I might be a little biased since I'm not really fond of NTR, but I think the problem is more that the initial pitch would have been the entire game if it didn't branch out. Like, where do you even expand the NTR towards if the initial premise is already a literal Adonis fucking the MC's childhood best-friends? You could introduce more women for Ram to fuck but given that they would also be people Percy just met there would barely be any element of "cheating" to it, and just flooding the game with more scenes between Ram and Fio/Espa would feel really filler-ish since it is not a story-heavy game and it doesn't have hardcore corruption progression since that would kill the light-hearted vibe of the game (which is what I feel the dev wanted for this game from the start).
I think this was the dev's first "longer" game, so I think they gained valuable experience (the setup for the new game seems much more adept to being expanded while still being mainly focused on NTR, assuming that's what most of the fanbase wants), but honestly I'm pretty satisfied with this game, it managed to integrate 3 vastly different routes (sissy, voyeur, sharing) with unique interactions and scenes for the entire cast and I don't really feel any of them were executed "poorly", maybe a bit short but that was always the nature of this game.
Maybe a game that is this thematically diverse sells worse (can't really speak since I haven't been keeping track of the subscriber stats) but it doesn't make for a worse game. I personally haven't been commenting on this thread because there's little criticism left to make, most suggestions were already made and the dev already laid out how the rest of the game is gonna be like and they have been delivering it consistently. I wouldn't really base interest on the game on the number of comments made in this forum though, even back then a lot of it was discussion about the tags and the nature of the content rather than the game itself (figure most of those people already moved on) and people complaining about subscribestar and begging for patch releases (which we now have people reliably leaking it).