Ren'Py Completed Suffer to Please [v1.3] [Dark Erotica Games]

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Trial Moderator
Aug 5, 2016


Follow the story of Julie, a charming young workaholic who is always trying her best to make others happy. Her search to understand herself better ends up placing her on a dark path, beyond anything she could have expected. But why is she starting to feel this is where she truly belongs? Is she losing her mind or finding her own twisted version of happiness?​

Thread Updated: 2024-10-16
Release Date: 2024-08-25
Developer: Dark Erotica Games -
Censored: No
Version: 1.3
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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Italian Translation*
*This port/version is unofficial and not released by the developer. Download at your own risk.

0-0.png 1-2d.png 2-3.png 4-3b.png 4-4.png
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Sep 13, 2020

Sounds grand but looks out-dated. Not ugly, but at this point one could at least do an AI brush up...

Games dedicated to these fetishes seem few, and often enough stop short of completion. Here's hoping the dev is more fortunate. Good luck!


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
I'm gonna need more than this "demo" to decide whether I like it. Also, fake option to "escape" is fake - if you bother to create such an option at all, the most "determined" version of it should SUCCEED, even if that means an ending. Just going "you submit? You fail!" / "You run and stop? You fail!" / "You run and never look back? YOU FAIL ANYWAY!" is not a particularly engaging gameplay.


Mar 3, 2024
An Demo, looks interesting. Graphics are....nothing special.
Story.....a women that has the secret desire to be an slave..and the secret organisation to help her to realize it.
And you have choices...choices that doesn't matter. Overall the demo is, well a demo and very short. Too short to make this game interesting.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2023
Does it have or is it going to have public nudity?

Personally, I love this style of 3DCG artwork btw.


Sep 27, 2017
I liked the story but the implementation was very average, not enough renders and they are very basic. The heroine's reaction to what is happening is not shown, little emotion is shown, it kept me from immersing myself in the story.
Bought the game to support the developer, but hopefully he will improve his games in the future.
P.S. But as I understand the developer is satisfied with the current quality of the visual component of the game and he is not going to improve this and does not consider it important, then this is a big disappointment for me.
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New Member
Jun 25, 2019
Games dedicated to these fetishes seem few, and often enough stop short of completion. Here's hoping the dev is more fortunate. Good luck!
Absolutely the way I feel and the reason I made it. I felt bdsm-like themes are underrepresented in games nowadays, even though there was a lot of that in the old VNs from the 90s. The general consensus seems to be they address too small an audience to be profitable so most creators stay away from those.

The game is already complete though. Just nobody has uploaded the full version yet. I will do it eventually even though it isn't a Patreon-funded game so there's less incentive to do so. It's a short, mostly kinetic VN that doesn't even try to compete with multi-year high-quality projects. So most of the criticism I see here is fair for the full game as much as it is for the demo. But at the same time that's how it was always going to be - I made the game that I want with the time and skill that I have.

fake option to "escape" is fake
Yeah, in earlier version of the game she actually could escape. But that's just a fail state as it contradicts the story's premise. The whole sequence is a bit of an inside joke on classic Japanese VNs where it was usual for several choices to lead to the protagonist dying or failing in some way, if their choices contradicted the author's intentions. You're probably right it angers way more people than it amuses but it just has nostalgic fun for me. It can always go back to "you escaped, so game ends and nothing happens, congrats!" kind of ending but I get the feeling that won't make people less angry. :) Core problems is that players are conditioned into trying to make the smart choice, while some stories aren't about smart choices.

Does it have or is it going to have public nudity?

Personally, I love this style of 3DCG artwork btw.
Thanks. For most of the rest of the story the heroine is naked and seen by others but it's not the usual kind of public nudity kink - she's in a slave training facility, and eventually in an auction, so her being nude is kind of the new normal, it's not something that has specil significance.
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Sep 13, 2020
I'm gonna need more than this "demo" to decide whether I like it. Also, fake option to "escape" is fake - if you bother to create such an option at all, the most "determined" version of it should SUCCEED, even if that means an ending. Just going "you submit? You fail!" / "You run and stop? You fail!" / "You run and never look back? YOU FAIL ANYWAY!" is not a particularly engaging gameplay.
it could be engaging, like a rabbit hole thing. but that's the challenge, keeping it creative, variying the options and adding scenarios.

I keep trying to remember that short lived one where you capture a chick and make her serve at bar or was there a gas station element? There's a lot of good abandoned stuff out there that could have been given more commitment..

A story from character exposition through capture and gradual acquiescence to obliteration, while presenting the regular challenges of writing reasonable transition and character development, is easy enough to maintain because the arc is clear and the events are distinguishible. Quickly arriving at the bondage point makes it difficult to come up with enough material for a longer game.

My haphazrd observation is that games with extended background build up, often with non-fetish paths, can actually sustain a bdsm or fetish route longer than a dedicated game, because after the fall you get to run back through the world/characters with the transformed MC/sub/dom and generate various new scenarios. (gggb, luna's fall from grace, and idk those blackmail stuff)

I also have the impression that femdom and sissification games have a better record of sustaining a long narrative after an early initiation. Probably a whole bunch of reasons for that (shattered, viscious circle, earn your freedom...). But yeah then again, there's infamous stuff that just fell off the map like estate dominate and domina school so what do I know..

Maybe delaying acquiescence and some point system for survival can lengthen the thing? (the wonderwoman game with difficult mechanics comes to mind, though it's in the corruptor's perspective there).

Absolutely the way I feel and the reason I made it. I felt bdsm-like themes are underrepresented in games nowadays, even though there was a lot of that in the old VNs from the 90s. The general consensus seems to be they address too small an audience to be profitable so most creators stay away from those.

The game is already complete though. Just nobody has uploaded the full version yet. I will do it eventually even though it isn't a Patreon-funded game so there's less incentive to do so. It's a short, mostly kinetic VN that doesn't even try to compete with multi-year high-quality projects. So most of the criticism I see here is fair for the full game as much as it is for the demo. But at the same time that's how it was always going to be - I made the game that I want with the time and skill that I have.
oh, then I'll be looking for the full version and be hoping you make another and another. Seriously if this is what you make by the way and just because I'd imagine a more serious project would be fantastic.

maybe first just revamp with newer age or ai-assisted renders???

Anyways, as is is still great. Thanks for sharing and repsonding.
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Aug 27, 2018
Скачал. Поиграл. Вполне неплохо. Много описания происходящего помимо диалогов. В некоторых играх только диалоги и почти нет описания. Сам делаю тоже с описанием происходящего.
Раз игра закончена то писать что поменять надо не особо наверное надо. Тогда это будет не совет, а просто размышление. Сделал перевод для того чтобы точнее понять игру.
Некоторые используют изображения статические по всей игре. Это неплохо. В этой игре тоже так, хоть и есть смена позы и тд. Но в некоторых моментах этого нету. Хотя можно было бы сделать хорошую картинку. Пример, когда она оказывается в багажнике. Просто описание того как она там оказалась, а после сцена в багажнике. Можно было сделать просто сцену на фоне пустой стены как он её ведёт. После сцену вид снизу как они смотрят вниз и персонажи на фоне неба. Так не надо на окружающую обстановку много тратить времени и для сюжета не лишние. Просто раз когда она в офисе сидит то много разных сцен то вероятно есть возможность сделать пару промежуточных сцен тоже.
Анимация простая. Возможно она даже не планировалась. Можно сделать было даже из трёх картинок. Так вполне простая но всё таки анимация. Картинка стандарт, картинка вперёд, картинка назад. После уже собрать анимацию из этих трёх. Картинка 1, 2, 1, 3 и повторение. Как с анимацией моргания. Та которая есть, может быть между изображениями попробовать не переход а паузу. Хотя возможно не с двумя изображениями не очень будет.
Сценарий. Может добавить побольше мыслей что думает главная героиня. Судя по комментариям рассказ коротенький но всё таки можно было не так быстро прийти к полноценному интиму. Сюжет вроде линейный, это значит что есть желание показать именно ту истории которая задумывалась, а при выборе можно что то упустить. Хотя можно просто что бы был небольшой выбор который не сильно отличался и приводил всё равно к одному финалу. Так и один сюжет и вроде какой то выбор.
Вроде всё. Раз игра готова то это не советы, а просто мысли.

Downloaded. Played. Not bad at all. Lots of description of what's going on in addition to dialogues. Some games have only dialogues and almost no description. I do the same with a description of what's going on.
Since the game is finished, then writing what needs to be changed is probably not really necessary. Then it will not be advice, but just a thought. I made the translation in order to understand the game more accurately.

Some use static images throughout the game. This is not bad. This game does the same, although there is a change in pose, etc. But in some moments this is not there. Although it would be possible to make a good picture. An example when she ends up in the trunk. Just a description of how she ended up there, and then a scene in the trunk. It was possible to make a simple scene against the background of an empty wall as he leads her. After the scene, a view from below as they look down and the characters against the background of the sky. So there is no need to spend a lot of time on the surrounding environment and they are not superfluous for the plot. It's just that since she is sitting in the office, there are many different scenes, then there is probably an opportunity to make a couple of intermediate scenes too.
The animation is simple. Perhaps it was not even planned. It was even possible to make it from three pictures. It is quite simple, but still animation. Standard picture, picture forward, picture back. Then assemble the animation from these three. Picture 1, 2, 1, 3 and repeat. As with the blinking animation. The one that is, maybe try not a transition but a pause between the images. Although perhaps not with two images will not be very good.
Scenario. Maybe add more thoughts about what the main character is thinking. Judging by the comments, the story is short, but still it was possible not to come to full intimacy so quickly. The plot seems to be linear, this means that there is a desire to show exactly the story that was conceived, and when choosing, something can be missed. Although it is possible to simply have a small choice that is not very different and still leads to the same ending. So one plot and some kind of choice.
I think that's all. Since the game is ready, these are not tips, but just thoughts.
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Jun 17, 2020
I'm having a deja-vu here of some abandoned game with the same setting (girl filling out online form, visiting, kidnapped...) can't remember the name though...


New Member
Jun 25, 2019
oh, then I'll be looking for the full version and be hoping you make another and another. Seriously if this is what you make by the way and just because I'd imagine a more serious project would be fantastic.
The next game will be much more about gameplay instead of being a pure VN. I want to create a trainer game that takes inspiration from the old Pinktea stuff like Slave Lord of the Galaxy and Together Again. It's unlikely I'll ever go for another visual upgrade that involves multiple enhancement stages - rendering images already takes too much time and if I go that rabbit hole I risk never having the time to complete anything.

Since the game is finished, then writing what needs to be changed is probably not really necessary. Then it will not be advice, but just a thought. I made the translation in order to understand the game more accurately.
Thanks, in fact your thoughts are very similar to mine, and part of my most recent lessons learned process:
- more dialogue, less narrative - I wrote this as if it was a book, where it's normal for the author to tell the reader what's happening and how the characters are feeling. Only recently I realized a VN is kind of in the middle between a book and a movie, so should be using more dialogue.
- more scene transitions - similar to the above, often a visual is better than an explanation. That scene you mentioned, where he puts her in the trunk - that was one of the scenes that I marked for potential improvement in the last update but ended up spending time on other scenes which needed it more.
- animations where characters move slightly is also something I recently learned and started applying. But I've tried pauses and I'm convinced the current transition is the best option. It usually moves when the player clicks which gives them control over the pacing of the action - instead of watching the animation the player is causing it, which I personally find better.

I'm having a deja-vu here of some abandoned game with the same setting (girl filling out online form, visiting, kidnapped...) can't remember the name though...
Maybe "Captured in the dark"? It wasn't abandoned, it was in fact completed when it was published here, but if this project is flawed that one had all these flaws x100. Since then it changed its name, got several reworks of the art, down to the concept of how it was made, and the details of the story changed considerably. "Suffer to please" is not so much an update as it is a remake of a remake of it. But some basic ideas remained the same.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Yeah, in earlier version of the game she actually could escape. But that's just a fail state as it contradicts the story's premise. The whole sequence is a bit of an inside joke on classic Japanese VNs where it was usual for several choices to lead to the protagonist dying or failing in some way, if their choices contradicted the author's intentions. You're probably right it angers way more people than it amuses but it just has nostalgic fun for me. It can always go back to "you escaped, so game ends and nothing happens, congrats!" kind of ending but I get the feeling that won't make people less angry. :) Core problems is that players are conditioned into trying to make the smart choice, while some stories aren't about smart choices.
Sure, triggering an ending is the most likely way to implement it. And yes, it would probably still not please everybody - however, at least for me, it would still make a major difference: even if the game ends, it does so as a consequence of a choice I made; well, what else did I expect to happen choosing to try to escape in a dungeon game...? There's nobody to blame but myself for the consequences, when they result in a reasonably predictable outcome.

On the other hand, when a game says "choose whatever you want, it will make no difference anyway" that game mocks me directly through the fake illusion of agency it appears to offer me while not actually offering any. It immediately removes any incentive to keep "playing" because none of what I do matters anyway - making the "game" not actually being a game, but just a glorified slideshow where the monkey is expected to click once in a while for no other reason that to move it all along...


Sep 13, 2020
The next game will be much more about gameplay instead of being a pure VN. I want to create a trainer game that takes inspiration from the old Pinktea stuff like Slave Lord of the Galaxy and Together Again. It's unlikely I'll ever go for another visual upgrade that involves multiple enhancement stages - rendering images already takes too much time and if I go that rabbit hole I risk never having the time to complete anything
Even better then! Looking forward to it.
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote