It's almost perfect. Almost. The only thing I would like improved is more arts and lengthier scenes. I've spent an enitre evening playing this game, which felt great, since I don't remember the last time that happened. The slow (?) corruption was great, and so was the fact that the MC wasn't an absolute prude from the get-go. Side characters are... weird and the development takes weird turns at time (I though the game was gonna have different types of chums based on the first dialogues, but they all just mostly blended together soon enough. oh well.), but the game cycle is fun enough, at least if you adjust the corruption manually to hurry things along. The game is in development (and, in all fairness, may very well stay there forever, much like a lot of other projects), so the corruption cheat is a life saver.
So yeah, more arts, more scenes, more dialogues. Some people argue that gameplay is boring and repetitive, but, just to rephrase what some character says in the game, "It's best not to ruin a good thing." There are multiple project that tried to spice things up and that backfired in the worst ways. So maybe keep gameplay the same with minor changes.
Overall ATM: 8.5/10