you beat her?

Well, most of my playtesting was around the level 50 range.. but it should work at lower levels too, just a bit less consistently.

Gust is a bit bothersome, but something like gust 4 star -> 6 star is easy to deal with - just play your ninjas to do 1300 damage to it with their effects and finish it off by attacking it with your hero. Don't worry about taking health damage as long as it doesn't bring you down to 0 - clearing the 6 star harpy by attacking into it with your hero is completely fine and is what I almost always do about it even if it costs a lot of health.

As far as running out of ninjas goes, this is where it's often important to keep track of what she's played already. If you run her out of her 4 cost minions, your ninjas can't actually die anymore (as she doesn't do enough damage to kill a defense mode ninja with her hero alone, and you'll effectively heal your ninjas each turn when you return them to your hand), so you only actually need to have enough ninjas to kill her 6 4 star minions and then you've basically won because you should be able to kill her before she cycles through her entire deck (as long as you aren't doing the 6000/1000 stat cap anyway). Sometimes it can be worth putting ninjas in defense mode before that too if you know that you have enough damage to be able to kill any harpy she plays (ie. if her 3 spell slots are already blocked and you know you can deal with any remaining harpies, then you can just keep using defense mode and then she either doesn't play her harpies and doesn't kill any ninjas or she plays a harpy, kills 1 ninja but then loses 1 harpy - you have 9 ninjas, she has 6 harpies, she'll run out of harpies before you run out of ninjas). Sometimes you can also use pirates as a chump blocker if you're in a position where you're confident you won't be using your spells/traps anymore (never put pirates in defense mode though because you can't heal them the way you can with ninjas, and you don't want to end your turn with a damaged minion or with multiple minions).

Gust into 2 4 cost cards is a lot scarier, but depending on the situation it's not always that bad. If she played 2x gunner harpy you can just kill them with your ninjas + hero without any special effort (they should've taken 800 damage already from attacking into your ninjas on turn 1, then you can do 800+700+800+300+800+300 damage with your ninjas + attack with your hero and end your turn with a full health 500/1500 ninja - keeping a full health minion at the end of the turn is important because that means it'll tank an attack from a harpy which means she also uses her hero attack on it instead of attacking you with her hero.. and luckily the AI is really stupid and always attacks with their minions first).

If at least 1 of them is the healer then it's a bit trickier. If you have at least 2x mirror shield (playing 1 mirror shield by itself is almost always pointless), then you can do something like killing the gunner harpy with your ninjas (+ attacking with your hero if necessary) and then play all of your mirror shields and then activate any of them that aren't destroyed to clear her board (if mirror shields aren't entirely cleared then you can always do 2600 to her entire board with a single mirror shield by using it on her hero attack). It's possible that she topdecks into stuff that can counter that, but it's not actually all that likely (of note, she's already played at least 3 cards, and she can't have a 6 star minion already in her hand because otherwise she would've played it on turn 1, which makes her having the things that counter it a lot less likely in these situations). If you don't have mirror shield, then you should usually aim to kill the healer harpy and then freeze the remaining harpy. Relying on freeze isn't ideal because it means she'll often be triggering some annoying effects if you leave her minions alive, but if you can't clear the board then you do what you have to do.


Feb 23, 2021
https: //gofile .io/d/ PpENXV (just get rid of the spaces)
Just extract the two files together. After just open the folder and look for the game exe. Optionally you can add reipatcher(An auto translator. It is not the best but it does the job on anything that is not translated). You're welcome everyone :)
This folder was not found.



New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Can someone explain "patch" and why it's 4GB.
The usual "extract and run" installation instructions in OP seem dubious when the game proper is already huge and then there's a record-breaking out of context 4gb patch. I was surprised when I clicked on the "Translation" link and it was actually a single digit mb file rather than another multi-gb surprise.

I quickly read through the last 3 pages and seems like this is still very much a WIP unlike what the "complete" thread tag indicates. Multiple folders, having to rename X or Y, something about Dev polls and completing part1, multiple links not shown in OP that are other translations or somesuch, random links to old and new pages ITT with even more files none of which are mentioned in OP so I'm not sure how relevant they are (must be relevant in some way, no clue why without reading through almost 50 pages to catch up I guess).

I'm thinking I'll skip and give this more time to cook into something cohesive and truly [Complete].
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Jan 15, 2024
The usual "extract and run" installation instructions in OP seem dubious when the game proper is already huge and then there's a record-breaking out of context 4gb patch. I was surprised when I clicked on the "Translation" link and it was actually a single digit mb file rather than another multi-gb surprise.

I quickly read through the last 3 pages and seems like this is still very much a WIP unlike what the "complete" thread tag indicates. Multiple folders, having to rename X or Y, something about Dev polls and completing part1, multiple links not shown in OP that are other translations or somesuch, random links to old and new pages ITT with even more files none of which are mentioned in OP so I'm not sure how relevant they are (must be relevant in some way, no clue why without reading through almost 50 pages to catch up I guess).

I'm thinking I'll skip and give this more time to cook into something cohesive and truly [Complete].
Haha, it's the same for me. All of this seems way too confusing. The game looks great, but I don't know what to do to actually get a full game translated. So, I guess I'll wait.
3.90 star(s) 15 Votes