4.60 star(s) 21 Votes
Dec 2, 2021
i want to create a deck with ability like succubus of peaceful submission's breast milk addiction
i want my squeezer to have different skill according to the number of "??? addiction" card my anime have
how can i add card to my enemy hand and make them visible and how can i know in code how many he have in is deck
Okay, so I am going to assume you already can make some basic effects, and understand a bit of C#.
You can get the number of a card in the hand of your enemy with:
int cards = (from bc in player.hand
        where bc.id == "TK021"
        select bc).Count<BattleCard>()
TK021 is the ID of the "Milk Addiction" card. Just replace it with your ID.
Just in case, player in this situation is a Player object. You can get that with
public override void Effect(Skill s)
    Player owner = s.ownerCard.controller.Value;
    Player opponent = owner.GetOpponent ();
    Player target = s.suckPlayer;
"target" being the player who is being targeted by the squeezer's skill, assuming that is a suck skill. With that, you can just use if/else statement to switch between the effects you want.

In order to make a card visible of the hand of your opponent, just set
when adding it to the hand/deck of your opponent.

And finally, I do not remember any cards actually adding to the deck, but... there are functions that appear to be made for that. So...
The complete code to add a card to the deck could be like this:
public override void Effect(Skill s)
    BattleCard battleCard = base.GenerateToken("TK021", s.ownerCard.controller.Value, s, s.ownerCard);

i feel like am gonna have a lot of question so is it ok that am gonna ask you for help and if so, do you want me to ask here or start a conversation with you
thanks a lot
If the other users of the forum don't mind, I'd prefer to do that here so your questions (and my answers) can serve as documentation for others!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
Where'd you get that info?
A dev comment on their Ci-En, the eleventh one of the latest build's post.
Someone asked for more footjobs, and the dev responded that the next squeezer is planned to be leg-attribute.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2019
A dev comment on their Ci-En, the eleventh one of the latest build's post.
Someone asked for more footjobs, and the dev responded that the next squeezer is planned to be leg-attribute.
Oof boring.

Well I got my big tittied cowgirl squeezer that's actually well balanced. I can wait out a few squeezers. The angel's not so bad anyway.


Jan 28, 2019
A dev comment on their Ci-En, the eleventh one of the latest build's post.
Someone asked for more footjobs, and the dev responded that the next squeezer is planned to be leg-attribute.
well according to the latest update post on ci-en she will have footjob, cowgirl and titfuck (enlarged only) so I'm fine with it

Also new cards:

3 cost miracle: all non-artificial squeezers on field get estrus status. Until end of turn, all beast type guardians on field gain 2x attack
2 cost guardian, omni defender robot: Can use on cards with durability or safety switch. Adds +1 to that count.
1 cost trap card, ambush: When guardians on own side of field are attacked, activates and summons 1x "subordinate" card and changes the target of the attack to it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
well according to the latest update post on ci-en she will have footjob, cowgirl and titfuck (enlarged only) so I'm fine with it

Also new cards:

3 cost miracle: all non-artificial squeezers on field get estrus status. Until end of turn, all beast type guardians on field gain 2x attack
2 cost guardian, omni defender robot: Can use on cards with durability or safety switch. Adds +1 to that count.
1 cost trap card, ambush: When guardians on own side of field are attacked, activates and summons 1x "subordinate" card and changes the target of the attack to it.
Oblivion9873, you're up!
In addition to the new cards, you are now allowed to use decks below the minimum 40-card limit, but only in Offline play, which is fair.
Also, the new cards aren't in the Demo, so uhh...
Next month's squeezer is a well-off Human Secretary that likes stepping on people.


Jul 28, 2017
it looks like it has a memory leak issue this time, as soon as there are more cards on the field, it starts to drop fps like crazy. when there are like 15 or 20 cards i drop down to 20 fps and lower which it never did before and my pc is not weak


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
it looks like it has a memory leak issue this time, as soon as there are more cards on the field, it starts to drop fps like crazy. when there are like 15 or 20 cards i drop down to 20 fps and lower which it never did before and my pc is not weak
I bug reported it already, after panicking thinking it was something I'd done wrong. No response yet, but we'll likely get a hotfix once the issue is IDed... assuming it's a simple problem and not something more systemic.
It was kind of funny getting a purely vanilla copy of the game and playing a match just to make sure it wasn't me. Trying to figure out cards by their cost and the numbers in their descriptions was hilarious.


Feb 9, 2020
Next squeezer has some potential for me, but I'm gonna be waiting for the BB details first. ...in case I haven't been predictable enough, I'm only here for boobs. xD
Dec 2, 2021
Back again with a new version of the mod! Tested with the latest version!

Just extract it in a clean version of the game. Must not have been patched before, but this download includes the autotranslator plugin with Gadriel's translation pre-applied.

So. I managed to reuse in-game animations! There is only one new card this time, that does not do anything interesting. I just made it because of TheUnsaid's request. This is a Bunnygirl copycat, empty and ready for modifications. She reuses all three of Bunnygirl's animation, as well as her model. She is fully compatible with the Squeezer edit menu. The only caveat is that I haven't found a way yet to put thumbnail for skills. BUT it is possible to have one squeezer use animations from different squeezers, and they all keep the same color scheme!

I also figured out how to fix the lags introduced by the mod, for good this time (hopefully)!
However, at the same, I changed a bit how the mod is loaded.
It is now possible to change the time it takes before loading by pressing F7, selecting "Options" in the topbar that appears, and modifying "Startup Delay Time". This is relevant because the mod needs to load when on the main menu screen. Your computer may load faster/slower than mine, so tweak this to your convenience.

In other news, I believe I now completely understand how to add custom animations/models into the game. The process feels convoluted, but not otherwise impossible. Haven't tried to do that for custom animations, but custom models I did with success.

... the only issue is I can't do art at all. But if anybody is up for it, I can help them! (I will post a more complete how to later)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2017
In other news, I believe I now completely understand how to add custom animations/models into the game. The process feels convoluted, but not otherwise impossible. Haven't tried to do that for custom animations, but custom models I did with success.

... the only issue is I can't do art at all. But if anybody is up for it, I can help them! (I will post a more complete how to later)
...I mean, the thought that jumps out at me is getting the entire roster of Lustgrimm and using their artwork for stationary scenes, so art ability may need not apply.
Take your Alice card. She has a suprising amount of scenes, I do not goddamn remember her having THIS much, but we only need three. I was going to provide images, but that will take way too long.
1 is some form of foreplay, blowjob, tailjob, something light and easy.
2 is her bad-end vore from chapter 1 where you 'fight' her. You might say that's rubbish since it targets a monster, eh, have it only be able to be used on yourself and deal no damage, so it can trigger the scene anyway. Luca's in third person, and some extra image trickery could help make him more anonymous.
3 is the True End scene, because of course, it kind of has to be. Now, I ASSUME your ability causes the target to lose, and that's why it can only target the Opponent, so swapping it to target you with win would need to be done... or we can use her Bad End for this, but then the player doesn't get to watch their opponent get eaten, unless there is code for those unique ends that can be activated early. Dunno what her 2 would be in that case...
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4.60 star(s) 21 Votes