RPGM - Completed - Summer Memories Plus [v2.03 Deluxe Edition Unrated GOG] [DojinOtome/Kagura Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a bit puzzled what to think of this game. There are many stellar review of this game, painting it as one of the best game of this site...and I just don't see it.
    Gameplay is boring (mostly the minigames; god they are awful, especially because of the mouse only thing).
    Story is non-existent.
    Sex scenes are barely decent, but nothing to write home about. Yes, the pixel art is good. No, everything else about the scenes are awful. Dialogue is bad, pacing is bad, length is bad, control is bad, options are limited.
    Characters are flat and basically just repressed sluts who waited for the pitiful shota to ask them with pleading eyes "please, sex?" before quickly answering "yes, sex! Why not, anything for our shota!"
    If you are a shota fan (the especially young ones, like around 8 years old or so), then I can guess why you would like this, but otherwise I really don't see it.
    However, all of this aside, the "quality" is fairly high. Graphics are nice, UI is polished, you know that kind of stuff. Which is why 2 stars and not 1.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say this game was excellent. I haven't played in about a year or so and have played lots of games since so the details are fuzzy. But I do remember this being one of the best games I've played and when I saw it again after so long I felt I needed to do this game justice and leave a rating. Sadly I can't leave a detailed review right now due to the length of time since I last played it but the game is definitely replayable. Especially considering they have a DLC out for it now. So someday when I catch up on my queue of games to play I'll come back to this game and try it again. Doesn't get much better than this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Posting this as rating now, when I said this previously in a message.

    I’ve been a somewhat long time lurker by now here, silently appreciating a lot of stuff. Not this time. I spent about 6 hours like from 1 to 7:30 AM replaying this with the added DLC and making sure to get all the scenes and the perverted stat scenes as well.

    I can’t not talk about this.

    My dick will never be the same after that abuse.

    The whole premise and circumstances of the H in this game are so enticing by themselves, the strongest point is the perversity of the incestuous vacation, the lewdness alone of the characters in the face of endless, uncontrollable shota lust just dying to cream Big Tiddy Onee-sans and getting a “Mo... you’re incorregible. It can’t be helped” and proceeding to drown in the best dicking of their lives is just way too incredibly delivered in a pixel art package that is the turn-on of the century for me.

    All you need in an eroge to make it great, is showing the perversity of normal situations and how far you can take lust to twist them into kinky delicious content. Such as Boku getting “handled” by Rio when playing a video game being whispered naughty things.

    This follows another point which is the sorta “corruption” that goes on with the characters. I hesitate to call it fully corruption cause it def looks like the girls were lusty as fuck from the start ;) but there definitely is progression in the perversity of the events that is just delectable to see. Particularly erotic is Yui’s descent into fucktoy toilet status, YET IT’S STILL COMPLETELY VANILLA AND FULL OF LOVE. It’s just way too lewd for me to handle.

    Another game that nailed this aspect of vanilla super pervert situations is Do You Have Akira Points? And I love it dearly as well.

    All in all. I must express my even emotional investment into this masterpiece and its characters And share with y’all how I felt, I owe that to the corpse of my dick who dearly departed during the hours of this early morning hours.

    I love Rio-nee, and she’s the best girl.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite being a 2D game with pixelart, the actions, themes, plot are quite good and very well thought out.

    It has a lot of replay value and having tried the alpha version, I realize that winter memories will be an excellent sequel.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Its an RPGM, so you will immeditely have doubts, but worry not my horny friend! This one is a great VN with solid art and minimal grind. This one of the few games that made working the grind worth it or the obvious rewards. And the story and characters are pretty solid.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I came buckets. lots and lots of buckets where use to hold the never ending torrent of semen that expelled out of my mighty Fallis. A never river of male spunk was spilled across my desk ask I vigorously Jacked off numerous time till near blindness.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 951200

    this quickly became one of my favorites. 3 girls each with charming personalities + side characters. Lots of player input during the scenes. sexy dialog. Minigames that were actually fun and fast paced enough to not detract from the core draws.
    I do see some criticisms here and there, which, I hear yall. More activity from the other girls during 3sum/4sum, more of this or that fetish, the uncle doesnt have a model. They're sensible but come on, theres already so much here to explore. those are things that I'd rather see if a sequel if we could ever be so fortune to get one
    However, if I were forced to bring up flaws I'd consider to be more crucial, there are a couple. the timing on one of the minigames is slightly delayed which is pretty annoying. The mandatory minigames you do to advance the storylines are unskippable and tend to drag as the game goes on. I would have appreciated a mid-late game ability that flat out let you skip them entirely but eh, they take about a minute each so its whatever.
    Highly recommend. Feel free to message me if you know of any games similar to this one :)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Charming title with pleasant animation, 3 cute girls + extended cast, minigames, various scenes, and H opportunities depending on how you focus your run. Has new game +. Would recommend if you just want to relax with a quasi-slice of life game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    I like the art style and the music, and it's an interesting premise, but I couldn't keep doing the minigames. They're dull and repetitive and you need to do them over and over and over to progress with the girls. Eventually I just found myself wishing it was one of those schedule management games where you just say what you're doing to get the numbers to go up rather than playing out the accompanying repetitive task.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite a chill game, not so fucked up nor weird. Gotta say, MC (Player) is a peak shota, anyways it's all fun and games till' I review it.

    1. Not much activity with Family.
    - We can only do the conversation we had before, we can't go on a date, having fun together, etc. It's like the family is a shut-in.

    2. No Uncle character model.

    3. Homework.
    - yeah i kind of forget to do that, at first, the control was very annoying (it's easy to get used to but still)

    4. The fighting "Pokemon" didn't stop in the perfect time.
    - This is basically a "side-quest", so this didn't offend me much, but I always get low-attacks due to delays.

    Fun game, remarkable H-Game, so many scenes, I'm just disappointed that we can't fuck the shopkeeper with the family..
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Imma be honest, I really don't get the massive praise this game gets. The girls look alright enough, but the 3 of them all kind of have the same body (except ones tan ig) Shota stuff is definitely an acquired taste (that I don't have tbh) and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot you can do with the girls

    Also the way the game plays, if I'm understanding this right this is pretty much a mouse only game and I feel like that's a pretty big detriment to at least not give us the option to use a keyboard for some of the minigames (mainly the math one, I find the whole "hold mouse button to move a bar up to pick your answer dumb/ unintuitive) speaking of gameplay it's largely grinding out 3 minigames (not alot of grinding mind you, but that's still the meat of gameplay here)

    That leads to me another problem I have with this game that may sound dumb, lack of grinding. You get in the pants of these ladies fast and while that's probably a plus for some I like a little more time for my meat to cook so to speak. Also once you get in said pants they're immediately down to do anything so I was kind of lost on the importance of the lewd stats and what not if they just unlock all positions after an event .

    This isn't an awful game by any means, and I'm sure alot of people will find enjoyment with it (hell even I did for a bit), the other guy saying this is the best shota content imo deserves to be hung by his pinky toes tho cus MSQ exsist
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty lame visuals, all female characters are the same and very basic. Mini games have nothing to do with hentai itself even though it's a hentai game. Pretty tired of hentai games where is worthless gameplay doesn't have any correlation with a hentai.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best shota content you'll find. The variety of heroines is quite lacking, but there's a pretty good variety of full fledged scenes and other smaller animations. The gameplay is also some fun and easy schedule management Finally, the gallery mode has everything you need to replay scenes
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult sims I've ever played. I was avoiding this game for quite a long time due to the fact that the main character is a shota and overall it looked pretty unremarkable judging by the screenshots, but boy was I wrong in doing so.

    At the very least, now that I am finally aware of the game in its entirety so far into the future, the remaining time until the sequel's release won't feel quite as excruciating.

    I will not go into details. Just try it out. Go in as blind as you can. And if you'll like it and understand its charm and appeal as much as I did, I bet you'll be throwing your money at the devs about as fervently as I do right about now.

    But if you want a very quick spoiler-free summary, then there you go: the game might be not quite as impressive if we take it apart piece by piece(save for the OST, it's surprisingly decent), but in its wholesomeness, as every piece clicks together, it's an artistical masterpiece.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best RPG maker eroge I've ever played. From multiple sprite based sex animations to scaled (?) cg animations to static cgs, this game has it all. It's fairly unique for an RPG maker game, having a completely different HUD and gameplay loop. It's fundamentally a more interactive VN. The character designs and general art direction are nice, the dialogue is dynamic, and the scenario is hot. And for a cherry on top, they've got a free-play mode where you can interact and have sex with whomever you please. All you have to do is unlock an ending (even the bad one will do!) and you get access to it. Overall a solid 10 in my opinion.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent triumph in erotic games and a testament to what a porn game truly can be. I had so much fun playing this, more than I am comfortable saying. Even for the casual player don't worry about the "30" day time limit. It is inconsequential in the end as you can keep starting a new game at the end of the month cycle with all your progress carried over.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3408557

    One of the best h-games I've ever played. The gameplay never felt stale or boring at all, and there is awesome replay value. There is one loli character, but you can easily avoid her by not playing the card game the guys in the park were playing. I got roughly 20 hours out of it and I still come back to it from time to time out of nostalgia. 5/5 perfect game
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    The game was amazing. The gameplay was awesome. The animation was also good. It is as good as it can be. There are multiple endings as well as very attractive characters. Loved the game. Definitely loved the game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great work dude a lot of replayability. I prob did like three NG+'s trying to get everything. I thought there was some hidden skills I couldn't fine but never found them still kept me playing though. :)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice 2d game

    PROS: A lot of incest,some nice girls,lot things to do.....

    CONS: The mini games are boring and the age of the boy its little cringe how easy he gets the girls

    I hope they make a 3D Remake of this