Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

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May 3, 2024
Eve Fanfiction 2- Shoutout to KIBAAKE! Thanks for the inspiration!
It was Saturday, and MC was meant to spend all weekend with Eve (clothing optional); as he stepped into the apartment, Grace stopped him. "Hey, MC, Eve's in the shower." "I'll just help scrub her back," he thought. Grace was nervous about something. "We need to talk about what happened between you and me that night. It was wrong, and I was stupid for doing it, but I just needed someone to talk to and listen to, and you were just so sweet and understanding that I let my weakness take control. It can never happen again." MC nodded. " I agree. I should have never done either, but I let my dick take over. I'm sorry". "WHAT THE FUCK!" Eve had come out of her room with a towel wrapped around her, her hair still a little wet. "I can explain Eve," Grace pleaded with her. "No, I understand perfectly." Tears streaming down her face, she entered her room, slammed and locked the door. "What have I done?" a shocked Grace sat on the mattress. Mc tried to console both but made matters worse, so he left. Eve didn't show up at school all week or at the park. She didn't answer his phone calls either. He ran into Tuuku at the park doing a drug deal with Tyrone. And gave him the rundown on events. Grace was a zombie at work; she didn't even give Odette much attention. Eve barely comes out of her room, and when she does, her eyes are red, and she wants to be alone. "This is all my fault," MC sighed. "Grace and Eve are like sisters to me; this is worse than any fight I have ever seen them have," Tukku said. "I gotta make this right." MC's determined gaze fell on Tukku. "Let's talk to Odette. Maybe she's got a plan," he suggested. They came to SugarTats with MC, who was staying outside. "Hey there, big fella," Odette greeted. "You messed this up BIG," she huffed. "I understand why you did it, and I'm not mad. I'm trying to be what she wants, but I'm just not there yet; you big fella have something more than just a great dick. I'm not even getting laid anymore. She needs someone to talk to, and that isn't me or Eve, and you fill that role. I see no harm in what you did, but you should have thought things through or at least let me watch". "Ok, how do we fix this?" MC inquired. Odette laid out her plan. She and Tukku would try and soften things with Grace and Eve as much as they could; when the moment was right, she would call MC, and he would come over with a massive order of Chinese from the place near the Rodgers's former home, and they would talk it out once and for all. Four weeks passed, and Eve returned to school but was more reclusive than ever. He finally got the call on Friday, and everything was set up. With a bit of help from Tukku, he got everything all setup. Tukku wished him luck and took his leave. When the trio makes it upstairs, they saw MC and tried to run, but Odette holds them firm. They had been set up. "We are going to talk about this one or another." And she sat them down. No one moved or talked, so Odette did. She explained that MC gives Grace what she can't yet and that she suspects Grace has feelings for MC after talking to her about what happened that night. A stunned Eve asks if it's true. "I don't know, I love Odette, but I feel a connection with MC," Grace quietly says. MC says he loves Eve but also feels some connection with Grace. Eve is torn. "I need to think about this," and she goes to her room. "Just give her time," Odette sighed. They ate the meal silently, saving Eve's favorites. 2 weeks passed, and Eve finally talked to MC. She has forgiven him and her sister for what happened. He has also permitted him to be with Grace and Odette occasionally. As her spirits rose, so did her confidence, and she started to wear more girly things and got a lot of attention, so much so that when prom came, she and MC were crowned king and queen. After graduation, she would become a comic book artist, MC, a famous painter, and a small-time investor. They eventually married and had two kids, Evan and Emily. Grace and Odette's business would become nationally known and be booked year-round. They would tie the knot after MC and Eve. During one of their nightly sexcapades, both Grace and Odette got pregnant. Their children were named Odessa and Gary.
May 3, 2024
Eve Fanfiction 2
MC was lying in Eve's bed, recovering from round 2, staring at the ceiling. Eve was in the bathroom, her angelic voice reverberating around the bedroom. "She could be famous one day," he thought. She came out wrapped in a towel, steam billowing from behind her, her hair still damp. MC looked at her and smiled. "What"? she inquired. "How did I get so lucky?" he said. "Stop that." She looked down and blushed, a smile on her lips. "I'm serious. You are are smart, beautiful, talented, and can sing," he praised. "I'm not that good," she rolled her eyes. "Yes, you are! Did you not hear the people cheering at the talent show?" MC asked. "They were just glad to be almost out of there," Eve stated. "We should form a band: you, me, and Kevin. We could be famous." "You think so? she asked. "We can ask Ms. Dewitt on Monday," he proposed. "Ok, ok, now leave. I have things to do," she ordered. "Can I get a quickie?" MC said hopefully. "No, you prev, now go," she laughed. "Alright," and pulled her in for a deep kiss and left. On Monday, they met with Ms. Dewiit about forming a band. She thought it was an excellent idea. "You guys did well in the talent show. I can see you going far in the music industry." Dewitt encouraged. "If you believe in me, MC, I will do it! Eve happily exclaimed. "Now, all we have to do is convince Kevin." "Hey Kevin, want to join a band?" MC asked. "No way, and give up these gains" he flexed his buttocks. "Come on, with Eve's singing, me on the flute, and you shredding the guitar, we will be like now band out there," MC kept pushing. "Sorry, MC, good luck finding a bandmate. I gotta go to the gym, bye". And left. "I'm not giving up." MC also went to the gym. It was there he bumped into Ricky. They talked, and MC wondered if he could flirt with Kevin to get him to join the band. "Well, I like musicians. No problem, amigo," Ricky winked. The next day, Kevin told MC and Eve he would join. For the remainder of the school year, they practiced with Ms. Dewitt to fine-tune their sounds and sharpen their skills. After graduation, Eve moved in with MC at the beach house (much to Consuela's disappointment), and between full-time jobs, they all worked gigs where they could. They played small shows at the bowling alley, park, or beach. As they became more recognizable, they got bigger venues like the Rusty Angus and a few halftime shows at their former school, and they started opening for other bands. After that, they got booked for a show at the Summerville arena. After that, their fame exploded, and they toured throughout the US, selling out shows. And then doing world tours, and even getting quite a few stalkers. By the end, they had cemented themselves as a legendary band, unlike anything that had ever come. Eve and MC would tie the knot and have one child.
May 3, 2024
Michael: Okay Ma, Pa, I'm heading off with the Cummings Order.

Tony: Drive Safe Kiddo!

Maria: Don't forget a Jacket!

Michael: Ma, it's 85 degrees out, I'll be fine!

*Michael walks out of the Restaurant. Holstering the Pizza Warmer Backpack he wears for larger orders like this one, he heads to the Motorcyle he keeps parked on the side. He saddles onto his bike, and get out his key, when he looks out to his Left, randomly, and sees something that catches his eye.*

Michael: What the? *He immediately puts his key away, as he focuses his eyes.

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Down an alley across the street from the Pizza shop, Michael can see the silhouette of three figures. One of them is a Woman, and two Men, one of them being huge in figure. They look to be around his age, and it's clear from the woman's demeanor that she is being surrounded. Summerville isn't known for having a big crime problem. Minus the occasional drug deal, most people mind their own business. But something tells Michael that something horrible is going down.

Michael: Oh fuck....Oh fuck that doesn't look Good.....

*Michael then Runs back into the store.*

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Nikita: Where do you think you are going girly?

Matilda: I...I...I'm just going to see my Mom at the hospital, I'll be leaving soon.

Nikita: You seemed to not realize something. You are in our Turf. People don't just cross our turf without our permission. *He plays with his knife in his hands* Isn't that right, Meat?

Meat: Yeah, our Turf.

*Nikita Chernyshevsky had always been a troubled kid. Being the only child of the Vodka distiller tycoon Nadya Chernyshevsky, he was spoiled rich kid. He was given everything he ever wanted with no question, well everything but one thing he wanted most as a child, a father figure. Nadya never said much to Nikita about his father, other than that he was the one who had overthrew his Grandfather Raznikov or "Raz", and as she would say when drunk, "was a fool" to not accept her offer. Maybe that guilt that Nadya had where she couldn't give him a father figure he wanted so bad was why she spoiled him. She tried her best to raise him, and even taught him how to be ruthless in business. Nadya was clean and legitimate in her Vodka business, but her ruthless upbringing in organized crime gave her a competitive edge against all her competitors. Nikita however ignored his mother's lessons, for as he grew older, he resented his mother, as he thought she was the reason he never knew his father....but he found a father figure in the memory of his grandfather, Raz. It was idealized version of him, fictional even, but he saw himself in his Grandfather, and wanted to be like that figure of power and influence he heard in all the stories of him. Although if there was one thing Nikita did learn from his Mother, it was using her lessons on being ruthless to his personality. That ruthlessness was how he met and gained the Respect of Meat, a Kid who was not the brightest, and trouble always found him due to his size and physique. They met in Juvie, and soon enough started a partnership out of respect of the other's power and ruthlessness.*

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Matilda: I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I just wanted to see her, she works late shifts.

Meat: Sorry Ain't good enough.

Nikita: Oh, I believe you that it won't happen again. But that's because everyone must learn why you don't cross me....Give me your Money, or I slice you, Pig.

Matilda: I...I...I don't have money on me....

Meat: then give us that Cross!

Matilda: But....but...this was a gift from my grandparents!

Nikita: Meat, it's a Cross, It's a cheap knickknack that isn't worth more than $5. It's not worth it....But tell you what Girly....You will be paying us one way or another. *He says predatorily, looking down towards her chest* take off the shirt.

Matilda: What?...No, there's got to be something else I can give you...If you give me some time, I can go to my grandparents and give you some money.

Nikita: That wasn't a fucking request you big titted whore!

*Nikita Grabs her by the Shirt and Meat grabs her too, as Nikita takes his blade and slices down the front of her shirt, tearing it to shreds as her breasts fly out.*

Matilda: No Please! Have Mercy! JESUS! MARY! GOD! MOM! ANYONE! *Matilda Cries in fear, her eyes tearing up as she feels her life flash before her eyes, being taken advantage of. She can only wonder how someone can be so cruel to take away her humanity and treat her simply as nothing but a object to be abused*

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A Bright Light Flashes as All three of them get blinded. Matilda still crying as she covers her fully exposed breasts, while Nikita and Meat try to shield their eyes.

Nikita: OW! Who the Fuck?!

Meat: Turn off that Light Asshole!

Nikita: If you like Breathing, then you should turn around and act like you didn't see anything.

*The person who caused the light simply gets off the Motorcycle, keeping the Lights on*

Michael: Step away from the Girl.

Nikita: Don't be an idiot trying to be Superman here, Kid.

Michael: Well she's under my Protection.

Nikita: Oh yeah? What protection you got, you Greased up Goombah?

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Michael: The Legal Offices of Salieri And Browning.

*Michael Racks the Shotgun*

Michael: You might of heard of my Partner.

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(So much custom painting in this one. Shout out to Joaka Draws for some of his art helped me with blocking out some of mine in this comic.)
This is getting interesting! Nikita Chernyshevsky is MC and Nadya's son. Nice job. And why do I get the feeling that Meat is the son of Dexter? Who is the mom then?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
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Flux Dev LoRA


Use with Forge webui:

This is trained on an incomplete dataset as a test of flux's capacities. I'd say that this lora is undertrained, but started picking the style. Evidently, Flux isn't trained on NSFW content, and this being a small lora, it can't output genitals. You definitely can't use this in the way you use Pony. The nipples started to get a bit better toward the end of the training, though, so it learns.

The lora only has Debbie, Jenny and Anon. They can be prompted in the Collyn style, like STSDebbie, STSJenny and STSAnon. The prompt requires natural language.

Flux is much more intelligent than SDXL. It can create more complexity and is more coherent.

For now though, the dataset needs to be expanded and refined before more work is done.

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5.00 star(s) 1 Vote