- Jun 18, 2020
- 692
- 948
143 pages of thread and the mods still haven't updated the OP with the actual installation instructions
I just use this.Gadriel Tnx 4 trying at least ...hope some1 finds a workaround or the game goes to a better format.
bro how to install translation
You click on the 'Fan Translation' link on the main page and follow the instructions.
If you open up the AutoTranslator's config.ini file, the first section should be similar to the following:Is there a way to turn off automatic translation generation for the time being? It keeps translating the message about loading resources every time I boot it up and I kinda don't need it.
That looks like we can do some regex matching to catch that and handle it. I've dabbled with trying to handle other notification messages gracefully, but doing so requires changing a setting to allow splitter regexes to actually do their thing (アセット読み込み完了 00:00:14.1558902\nユーザ画像の読み込み開始\nユーザ画像の読み込み完了\n
actually DISABLES further processing of splitter regex, making them functionally identical to normal regex.)Should be an exe file, it applies the autotranslation thing so the game can be translated.Could anyone tell what exaclty is added in the "Succubus Reborn (Patch and Run).lnk"?
I'm on linux so it's just an empty file that get's genned. Assuming it's some parameters that get passed to the main exe.
I just made some translation regex to better handle card attributes, since cards can have any combination of them, manually assigning translations to every combination that a card has isn't the most practical. So I recommend replacing the current manual translation for these, and increasing MaxTextParserRecursion so that it can handle more then 2 attributes:Someone whose better at code figure this out.
It occurred to me we can use KitsuneZeta's code for the deck registration dates for the timestamped verification so they stop cluttering the Autotranslated file... but I don't know enough about the code to know how to do that.
For quick reference...
r:デッキ登録日 :([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$=Deck registration date: $2/$3/$1
アセット読み込み完了 00:00:00.0000000\nユーザ画像の読み込み開始\nユーザ画像の読み込み完了\n=Asset Load Completed 00: 00: 00.0000000 User Image Reading Start User Image Reading\n
sr:"^(搾精者|守護者|状態異常)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$2 $1
sr:"^(設置型|揮発型|反応型)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$1 $2
sr:"^(搾精者|守護者|状態異常) $"=$1
sr:"^(設置型|揮発型|反応型) $"=$1
sr:"^ ?(人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$1 $2
sr:"^ ?(人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ)$"=$1
悪魔=Greater Demon
//淫魔=Demonic //Apparently both incubus and succubus translate to the same thing in JP
情報連結兵器=Networked Machine
幻魔=Lesser Demon
...I don't think I'll be using this. That's a lot of code and bite-sized auto translations for... really just minions who occasionally get 'Undead' added to their attributes.I just made some translation regex to better handle card attributes, since cards can have any combination of them, manually assigning translations to every combination that a card has isn't the most practical. So I recommend replacing the current manual translation for these, and increasing MaxTextParserRecursion so that it can handle more then 2 attributes:
Code:sr:"^(搾精者|守護者|状態異常)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$2 $1 sr:"^(設置型|揮発型|反応型)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$1 $2 sr:"^(搾精者|守護者|状態異常) $"=$1 sr:"^(設置型|揮発型|反応型) $"=$1 sr:"^ ?(人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ)(?:、| )((?:、? ?(?:搾精者|守護者|反応型|設置型|揮発型|状態異常|人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ))+)$"=$1 $2 sr:"^ ?(人間|奇蹟|機械|呪詛|平民|創造物|計略|自然|災厄|賊徒|獣|竜|騎士|淫魔|神威|先史人|精霊|亡者|悪魔|夢魔|霊魂|電算|情報連結兵器|植物|幻魔|天魔|指輪|オナホ)$"=$1 搾精者=Squeezer 守護者=Minion 反応型=Reactive 設置型=Stationary 揮発型=Volatile 状態異常=Abnormality 人間=Human 奇蹟=Miracle 機械=Machine 呪詛=Curse 平民=Commoner 創造物=Creation 計略=Strategy 自然=Natural 災厄=Disaster 賊徒=Bandit 獣=Beast 竜=Dragon 騎士=Knight 淫魔=Demonic 神威=Angel 先史人=Half-Blood 精霊=Elemental 亡者=Undead 悪魔=Greater Demon 夢魔=Incubus 霊魂=Spirit //淫魔=Demonic //Apparently both incubus and succubus translate to the same thing in JP 電算=Spell 情報連結兵器=Networked Machine 植物=Plant 幻魔=Lesser Demon 天魔=Angelic 指輪=Ring オナホ=Fleshlight
Good points, maybe using this as fallback so that if anything slips through it still gets translated basically properly....I don't think I'll be using this. That's a lot of code and bite-sized auto translations for... really just minions who occasionally get 'Undead' added to their attributes.
If new attributes get added with new cards, I won't be able to update this myself because I don't understand the code. You are literally replying to an example of this downside, I can't use the code for the deck creation dates to fix the timestamped verification problem because I don't understand it enough to modify it.
Plus, for example, automatically replacing all instances of '淫魔' with 'Demonic' would cause a bunch of problems. Yes, it's the attribute for Demonic Squeezers... but also the 'Sexual Magic' attribute (RAW 'Demonic Magic'), several card names that mention Succubus (Convocation, Feast, Welcoming Invitation, which RAW is 'Demonic Invitation') and critically, a few instances where the RAW was changed for localization or bugfix purposes ('Summoning Circle' to 'Demonic Summoning Circle' which is just redundant, 'Stationary Demonic' for the Willing Sex Slave, who is decidedly NOT demonic in any way, the description for Amateur Demon Summoning, which RAW claims to be able to summon the Demonic squeezers in addition to generics, but lost that ability after a couple hotfixes).
You really need to be careful when letting auto-translators keyword hunt. They are very good at finding out-of-context bits that sound correct, while just causing more problems.
Oh, regexr.com provides a nice little playground to learn and test regex, I can make the regex you want though. Here is some regex that might be useful, I don't know where the text is displayed to test against it:I can't use the code for the deck creation dates to fix the timestamped verification problem because I don't understand it enough to modify it.
r:アセット読み込み完了 (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+)\nユーザ画像の読み込み開始\nユーザ画像の読み込み完了\n=Asset Load Completed $1 User Image Reading Start User Image Reading\n
Due to the way I wrote the regex it won't be overreaching and change it everywhere like in card names, it will only change lines that contain nothing but card types and attributes, and anything that uses exclusively the same wording as those things, so in your example "淫魔召喚陣" which you have translated to Summoning Circle won't be translated by this since it lacks the spacing after 淫魔 and doesn't follow up with any of the other card types/attributes.Plus, for example, automatically replacing all instances of '淫魔' with 'Demonic' would cause a bunch of problems. Yes, it's the attribute for Demonic Squeezers... but also the 'Sexual Magic' attribute (RAW 'Demonic Magic'), several card names that mention Succubus (Convocation, Feast, Welcoming Invitation, which RAW is 'Demonic Invitation')
Again just catching whenever the game pulls a sneaky and puts 'Undead' at the beginning of a card's attributes instead of the end. I'm sneaky too, see, so when a minion has a new set of attributes, I manually enter in another entry with 'Undead' pasted on the end. ...I'll add the code if it ever becomes a problem.Good points, maybe using this as fallback so that if anything slips through it still gets translated basically properly.
On startup, after the green fraction counting loaded assets completes. Seems to be working, thanks a lot.Oh, regexr.com provides a nice little playground to learn and test regex, I can make the regex you want though. Here is some regex that might be useful, I don't know where the text is displayed to test against it:r:アセット読み込み完了 (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+)\nユーザ画像の読み込み開始\nユーザ画像の読み込み完了\n=Asset Load Completed $1 User Image Reading Start User Image Reading\n
It would still trip in some specific cases, like the Willing Sex Slave. Again, RAW, 'Stationary Demonic,' which is grammatically incorrect and wrong, as the card represents a Human.Due to the way I wrote the regex it won't be overreaching and change it everywhere like in card names, it will only change lines that contain nothing but card types and attributes, and anything that uses exclusively the same wording as those things, so in your example "淫魔召喚陣" which you have translated to Summoning Circle won't be translated by this since it lacks the spacing after 淫魔 and doesn't follow up with any of the other card types/attributes.
You are correct that this isn't ideal for all for type and attribute line combinations, so you can manually make translations like you have been doing, and this won't take precedence over them (assuming proper configuration, which I think by default exact translations take precedence).It would still trip in some specific cases, like the Willing Sex Slave. Again, RAW, 'Stationary Demonic,' which is grammatically incorrect and wrong, as the card represents a Human.
Plus, 'Sexual Magic' is an attribute, that might trip it. The whole point of that attribute was the dev didn't like how lust marks and stuff like that were 'Curses' since they were... well, Succubus magic. That distinction would be lost as 'Demonic Magic',
is this with the translation or without?Hello there, i try to make my game work but somehow there is missing cards and i can't even start any fight. My game is corrupted, my computer is localised japanese so i don't understand why it's happening. It worked way before
what's your windows language set to? not locale, languageHello there, i try to make my game work but somehow there is missing cards and i can't even start any fight. My game is corrupted, my computer is localised japanese so i don't understand why it's happening. It worked way before
Both the Region and Format have to also be changed to either English or Japanese.Hello there, i try to make my game work but somehow there is missing cards and i can't even start any fight. My game is corrupted, my computer is localised japanese so i don't understand why it's happening. It worked way before