Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

4.00 star(s) 3 Votes
May 3, 2024
Hello everyone!

I'm here to say goodbye to you all, after almost a year and a half of regular activity here on the F95Zone threads, I have to be away for a possibly very long period, for health reasons.
I'll see if I'll be back here again, in half a year or even in a year.

I enjoyed posting fan art, originally from other different external sites, and seeing original creations from very talented creators present here, in this thread.

Coincidentally, the day I "retire" from here is the day phoenixman123 returns. Welcome back again mate.

Health and prosperity is what I wish for all of you, and until next time, if I return, of course.
Best Regards from this humble Black Cat.

For my last posting image i choose one Wardonn image here, with my fav character, MISSY, flashing the boobs. ; )

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Sorry to see you go.
May 3, 2024
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Pussywillow Fanfiction, Part 3. Justhavingalook and Scorpiov took the pictures. Thank you to Kibakke for the inspiration.
She went to take a step and fell on her face. "This is harder than it looks". Through sheer determination, she learned to walk. Now, to get the door open. She pulled on it, but it wouldn't budge. "You open for master, why not me!" she screamed at the door. "Hello? Is somebody in there?" Debbie called from the hallway. Pussywillow transformed just in time for Debbie to come in the door. Not finding anything, she chalked it up to her imagination. Pussywillow tried to rush out the door before it was closed, but it was too late. "Dam it!" She cursed under her breath. She tried the window and couldn't figure out how to open it. (Why are fingers so tricky!) Sadly, she transformed back and gave up, waiting for MC to come back. When he did, she bound up to him and began licking him while changing into her anthropomorphic form. "I missed you! I tried to follow, but I couldn't open the door or window". She looked up at him with her tail vibrating. "Why were you trying to follow me?" He stroked her head and rubbed her chin. "Now that I can walk and talk, I want to be with you." She rubbed her cheek against his chest and purred. "Well, you can't go out naked like that," MC pointed out. "Oh right, you humans need a cloth to cover yourselves with because you have no fur to keep yourselves warm." She smiled and noticed the bulge in his pants. "Master, does it hurt?" as she looked closer. MC looked down and tried to cover it up. "Uhh, no, it's just what happens when a man sees a pretty girl." "You think I'm pretty?" And pressed more against him. But MC stopped her. "Stop, we can't do this". "Why?" She pouted. "Because you're my pet, which would be weird." He said. "But I have seen you naked and with Jenny and Debbie numerous times. I'm sure I can do it just as good," she pressed. "That's not the point," he waved his hand. "So you don't love me." Her ears and tail drooped. "No, I do love you, just in a different way." He hugged her. "Tell you what, tomorrow we will go clothes shopping, and I will even bring you to Diane's. I know how much you love her milk". She perked up. "And I would also like to check out that odd smell that comes off you sometimes. It smells like a cow but not quite". She said, smiling. "That's Daisy; I think you two will become good friends." He said. "Ok, tomorrow it is, but first, teach me how to open this door and window." She asked. The next day, they went shopping; she had MC's shirt, shorts, and a hat to cover her ears. She also had to tuck her tail around herself to hide it. She drew a lot of stares from the mallgoers for her beauty and outlandish behavior. But they got their clothes and headed towards Diane's.
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May 3, 2024
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Pussywillow Part 4 Cont. from Pussywillow Part 3. Justhavingalook and Sorpiov did the pictures. Thank you to Kibakke for the inspiration.
MC and Pussywillow had arrived at the barn to see Daisy at the milking machines. Daisy greeted MC with a smile. "Hey MC, who is that?" "Daisy, this is Pussywillow," MC introduced. "Your cat? how did.." But before she had time to finish, Pussywillow approached Daisy and sniffed her. "Wha...What is she doing?" Daisy put her hands up and tried to lean away. "So your the smell on master. The one that is cow but not." Pussywillow smiled. "I'm not a cow; I'm Daisy!" Daisy protested. Pussywillow sniffed around Daisy's teat. "Milk!" She exclaimed and began licking it with a rough cat tongue. Daisy giggled, "St.. stop that tickles." Pussywillow kept on, though, and was purring with such contentment that her tail came out of her clothes and began swishing. " have a tail like me," Daisy showed Pussywillow hers. "And that's not all." Pussywillow took off her hat to reveal her ears. "So pretty. Can I touch them?" Daisy asked. "Of course," Pussywillow offered them to her. After that day, those two became inseparable. Pussywillow would come over every day to play with Daisy, and considering that Daisy was always naked, Pussywillow didn't need to worry about clothes. They would talk about their past lives and how much better they were now. Then, the subject of MC comes up, and Pussywillow can't help but tell Daisy about her love for MC. Daisy felt the same. "He is such a kind person, and his weasel is much better than Misters," she said. "Weasel?" Pussywillow asked. "That long thing between his legs. At first, I was scared of it. But Diane assured me I had nothing to fear, and she was right," Daisy said with a smile. "You laid with my master?!" Anger/jealousy tinged her voice. He was her territory, after all. "Yeah, after all that he did for me, I wanted to do something good for him," Daisy said. Pussywillow calmed down when she heard that. Of course, she had a rough life with her former master, and Pussywillow's master had shown her nothing but kindness. It's only fitting that Daisy would fall for him, just like Pussywillow did. "I'm trying to do the same thing, but he sees me as nothing more than his pet. I don't know if he will ever love me". Tears started to flow. Daisy comforted her and told her she would talk to MC. True to her word, she did. "Are you sure you want this." He asked. "More than anything," Pussywillow said, eyes sparkling. They were in his room, and everyone was away, so they wouldn't be disturbed. MC took off his clothes, and she took hers off. She began to lick his dick with that tongue of hers while he finger blasted her. Just as he was ready to pop, she stopped and got on all fours. "I'm ready for you," she looked back hungrily. MC didn't hesitate as he plunged into her. After sex, they lay beside each other, with her nuzzling his chest. "There is no going back after this," He thought out loud. But he had no regrets as he stroked her head. "I never want to go back," she said. "Just wait until mating season." She looked up at him. "What?" He looked at her. "Mating season! It's when female cats can have babies; I crave sex SO MANY TIMES a day when I'm in heat." She licked his cheek. "I love you, MC," And fell asleep purring like an engine making small biscuits on his ribs. What have I done, he thought.
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Jul 6, 2021
Been awhile, huh? I'm back and posting Summertime Saga content all day every friday! If you have a request please message me here:

Please enjoy some Roxxy, Judith, and Eve goodness!
Roxxy Image Set Link:

Judith Image Set Link:

Eve Image Set Link:


Feb 10, 2019
Been awhile, huh? I'm back and posting Summertime Saga content all day every friday! If you have a request please message me here:

Please enjoy some Roxxy, Judith, and Eve goodness!
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Roxxy Image Set Link:

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Judith Image Set Link:

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Eve Image Set Link:
The OG goat returns
May 8, 2021
Anon: Well...the Last of the Suitcase money....feels like an End of an Era.

Rachel: Yeah, Yeah, blah blah, back in my day this money helped pay off all my debts, blah. Seriously get on with it.

Anon: What's with the attitude all of a sudden...wait are you two high?

Rachel: Yeah.

Astrid: We needed a smoke break.

Anon: Why did you do it outside of a Police station? Do you know how irresponsible that is?

Rachel: Says the man who hid my Sister from us.

Astrid: I knew You had another family, but you could of at least told me that literally My sister was in the same graduating class as me.


Rachel: Does Mom even know about Astrid.

Anon:....I mean not about Astrid...

Rachel: DAD!...wait, why do I feel there is a "but" in that sentence.

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*It was at that moment that Ryan and Crystal enter into the Police station, as they slowly approach the group.*

Ryan: Hey woman says she's my Grandma?

*Both Anon and Rachel eyes widen a bit as they see a uncharacteristically nervous Crystal*

Anon: Crystal?

Rachel: Mee Maw?

Crystal: Wow...Rachel I haven't seen you since you were a toddler. You look so much like your Mother.

Ryan: So I'm guessing that she was telling the truth.

Anon: Yeah she is. Ryan this is your Grandma Crystal.

*Astrid leans over to Rachel*

Astrid: So is this...?

Rachel: My Mom's Mom, so you're not related.

Astrid: Got it.

Ryan: Why didn't you guys tell me that my Grandma was still alive?

Rachel:....wait, Mom told you she was dead?

Ryan: YOU KNEW?!

Rachel: Of course I did. My earliest memories were going over to Mee Maw's Trailer when Mom was out. You never asked me about her so I never said anything.

Anon: Telling you Crystal was dead wasn't my Idea, nor did I ever say it outright...but, your Mom thought it was best to tell you that, and I was supporting her by just...not contradicting her.

Crystal: Look, I get it....I really fucked up last time. A lot has happened to me over these last 18 years, and I realize I'm a fuck up, but I just want to at least try to do what's right once in my life. I want to help get Roxxy out.

Anon: How'd you know that?

Crystal: I was here before you were paying parking tickets and overheard. Look I think I might have something that can help.

Anon: Is it another $800 in cash.

Crystal: Trust me...It's better than that.

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Dexter: Well Well, Pipsqueak. I hope you have enough money to pay it off. Remember No credit cards, the machine is down.

Crystal: When, I was here an hour ago and it wasn't down then.

Dexter: it's out now.

Crystal: Why?

Dexter: The less questions you ask the better. Now you got that $1.2K, Cummings?

Anon: Can we try to negotiate. I only have $400 in cash I can spare you right now, but we can just pay the rest later.

Dexter: Sorry Cummings, no Cash, no Bail.

Crystal: No that $400 will be plenty.

Dexter: Oh yeah, and why is that?

Crystal: Because I have this. *She says laying down a Manilla envelope with the cash infront of Dexter.*

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*Dexter smugly open the Manilla folder, and glances at the contents inside only to have his face become paler, as his smug demeanor quickly disapates.*

Crystal: You take that money and this evidence stays burned and burried.

*Dexter looks back at them clearly disturbed by the folder*

Dexter: Um....the Bail can easily be paid with $400.

Crystal: And the Credit card machine?

*Dexter looks at Crystal, as he slowly leans to the side, as the sound of something being plugged into a outlet can be heard through the wall separating the two*

Dexter: Looks like the Credit card machine is back up. You can do cash or Credit.

Anon: Credit. Save that $400 for a rainy day.

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*As Anon and Crystal come back to the Kids, they smile at their victory*

Crystal: And that is how you successfully take on the Law.

Anon: I'm impressed Crystal.

Ryan: What was that you gave the officer?

Crystal: Word of the wise kid, it never hurts to have a collection of Blackmail on any cop, especially the dirty ones. I took on the pigs enough times to know to come prepared. Only sucky part is having to collect new blackmail to replace it, but knowing Dexter, that won't take too long.

Rachel: Wow, Mee Maw...I'm kind of surprised how...Anti-Cop you are.

Crystal: Kiddo, No REAL redneck supports the Police. You think my Great Grandfather Jebidiah Belle during prohibition smuggled Whiskey and Moonshine across the county Border because he loved the police so much?

Ryan: We have a Bootlegger in our family Tree? SWEET!

Astrid: I mean that makes sense. The Police enforce the Government's monopoly on violence. Rednecks have had a long history of illegal distilling and modifying cars to outrun the cops who over policed those communities. Makes sense there is solidarity amongst those against the enforcement arm of the state.

*There is a silence between everyone after Astrid said that, before Crystal speaks up*

Crystal: Who are you kid?

Astrid: Um, Ash...I'm Rachel's friend, but apparently half sister too.

Crystal: I don't know even half of what you said, but I like your moxie, kid. If you need a third Grandma, consider me your honorary adopted one.

*Astrid smiles as she feels proud of herself*

Astrid: Um....Thanks.

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Ryan: So let me get this straight. You're our sister?

Rachel: Half-sister. We all share the same Dad.

Ryan: So, who's your Mom?

Astrid: *sigh* Ann Livingstone.

Ryan: Who is that?

Rachel: The Mayor, stupid.

Ryan: Oh, Mayor Ann....Yeah I can understand why. *Ryan says with a half smirk*

Rachel: What does that mean?

Ryan: I mean....She's got Nice Tits, I can see why Dad would hit it and quit it.

Rachel: RYAN!

Astrid: No, he's got a point.

Rachel:...Ash, this is your mother we are talking about.

Astrid: Yeah, it's my mother. She's a Manipulative, power hungry sociopath with no empathy, a propensity to lie to everyone, including her followers, if it benefits her, actively goes out of her way to harm people she doesn't like, even if it's just people who look or act different than her, and has literally convinced the entire religious community that I was a divine birth. She's basically a Cult leader...and she has Nice Tits. As a someone who also has Nice tits, Game recognizes game, and it makes perfect sense why Dad hit it and quit it, because who you find sexy isn't who you would want to be in a relationship with.

Ryan: See, and you were getting mad at me for that.

Rachel:...I mean I guess....still feels weird to say that about your Mom and our Dad....Man that's going to take some getting used to saying.

Astrid: Same. I went from blissfully ignoreant to learning I have a Sister and younger Brother. Well I guess if it was anyone who was going to be my sister, I'm glad it was you.

Rachel: Daw, Ash, you're going to make me cry. *Rachel hugs Astrid*


Ryan: Wait a minute...that means my first handjob was from my Half-Sister? That makes it so less cool.

*Rachel's eyes widen*

Astrid: You little shit, you were supposed to keep that quiet!


Astrid: I didn't know at the time. It was 2 years ago at the cast party. Neither of us were sober enough to drive home, so you called your brother. You passed out in the back seat, so I just gave him a small handy as a thank you.

Rachel: Jesus Christ on a Bicycle we are all going to hell.

Ryan:...We don't believe in hell though.

Rachel: Shut Up, Ryan.

Yumi: Okay Roxxy, Bail has been paid. You're free to go.

Roxxy: Thank God. If I see Dexter again I'm kicking him in the nuts.

Anon: Hey Roxxy, you okay?

Roxxy: Yeah, really angry at Dexter. I swear nothing could make this day even wor.......Why is she here.
*Roxxy says noticing Crystal behind Anon as Yumi unlocks the door.*

Anon: Crystal actually helped us with your bail.

Roxxy:....Put me back in, I can wait it out a few days.

Crystal: Roxxy I know why your mad. If you never want to speak with me again, I understand, I just wanted to help where I could.

*Roxxy looks unsure about herself*

Anon: I'll support any decision you make Roxxy, but we should at least hear her out.

Roxxy: You have one minute.


Crystal: Look, I don't blame you for cutting me out when you did. I was a mess, and endangered the family because of my bad habits. I was a shitty mother and grandmother.

Roxxy: Well, glad it took you 38 years to finally admit to being a bad Mother. Doesn't really make up for all those years you put me through, or that you Over dosed when babysitting.

Crystal: I know. I was in a bad place, and after you cut me off, it only got worse.

Roxxy: And putting Mira through all the stuff you did to me too, huh?

Crystal:....Actually Mira doesn't live with me anymore.

Roxxy: Glad she got out.

Crystal: No Roxxy...she's been living with another family for 18 years now.


Crystal: You saw what happened. I overdosed while babysitting all of them. The State would of taken her away from me and she'd be in foster system. The only good decision I made in that time between my first and second overdose was that I gave Mira to a home where she could be loved and cared for.

Roxxy:...I didn't know...wait second overdose?

Crystal: Happened 5 years ago. I was clinically dead for 2 minutes before I was brought back. After that I tried to actually put my life together...I've been clean for 4 years now. Don't even smoke or drink anymore.

Roxxy: I guess Congrats.

Crystal: Look, I know I wasn't great. And it took me way too long to realize that. Even if this is the last time we speak, I'd just want it to be something positive rather than how we left last time.

Roxxy:....*sigh* I...I don't know if I can forgive you for your actions, but I'm at least willing to try since it seems like you're actually trying this time.

Crystal: Thanks Roxxy.

Roxxy: Let's go home Anon. I need no more emotional rollercoasters today.

Anon: Um....yeah about that.


*Rachel Rushes up to Anon, Roxxy and Crystal once they get close*

Rachel: Mom, did you know Dad had a secret daughter with the Mayor! *She says with spite.*

Anon: Thanks for not throwing me under the bus, Rachel. *Anon sarcastically remarks*

Astrid: Um...hi. I'm Ash...and I guess you're my Step-mom?

*Roxxy Looks blankly at the situation before looking over to Anon*

Roxxy: Oh, did he now?

Anon: Look I can explain...

Roxxy: Oh what? That you knocked up Tattle Tale Annie and didn't tell me? I always knew that "virgin birth" story was bullshit, but now that I think about it, makes a lot more sense considering timing. You have anything to say for yourself?


Anon: I's got Nice Tits.

Roxxy:.....*Sigh* Fair. She does.

*Rachel is absolutely flabbergasted by how that was an acceptable answer to her mother*

Ryan: Told you!

Rachel: Shut up, Ryan!

Anon: Granted, yours are way better than hers.

Roxxy: You're only stating the obvious because you are in the doghouse.

Rachel: I'm sorry Mom, but how is that an acceptable excuse?

Roxxy: Rachel, your Father and I didn't get married until you were almost 3 years old. What he did before we became official doesn't really bother me more than him hiding it from me.

Anon: And I will admit, I shouldn't have.

Roxxy: Yeah, you shouldn't. We're in this together, remember?

Anon: I know....I love you.

Roxxy:.....It's hard stay mad at you when you are this cute.

*Roxxy kisses Anon before everyone starts heading upstairs to leave the police station....well everyone but Rachel trying to understand what just happened*

Rachel: ....I....Fuck it, I guess nothing matters! *She says exacerbated, as she follows behind the group*


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May 3, 2024
Ryan: So let me get this stragiht. You're our sister?

Rachel: Half-sister. We all share the same Dad.

Ryan: So, who's your Mom?

Astrid: *sigh* Ann Livingstone.

Ryan: Who is that?

Rachel: The Mayor, stupid.

Ryan: Oh, Mayor Ann....Yeah I can understand why. *Ryan says with a half smirk*

Rachel: What does that mean?

Ryan: I mean....She's got Nice Tits, I can see why Dad would hit it and quit it.

Rachel: RYAN!

Astrid: No, he's got a point.

Rachel:...Ash, this is your mother we are talking about.

Astrid: Yeah, it's my mother. She's a Manipulative, power hungry sociopath with no empathy, a propensity to lie to everyone, including her followers, if it benefits her, actively goes out of her way to harm people she doesn't like, even if it's just people who look or act different than her, and has literally convinced the entire religious community that I was a divine birth. She's basically a Cult leader...and she has Nice Tits. As a someone who also has Nice tits, Game recognizes game, and it makes perfect sense why Dad hit it and quit it, because who you find sexy isn't who you would want to be in a relationship with.

Ryan: See, and you were getting mad at me for that.

Rachel:...I mean I guess....still feels weird to say that about your Mom and our Dad....Man that's going to take some getting used to saying.

Astrid: Same. I went from blissfully ignoreant to learning I have a Sister and younger Brother. Well I guess if it was anyone who was going to be my sister, I'm glad it was you.

Rachel: Daw, Ash, you're going to make me cry. *Rachel hugs Astrid*

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Ryan: Wait a minute...that means my first handjob was from my Half-Sister? That makes it so less cool.

*Rachel's eyes widen*

Astrid: You little shit, you were supposed to keep that quiet!


Astrid: I didn't know at the time. It was 2 years ago at the cast party. Neither of us were sober enough to drive home, so you called your brother. You passed out in the back seat, so I just gave him a small handy as a thank you.

Rachel: Jesus Christ on a Bicycle we are all going to hell.

Ryan:...We don't believe in hell though.

Rachel: Shut Up, Ryan.
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Yumi: Okay Roxxy, Bail has been paid. You're free to go.

Roxxy: Thank God. If I see Dexter again I'm kicking him in the nuts.

Anon: Hey Roxxy, you okay?

Roxxy: Yeah, really angry at Dexter. I swear nothing could make this day even wor.......Why is she here.
*Roxxy says noticing Crystal behind Anon as Yumi unlocks the door.*

Anon: Crystal actually helped us with your bail.

Roxxy:....Put me back in, I can wait it out a few days.

Crystal: Roxxy I know why your mad. If you never want to speak with me again, I understand, I just wanted to help where I could.

*Roxxy looks unsure about herself*

Anon: I'll support any decision you make Roxxy, but we should at least hear her out.

Roxxy: You have one minute.

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Crystal: Look, I don't blame you for cutting me out when you did. I was a mess, and endangered the family because of my bad habits. I was a shitty mother and grandmother.

Roxxy: Well, glad it took you 38 years to finally admit to being a bad Mother. Doesn't really make up for all those years you put me through, or that you Over dosed when babysitting.

Crystal: I know. I was in a bad place, and after you cut me off, it only got worse.

Roxxy: And putting Mira through all the stuff you did to me too, huh?

Crystal:....Actually Mira doesn't live with me anymore.

Roxxy: Glad she got out.

Crystal: No Roxxy...she's been living with another family for 18 years now.


Crystal: You saw what happened. I overdosed while babysitting all of them. The State would of taken her away from me and she'd be in foster system. The only good decision I made in that time between my first and second overdose was that I gave Mira to a home where she could be loved and cared for.

Roxxy:...I didn't know...wait second overdose?

Crystal: Happened 5 years ago. I was clinically dead for 2 minutes before I was brought back. After that I tried to actually put my life together...I've been clean for 4 years now. Don't even smoke or drink anymore.

Roxxy: I guess Congrats.

Crystal: Look, I know I wasn't great. And it took me way too long to realize that. Even if this is the last time we speak, I'd just want it to be something positive rather than how we left last time.

Roxxy:....*sigh* I...I don't know if I can forgive you for your actions, but I'm at least willing to try since it seems like you're actually trying this time.

Crystal: Thanks Roxxy.

Roxxy: Let's go home Anon. I need no more emotional rollercoasters today.

Anon: Um....yeah about that.

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*Rachel Rushes up to Anon, Roxxy and Crystal once they get close*

Rachel: Mom, did you know Dad had a secret daughter with the Mayor! *She says with spite.*

Anon: Thanks for not throwing me under the bus, Rachel. *Anon sarcastically remarks*

Astrid: Um...hi. I'm Ash...and I guess you're my Step-mom?

*Roxxy Looks blankly at the situation before looking over to Anon*

Roxxy: Oh, did he now?

Anon: Look I can explain...

Roxxy: Oh what? That you knocked up Tattle Tale Annie and didn't tell me? I always knew that "virgin birth" story was bullshit, but now that I think about it, makes a lot more sense considering timing. You have anything to say for yourself?

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Anon: I's got Nice Tits.

Roxxy:.....*Sigh* Fair. She does.

*Rachel is absolutely flabbergasted by how that was an acceptable answer to her mother*

Ryan: Told you!

Rachel: Shut up, Ryan!

Anon: Granted, yours are way better than hers.

Roxxy: You're only stating the obvious because you are in the doghouse.

Rachel: I'm sorry Mom, but how is that an acceptable excuse?

Roxxy: Rachel, your Father and I didn't get married until you were almost 3 years old. What he did before we became official doesn't really bother me more than him hiding it from me.

Anon: And I will admit, I shouldn't have.

Roxxy: Yeah, you shouldn't. We're in this together, remember?

Anon: I know....I love you.

Roxxy:.....It's hard stay mad at you when you are this cute.

*Roxxy kisses Anon before everyone starts heading upstairs to leave the police station....well everyone but Rachel trying to understand what just happened*

Rachel: ....I....Fuck it, I guess nothing matters! *She says exacerbated, as she follows behind the group*

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Once again, nice chapter. I never knew having nice tits was a viable excuse. Rachel seems to be the only normal one in the group. Roxxy handled the news about Ash rather well; I was very shocked. And the fact that he waited 3 years to marry Roxxy after she was pregnant. I would have done it a lot sooner.
And Ryan getting a hand job from Ash was fucking hilarious, at least he got something before Kya.
I am glad Roxxy forgave her mom, she was insane to OD 2 times; anyway, who is Mira? It sounds like Krystal had a job as a part-time babysitter. Was she one of her kids?
May 8, 2021
Once again, nice chapter. I never knew having nice tits was a viable excuse. Rachel seems to be the only normal one in the group. Roxxy handled the news about Ash rather well; I was very shocked. And the fact that he waited 3 years to marry Roxxy after she was pregnant. I would have done it a lot sooner.
And Ryan getting a hand job from Ash was fucking hilarious, at least he got something before Kya.
I am glad Roxxy forgave her mom, she was insane to OD 2 times; anyway, who is Mira? It sounds like Krystal had a job as a part-time babysitter. Was she one of her kids?
Well everyone needs at least one straight man (Lady) to make the joke work. Here's the thing, Roxxy wasn't upset that Anon had another kid outside the marriage. She already knows about a few, plus when Astrid was only conceived one week after Rachel was, so none of them were committed to each other yet. She's more upset that Anon hid it for the last 20 years considering she already knew about some of them.

The reason why it took 3 years was more a "We are together, but we are also way too broke and busy to even focus on marriage." When Anon Graduated from Community college and Debbie Sold the house to them was when Anon finally put a ring on it (plus he still had some lose ends he had to address before hand). Also, we Know Roxxy, having Nice tits is a viable excuse for her.

As for Mira....welll I guess you will see in the next chapter now won't we. (Also heads up, next chapter going to be the first one with actual flash backs!)
May 3, 2024
Well everyone needs at least one straight man (Lady) to make the joke work. Here's the thing, Roxxy wasn't upset that Anon had another kid outside the marriage. She already knows about a few, plus when Astrid was only conceived one week after Rachel was, so none of them were committed to each other yet. She's more upset that Anon hid it for the last 20 years considering she already knew about some of them.

The reason why it took 3 years was more a "We are together, but we are also way too broke and busy to even focus on marriage." When Anon Graduated from Community college and Debbie Sold the house to them was when Anon finally put a ring on it (plus he still had some lose ends he had to address before hand). Also, we Know Roxxy, having Nice tits is a viable excuse for her.

As for Mira....welll I guess you will see in the next chapter now won't we. (Also heads up, next chapter going to be the first one with actual flash backs!)
I see. Thanks for the clarity.

Which ones does Roxxy know about? Obviously, Becca and Missy's. She was probably in the room when they were being made, given that her rule was you can't screw ANON as long as I'm not present. And now Astrid. I take it she was told about Michael and Dillan. But who else?

I can't wait for the flashback; to see the young characters again would be sweet. And I'm glad you liked the Pussywillow story.
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