It's one of the rare gems I replay once very couple updates even if I lose a save or an update screws them up for some reason. I have one small gripe with the game though, which is that both bartending and waitering minigame lack a risk mechanic making them a pretty repeatable and grindy experience once they get stale.
Catherine's goal is to make the customers as thirsty as possible to make them spend money, but there should be drawbacks for going overboard. For example during waitering she could lose shift time for getting "tied up" with customers forcing you to "keep your cool" initially, but allowing for a different...
income structure as her lewdness goes up. I'd very much enjoy, as a player, having to actually consider my options according to the tone of the game, having to balance income with how far I go with the customers, rather than just going ham on every lewd option available in the skills menu.
- Some random resource trade mechanics would spice the management side a little bit. For example during bartending Chuds, if provoked enough, could randomly grab Catherine from behind the counter for a a long kiss taking shift time, but decreasing fatigue. The way the games work now it's pretty much the same optimal combination between skill unlocks/lewd stages.
- Mood bar management above just maxing it out would also be a great addition. Even something simple like increasing base pay/tip for mood, but cutting the shift short and zapping the crowd if you go above whatever threshold Catherine is able to take at the stage of the game you're currently in (or ending up in a rowdy interaction when she's ready for it) with random events allowing it to slightly rise/fall on its own forcing you to actually pay attention to what you're doing. Things already included (like topless, flashing, lewd drinks) would work perfectly as mood increasers with rests/regular drinks/covering dem tiddies as cool-off skills.
- Catherine could also have her own heat bar forcing her to publicly masturbate (increasing mood significantly) or even, later in game, close early. Customer interactions could increase the bar forcing you to control it at times when, rather than for example getting petted by five cyborgs at the table, you want to make some rent money.
You know, more risk/reward and random factors in minigames making them more engaging and fun, but also keeping the option to go straight to business if you want to.
Anyway, great game!