- Dec 28, 2019
- 670
- 894
You're completely ignoring it's early game protection benefit. If Hungry draws it turn 1, no other guardian the enemy can summon can do anything to it. None. Only hungry and dryad can summon it early.Finally. Hope it doesn't take too long to unstick myself.
New scene, Faithless Titfuck. Expected. Delivered. Reminds me of early 3D movies constantly thrusting things at the camera to 'make the most' of the effect.
4 new cards.
'Trainee Succubus': A generic squeezer, who has 'Calm' and squeezes for 3 with no benefit. So, trading mana generation for two extra attack and no force squeeze. Not as amazingly garbo as I first thought, but I think it's still pretty bad.
'Amateur demon summoning': 2-cost Volatile Disaster Curse, target 1 'Succubus' or 'Generic' squeezer in your deck, add it to your hand, then shuffle your deck. So, twice the cost of the ticket but 'might' be able to target Demons (translation was unclear)... or Cow and Lower-Class if you want, but why not just put another copy of them in your deck?
'Succubus Disaster': 10-cost (Oh boy) Volatile Disaster, Curse. Summon all 'Succubus' or 'Generic' squeezers from your deck to your field, shuffle your deck. That is one hell of a power play, BStW wins are now... 10-cost, not free, but it could be kind of nutty in an Ascension deck relying on cows rather then Gambling.
'Juvenile Dragon': 2-cost Natural Dragon, 1 armor, and every time it kills, it gets +1 health and attack. ANOTHER snowball card, and Dragons really won't care for it... but it could be useful. Maybe.
There is now a setting to randomly toggle 'Hold' states anywhere from 5 to 200 seconds. Good. Fantastic. I would only ever see the default except for SoWaD and SoPS... and sometimes Angel's 2.
Insincere Gift now states in its effect it targets the entire stack. So... that's intentional, then. Okay.
You can now disable Exodia win conditions in the options, so that only running out of health ends the game. Okay, but that seems like kind of a band-aid fix to actually dealing with SoPS and Faithless.
The layout of the Squeezer edit sceen has been changed... and it took a moment to get used to, but basically it scrolls horizontally instead of vertically. Supposedly this will help performance, and it'll also be 3Xwhatever so squeezers don't get mixed together.
No. I think you're vastly underselling its benefit in that deck, especially considering it seems you're only thinking about the game in the long term. Board presence is important, and starving's weakness is the speed and resources it takes to get her beaters on the field. And again... it's a dragon that counters her biggest counter. False champion. Run false champions in your deck and hungry becomes a literal joke. She literally can't do anything. Mutual destruction also fucks with hungry decks so you can build against them. With the new dragon though, that weakness is largely mitigated.