While I do consider myself
extraordinarily lucky for having my husband, I think I'd be Bella in this situation lol. I mean we look almost identical save for the eyes(mines are ice blue... think Jill from BADIK). In fact, I don't think I've ever met someone with Bella's eye color. I mean, I'm still young, but I've traveled a lot(pre-covid) and I've never met someone with such piercing eyes. But then again, she
is fictional. It's quite scary actually, how much I and this fictional character look alike. And that's not even getting into how similar our personalities are(aside from some of her obvious mental issues).
Wow, I talk a lot lol. Looks aside, words cannot express how fortunate I am to have met him, and how much he means to me. But that's very off-topic lol. Thanks all the same(to you and everyone else)