Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

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May 8, 2021
Roxxy: Rachel? Rachel, where are you? Rachel! There you are. Are you okay?

Rachel: Hey mom....what are you doing here?

Roxxy: ....What do you mean? You called me. You told me you needed a emergency ride.

Rachel: Did I? Woah....Way to go past me.

Roxxy: Rachel are you okay?

Rachel: I'm doing fantastic. Great. I got like, no worries right now.

Roxxy: Oh my god. Rachel, are you high?

Rachel: Higher than a Kite, Mom.

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Roxxy: So I'm just here to be your Sober driver?

Rachel: Could we go get curly fries? I have a hankering for them.

Roxxy: Rachel, why aren't you in class?

Rachel: I skipped. *Woah....Look at those boobs*

Roxxy: You skipped class to go get high in the woods?!

Rachel: I didn't start in the woods. Just ended up here. *They're soooo big*

Roxxy: Rachel what are you doing with your life? College is expensive and instead of going to class, you're getting high in the middle of nowhere. Do we need to talk about future? I don't want to pressure you into any specific direction, but you need to be honest with us about what you want to do instead of going behind our backs and throwing money away skipping classes.

Rachel: Boing, boing.

Roxxy: Rachel, are you listening to me?

Rachel: They're so BIG!

Roxxy: What?

Rachel: I want to drink from them.

Roxxy: ....
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Three Minutes Later

Roxxy: How do I keep ending up in these situations??

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Anon: That's Weird. The kids aren't supposed to be out of school Yet.

Anon: Who taught you that language.

Ryan: Mom did.

Anon: Fair enough...You're not supposed to be home this early, are you?

Ryan: I could say the same for you...They let us out early due to a Fire alarmed being tripped. Caused Bunch of water damage.

Anon: Yeah, I should of figured....Rough day?

Ryan: The worst. I tried to Ask out Kya today, only to have blown my chance this morning and for Trevon to steal my thunder....And then of course the stupid fire alarm had to go off.

Anon: Oof...been there. You'll be okay, Ryan. Just don't give up on this girl and be a good guy around her. She'll see your worth...So where's your Mom and Sister?

Ryan:...Wait, they're not home yet?

Anon:...I don't know, I was asking you.

Ryan:...Should we be nervous?

Anon: Maybe they went shopping. They can have their Girl's night, we can have our Boy's night.


Roxxy: This is some good shit sweetie.

Rachel: The Weed or the porn?

Roxxy: Yes.

Last edited:
May 8, 2021
Where Were you?: Long Story short, I got burnt out. Needed some weeks to recover, plus I have my normal life I still need to take care of.

That was a long time: Yes it was. But I needed to recover. *Hides my Skyrim Special Edition*

Do you plan to continue this Series?: Yes, but I think I want to be a bit more strategic with this, getting that mix of that SAUCE everyone wants VS the story I want to tell. Don't want to do this forever.

When's the next post?: I think I'm going to pace myself better this time around and just do one new story a week.

In which case, I'll see you guys next week.
Mar 13, 2023
Where Were you?: Long Story short, I got burnt out. Needed some weeks to recover, plus I have my normal life I still need to take care of.

That was a long time: Yes it was. But I needed to recover. *Hides my Skyrim Special Edition*

Do you plan to continue this Series?: Yes, but I think I want to be a bit more strategic with this, getting that mix of that SAUCE everyone wants VS the story I want to tell. Don't want to do this forever.

When's the next post?: I think I'm going to pace myself better this time around and just do one new story a week.

In which case, I'll see you guys next week.
If you don't make time for you, you can't "put out "(HA HAAAA , I SAID PUT OUT ) proper work that will meet your standards , I appreciate your story and the hard work you put into your fantastic spin off :love: :love: :love: :WeSmart::WeSmart::WeSmart:
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote