Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

3.50 star(s) 2 Votes
May 8, 2021
Ryan: So let me get this straight. You're our sister?

Rachel: Half-sister. We all share the same Dad.

Ryan: So, who's your Mom?

Astrid: *sigh* Ann Livingstone.

Ryan: Who is that?

Rachel: The Mayor, stupid.

Ryan: Oh, Mayor Ann....Yeah I can understand why. *Ryan says with a half smirk*

Rachel: What does that mean?

Ryan: I mean....She's got Nice Tits, I can see why Dad would hit it and quit it.

Rachel: RYAN!

Astrid: No, he's got a point.

Rachel:...Ash, this is your mother we are talking about.

Astrid: Yeah, it's my mother. She's a Manipulative, power hungry sociopath with no empathy, a propensity to lie to everyone, including her followers, if it benefits her, actively goes out of her way to harm people she doesn't like, even if it's just people who look or act different than her, and has literally convinced the entire religious community that I was a divine birth. She's basically a Cult leader...and she has Nice Tits. As a someone who also has Nice tits, Game recognizes game, and it makes perfect sense why Dad hit it and quit it, because who you find sexy isn't who you would want to be in a relationship with.

Ryan: See, and you were getting mad at me for that.

Rachel:...I mean I guess....still feels weird to say that about your Mom and our Dad....Man that's going to take some getting used to saying.

Astrid: Same. I went from blissfully ignoreant to learning I have a Sister and younger Brother. Well I guess if it was anyone who was going to be my sister, I'm glad it was you.

Rachel: Daw, Ash, you're going to make me cry. *Rachel hugs Astrid*

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Ryan: Wait a minute...that means my first handjob was from my Half-Sister? That makes it so less cool.

*Rachel's eyes widen*

Astrid: You little shit, you were supposed to keep that quiet!


Astrid: I didn't know at the time. It was 2 years ago at the cast party. Neither of us were sober enough to drive home, so you called your brother. You passed out in the back seat, so I just gave him a small handy as a thank you.

Rachel: Jesus Christ on a Bicycle we are all going to hell.

Ryan:...We don't believe in hell though.

Rachel: Shut Up, Ryan.
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Yumi: Okay Roxxy, Bail has been paid. You're free to go.

Roxxy: Thank God. If I see Dexter again I'm kicking him in the nuts.

Anon: Hey Roxxy, you okay?

Roxxy: Yeah, really angry at Dexter. I swear nothing could make this day even wor.......Why is she here.
*Roxxy says noticing Crystal behind Anon as Yumi unlocks the door.*

Anon: Crystal actually helped us with your bail.

Roxxy:....Put me back in, I can wait it out a few days.

Crystal: Roxxy I know why your mad. If you never want to speak with me again, I understand, I just wanted to help where I could.

*Roxxy looks unsure about herself*

Anon: I'll support any decision you make Roxxy, but we should at least hear her out.

Roxxy: You have one minute.

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Crystal: Look, I don't blame you for cutting me out when you did. I was a mess, and endangered the family because of my bad habits. I was a shitty mother and grandmother.

Roxxy: Well, glad it took you 38 years to finally admit to being a bad Mother. Doesn't really make up for all those years you put me through, or that you Over dosed when babysitting.

Crystal: I know. I was in a bad place, and after you cut me off, it only got worse.

Roxxy: And putting Mira through all the stuff you did to me too, huh?

Crystal:....Actually Mira doesn't live with me anymore.

Roxxy: Glad she got out.

Crystal: No Roxxy...she's been living with another family for 18 years now.


Crystal: You saw what happened. I overdosed while babysitting all of them. The State would of taken her away from me and she'd be in foster system. The only good decision I made in that time between my first and second overdose was that I gave Mira to a home where she could be loved and cared for.

Roxxy:...I didn't know...wait second overdose?

Crystal: Happened 5 years ago. I was clinically dead for 2 minutes before I was brought back. After that I tried to actually put my life together...I've been clean for 4 years now. Don't even smoke or drink anymore.

Roxxy: I guess Congrats.

Crystal: Look, I know I wasn't great. And it took me way too long to realize that. Even if this is the last time we speak, I'd just want it to be something positive rather than how we left last time.

Roxxy:....*sigh* I...I don't know if I can forgive you for your actions, but I'm at least willing to try since it seems like you're actually trying this time.

Crystal: Thanks Roxxy.

Roxxy: Let's go home Anon. I need no more emotional rollercoasters today.

Anon: Um....yeah about that.

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*Rachel Rushes up to Anon, Roxxy and Crystal once they get close*

Rachel: Mom, did you know Dad had a secret daughter with the Mayor! *She says with spite.*

Anon: Thanks for not throwing me under the bus, Rachel. *Anon sarcastically remarks*

Astrid: Um...hi. I'm Ash...and I guess you're my Step-mom?

*Roxxy Looks blankly at the situation before looking over to Anon*

Roxxy: Oh, did he now?

Anon: Look I can explain...

Roxxy: Oh what? That you knocked up Tattle Tale Annie and didn't tell me? I always knew that "virgin birth" story was bullshit, but now that I think about it, makes a lot more sense considering timing. You have anything to say for yourself?

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Anon: I's got Nice Tits.

Roxxy:.....*Sigh* Fair. She does.

*Rachel is absolutely flabbergasted by how that was an acceptable answer to her mother*

Ryan: Told you!

Rachel: Shut up, Ryan!

Anon: Granted, yours are way better than hers.

Roxxy: You're only stating the obvious because you are in the doghouse.

Rachel: I'm sorry Mom, but how is that an acceptable excuse?

Roxxy: Rachel, your Father and I didn't get married until you were almost 3 years old. What he did before we became official doesn't really bother me more than him hiding it from me.

Anon: And I will admit, I shouldn't have.

Roxxy: Yeah, you shouldn't. We're in this together, remember?

Anon: I know....I love you.

Roxxy:.....It's hard stay mad at you when you are this cute.

*Roxxy kisses Anon before everyone starts heading upstairs to leave the police station....well everyone but Rachel trying to understand what just happened*

Rachel: ....I....Fuck it, I guess nothing matters! *She says exacerbated, as she follows behind the group*

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*The Cummings make it into the Doorway. Roxxy and Crystal make their way into the kitchen to talk while Ryan approaches his dad, with Rachel and Astrid not too far behind*

Ryan: So....How exactly did Mom and Grandma Crystal end up on bad terms?

Anon: Ryan, it was 18 years ago and your Mom just started talking to her again. Do we really want to bring up old drama that's only recently now under the bridge?

Rachel: I think you do. I'm fuzzy on the details myself, plus you owe us. We are tired of all the secrets.

Astrid: She has a point, Dad. I mean you kept me a secret.

Anon: I....*sigh*...fine. I guess I do....I'm going to get some coffee, but it started right at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic of '20


**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

*Knocking on the Trailer door*

Crystal: It's open.

*Roxxy walks in, her arms full as she is holding Ryan while Rachel walks in*

Roxxy: Hey Mom, thanks again for agreeing to babysit.

Crystal: Ah, it's nothing. Besides Babysitting should be pretty easy.

Rachel: MeeMaw! *Three year old Rachel yells in excitement*

Crystal: Hey there, kiddo. I think Mira is in the other room. MIRA!

*a three year old brunette girl comes running out, getting excited when she sees Rachel*

Mira: Ray-Ray!

Rachel: Mira!

*The two girls hug each other as they then run off back to the bedroom in the trailer*

Crystal: So much easier when they can both entertain each other.



Ryan: Wait, who is Mira?

Rachel: ....Honestly I don't remember. I remember OF her, but I just assumed Grandma just babysat or something.

Roxxy: She is your Aunt
Crystal: She is your Sister

*Both Roxxy and Crystal speak up at the same time, causing visible confusion amongst Roxxy and Crystal, while Rachel, Ryan and Astrid doubletake*

Roxxy: MOM!

Crystal: What? It's not like it's not true.

Roxxy: Yeah but did they need to know that?

Ryan: Wait, so was Mira our Aunt or our Sister?

Crystal: Both. She's you kid's half-sister, but also Roxxy's sibling too.

Astrid:....Jesus Christ Dad.

Rachel: WTF?!

Ryan:....How does that work.....?

*Rachel looks at her brother with a glaring look*

Rachel: Do I have to explain it to you, stupid?

*Ryan takes a moment and his face brightens up*

Ryan: Oh, I get it now.....Jesus Dad, with My Mom and Grandma?

Rachel: Mom, how are you not livid about this?

Roxxy: What makes you think I wasn't at the time?

Anon: Something tells me Coffee isn't going to be strong enough for this story retelling.


**Saturday, June, 4th, 2016**

Crystal: Hey Stud.

Roxxy: Yeah "Stud". Guess who just told me that she is also Pregnant and that it's also potentially yours?

Anon: Um....who?

Roxxy: Who do you think, you dumb fuck, backstabbing bastard?

Crystal: I mean, considering Everyone I've slept with over the last month, there's about a one third chance it's his.

Anon: Um...Roxxy we weren't really exclusive until just a few days ago after you told me you were pregnant.

Roxxy: You better hope that baby doesn't have your stupid brown hair or your dumb pretty grey-blue eyes, or I'll kick you so hard down there that you shoot blanks the rest of your life.

Anon:....You think I have pretty eyes?

Roxxy: Shut up! I'm mad at you!


**Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 **

Anon: Roxxy! You okay. I rushed out of class as soon as you messaged me.

Roxxy: I'm fine. And so is our daughter.

Anon: Wow....hi little Rachel...Wow, she's basically a little you.

Roxxy: Well, not completely. She has your cute eyes, ears, and nose.

Crystal: Hey Stud, how's my Granddaughter?

*Anon got frightened a bit hearing Crystal's voice from behind him, seeing her in another bed*

Anon: Wait, you gave birth too?

Crystal: Yeah, it's rare, but when there is a large change in atmospheric pressure sometimes it can trigger women to go into labor early. And that Tornado that just missed the Trailer park did just that.

Roxxy: Yeah....and do you know who else has your cute eyes ears and nose? My BRUNETTE sister over there.

Anon: Um....Roxxy you know I'm sorry about that....

Roxxy: Nurse can you please hold my baby for me?

Micoe: Of course.


**Roxxy then leans forward and punches Anon right in the gut, surprising both Crystal and Micole**

Roxxy: You are lucky I just Passed a baby through me because I want to kick you so hard in that stupid dick of yours!

Anon: *ugh* know what...I deserved that.



Rachel: Honestly Dad, you deserved worse than just a punch in the gut.

Anon: You're Mom is just telling you everything that happened at the hospital. I agree that I did deserve it.

Roxxy: And trust me, your dad got what was coming to him.

Crystal: It was shocking, but honestly, also kind of funny to watch.

Anon: Yup, this Coffee isn't going to be strong enough...Irish Coffee it is.

*Anon Says as he pours some of his MacSeamus Irish whiskey into the coffee*

Ryan: Um, what about the whole incident thing?

Roxxy: Oh right, where were we?


**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: Again, thanks for agreeing to watch her. I called both Debbie and Diane, but they were both too busy, and Jenny was not responding to her phone, and I didn't want to drop them off at daycare for just a couple hours.

Crystal: Well you owe me one. What's this for again?

Roxxy: An audition. Trying to find some ways to make some extra money so I can help Anon with the new mortgage, or at least maybe Groceries.

Crystal: Got ya. Well I'll take the baby off you.


*As Crystal takes Ryan from Roxxy's hands, she looks down to notice about Roxxy's outfit.*

Crystal: Roxxy, you're leaking again.

*Roxxy looks down, more annoyed than anything.*

Roxxy: Oh yeah. they've been doing that all week.

Crystal: And you plan to go to an audition in that?

Roxxy: I have a spare shirt and some tissues in the car, I'll change before going in.

Crystal: Roxxy, I think you just need to update your wardrobe.

Roxxy: I can't really afford to do that right now.

Crystal: Roxxy, your shirts are filled with stains from taking care of kids and are stretched out to their max from you growing 4 cup sizes. Plus look at those shorts. You can't even button them up anymore. You don't have a teenager body anymore, You're 22, it's closer to lookin like mine.

Roxxy: I mean....I guess. But that might help in this case scenario.

Crystal: How?


Roxxy: Going to a Rap video Audition. They are looking for some backup girls and I think I finally got a booty to make it. The only positive of 2 Pregnancies.

*Roxxy turns around to show off her ass.*

Crystal: I'll admit, you got more booty than I have ever had.

Roxxy: Plus I can finally do this...

*Roxxy says shaking her hips, as her ass claps*

Roxxy: Finally got the goods to do that.

*Clapping can be heard from the other room as Rachel is clapping her hands*

Rachel: Yay! If Mommy's happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Roxxy: Yes, great job sweetie. Go play with Mira!

*Rachel runs back into the room*

Roxxy: She's just too sweet.

Crystal: Alright, you go do this audition then. Just be careful.

Roxxy: I got a Mask in the car, I should be fine.

Crystal: No I mean there's a lot of scams out there. I did a few of those back in the '90s and didn't get anything out of it, plus there are probably some VHS tapes still floating out there of me on the casting couch.

*Roxxy rolls her eyes*

Roxxy: I'm fine Mom. I'm smarter than you think. Okay I'm heading off, I'll call you when I'm heading back.

*As Roxxy Leaves the Door, Crystal then exhales*

Crystal: Finally. Some me time....Hope you don't mind kiddo, but Grandma needs a kick.


**To Be continued**

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May 3, 2024
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Roxxy Fanfiction 3. Justhavingalook and Scorpiov did the pictures
Roxxy watched MC drive away from the trailer; she sighed with contentment and longing and put a hand over her heart. "That's a real fine man you got there. You better watch out, or someone else will come along," Crystal said from their bedroom doorway. "Haa, it might even be me," she said with a chuckle. "Shut up, Mom!" Roxxy angrily shouted at Crystal. But she just left the room with a wicked cackle. But she was right after graduating, Becca and Missy went off to college, and MC was getting more responsibilities from his jobs with Tony and Diane. Roxxy also decided to get a job at the Rusty Angus, but it was a dead-end job, and she knew it. Her life was going nowhere, and she didn't want to lose the one thing right in her life. The next day at work, she was chilling at the bar when someone slapped her ass. She was about to beat whoever did that when she turned around to discover it was MC. "It was too much of a tempting target to pass up," he said with a smile. "Babe!" She squealed. And they embraced passionately for a few moments. "Can we talk?" MC asked. She led him to a booth, and MC presented her with a key; "I want you to move in with me," MC said. She, of course, accepted. As he left, she was more determined to do something about her life, but what? After they were done for the night and were counting tips, the owner of the restaurant called her over. "I noticed you were distracted all day; what's wrong?". She told him everything, and he just smiled and said, "Why not take over for me when I retire." "Me?" she pointed to herself. "Yeah, you have drive and grit that reminds me of myself, plus you have someone at home that can keep you grounded." She was happily accepted. On the day of the move, she told MC what the owner had said. He was glad for her and asked why she was doing this, "Because I don't want to lose you, and I want to prove to you and myself that I am someone who deserves you." MC chuckled. "You don't have to feel that way; I will be with you, no matter what." She let out a small sob, and they kissed. They would have taken it further but had more moving and unpacking to do. "Later," she promised. MC moved at lightning speed after that to make sure later came as soon as possible. Over many years, she has worked harder than ever. They would eventually marry during that time. Roxxy would subsequently become the owner of the restaurant and wanted to expand. Becca and Missy graduate college, open their own financial firm together, and help Roxxy obtain business loans. She bought out Captain Terry's dive bar and turned it into a local seafood place, and Glazie's, where she would transform into a premier bakery. MC would take over for Tony and Daine before turning the reins over to Tony and Daine's kids (Roxxy was told the truth about their parentage and initially was mad at him but forgave him when he promised to be faithful). Summerville became a haven for foodies across the U.S.A. MC and Roxxy eventually retired and passed the reins to their child, Rose. Roxxy would retire as a millionaire, proving she was more than trailer trash and worthy of being with the man she loved.
May 3, 2024
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Becca Fanfiction 2. The pictutres are done by Justhavingalook.
Becca watched as MC, Roxxy, and Missy entered the changing station. She had lost spin the bottle again. Upset by this, she went home. As she walked home, she felt jealous of Roxxy and Missy. She wanted some alone time with MC, too, but how? An idea popped into her head, and she figured out how. Friday, a specific pizza order came up. MC was prepared this time, took a sports drink, and headed to Tina's apartment. He knocked on the door and was told to go in. When he was well enough inside, the door shut behind him, and instead of Tina, it was Becca. She was in a purple see-through nightie. "Hi MC". She blushed a little bit. "Um...did you order the pizza?". He swallowed, pants already becoming tight. "I just wanted some alone time with you." She walked towards MC. "I don't think this is a good idea," MC said unconvincingly. "Roxxy and Missy are always with you; it's never my turn," Becca whined. "You know Roxxys rules." MC was fighting to remain calm, but she looked so good. She approached MC, threw the pizza box on the ground, and pulled him in for a French kiss. "What doesn't know won't hurt her," she said with a sensual smile. "Won't your mom be home soon?" he asked. " Banking conference." She put a hand on his groin. "Roxxy can't know." he panted. "Not a word," and pulled him down to the ground. They lay wrapped up in each other in a deep sleep. Becca had a smile on her lips as she slept with her head on his chest. In the following weeks, Becca and MC would get closer. She told him about her father's death and suddenly leaving everything to move here. She talked about how she met Missy at the country club and how they both befriended Roxxy during cheer tryouts. She told him she was sorry for being mean to him; she was lashing out at her situation and trying to fit in with Roxxy. MC understood and told her about his life (leaving out certain bits of detail). Roxxy was getting suspicious and increasingly possessive of MC. Tina eventually finds out about the pizzas and confronts Becca. Becca told her everything. Tina wasn't upset; she hugged her daughter and said, "If you truly love him, go for it." She did and would. She wanted Missy's help. Missy already knew "it was so obvious." She laughed and didn't care as long as she got a little piece of the action. Becca thought this was fair; Missy had liked MC longer than she had. One night, Becca confessed to MC. He initially pushed back, but she kept on. "What does she have that I don't? I have a future and goals, and unlike her, I won't leave you if you get fat and bald." Mc still protested but weakly. "Just think it over. I'll wait," and kissed him good night. MC left feeling exhausted; he loved Roxxy but, over the weeks, had also developed feelings for Becca. He didn't know what to do. The tension between Roxxy and Becca was palpable. It came to a head during prom. Becca and MC were slow dancing, and Roxxy's jealousy finally boiled over. She lunged at Becca, telling her to stay away from her man. Becca pushed back, and a fight ensued. MC broke up the fight and left with Roxxy. Becca was okay with it, and Missy escorted her home. Becca was bawling her eyes out to Tina when there was a knock at the door. Tina went to answer it, and a few moments later, MC came into Becca's room. He had broken up with Roxxy. Becca hugged MC, sobbing tears of joy, not saying a word. And they stood in each other's arms for a while. It was a tumultuous time for both of them, but Missy was a significant support. Roxxy was nothing but vitriol to them. Years later, Becca and MC tied the knot and made a family with an open relationship between MC, Becca, and Missy. Becca became a successful hedge fund manager, MC a detective of SPD, and Missy, the communication director for Mayor Iwanka. Roxxy used her anger to become a champion Muay tai fighter. She and Jade are now in a relationship.
May 3, 2024
*The Cummings make it into the Doorway. Roxxy and Crystal make their way into the kitchen to talk while Ryan approaches his dad, with Rachel and Astrid not too far behind*

Ryan: So....How exactly did Mom and Grandma Crystal end up on bad terms?

Anon: Ryan, it was 18 years ago and your Mom just started talking to her again. Do we really want to bring up old drama that's only recently now under the bridge?

Rachel: I think you do. I'm fuzzy on the details myself, plus you owe us. We are tired of all the secrets.

Astrid: She has a point, Dad. I mean you kept me a secret.

Anon: I....*sigh*...fine. I guess I do....I'm going to get some coffee, but it started right at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic of '20

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

*Knocking on the Trailer door*

Crystal: It's open.

*Roxxy walks in, her arms full as she is holding Ryan while Rachel walks in*

Roxxy: Hey Mom, thanks again for agreeing to babysit.

Crystal: Ah, it's nothing. Besides Babysitting should be pretty easy.

Rachel: MeeMaw! *Three year old Rachel yells in excitement*

Crystal: Hey there, kiddo. I think Mira is in the other room. MIRA!

*a three year old brunette girl comes running out, getting excited when she sees Rachel*

Mira: Ray-Ray!

Rachel: Mira!

*The two girls hug each other as they then run off back to the bedroom in the trailer*

Crystal: So much easier when they can both entertain each other.

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Ryan: Wait, who is Mira?

Rachel: ....Honestly I don't remember. I remember OF her, but I just assumed Grandma just babysat or something.

Roxxy: She is your Aunt
Crystal: She is your Sister

*Both Roxxy and Crystal speak up at the same time, causing visible confusion amongst Roxxy and Crystal, while Rachel, Ryan and Astrid doubletake*

Roxxy: MOM!

Crystal: What? It's not like it's not true.

Roxxy: Yeah but did they need to know that?

Ryan: Wait, so was Mira our Aunt or our Sister?

Crystal: Both. She's you kid's half-sister, but also Roxxy's sibling too.

Astrid:....Jesus Christ Dad.

Rachel: WTF?!

Ryan:....How does that work.....?

*Rachel looks at her brother with a glaring look*

Rachel: Do I have to explain it to you, stupid?

*Ryan takes a moment and his face brightens up*

Ryan: Oh, I get it now.....Jesus Dad, with My Mom and Grandma?

Rachel: Mom, how are you not livid about this?

Roxxy: What makes you think I wasn't at the time?

Anon: Something tells me Coffee isn't going to be strong enough for this story retelling.

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**Saturday, June, 4th, 2016**

Crystal: Hey Stud.

Roxxy: Yeah "Stud". Guess who just told me that she is also Pregnant and that it's also potentially yours?

Anon: Um....who?

Roxxy: Who do you think, you dumb fuck, backstabbing bastard?

Crystal: I mean, considering Everyone I've slept with over the last month, there's about a one third chance it's his.

Anon: Um...Roxxy we weren't really exclusive until just a few days ago after you told me you were pregnant.

Roxxy: You better hope that baby doesn't have your stupid brown hair or your dumb pretty grey-blue eyes, or I'll kick you so hard down there that you shoot blanks the rest of your life.

Anon:....You think I have pretty eyes?

Roxxy: Shut up! I'm mad at you!

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**Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 **

Anon: Roxxy! You okay. I rushed out of class as soon as you messaged me.

Roxxy: I'm fine. And so is our daughter.

Anon: Wow....hi little Rachel...Wow, she's basically a little you.

Roxxy: Well, not completely. She has your cute eyes, ears, and nose.

Crystal: Hey Stud, how's my Granddaughter?

*Anon got frightened a bit hearing Crystal's voice from behind him, seeing her in another bed*

Anon: Wait, you gave birth too?

Crystal: Yeah, it's rare, but when there is a large change in atmospheric pressure sometimes it can trigger women to go into labor early. And that Tornado that just missed the Trailer park did just that.

Roxxy: Yeah....and do you know who else has your cute eyes ears and nose? My BRUNETTE sister over there.

Anon: Um....Roxxy you know I'm sorry about that....

Roxxy: Nurse can you please hold my baby for me?

Micoe: Of course.

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**Roxxy then leans forward and punches Anon right in the gut, surprising both Crystal and Micole**

Roxxy: You are lucky I just Passed a baby through me because I want to kick you so hard in that stupid dick of yours!

Anon: *ugh* know what...I deserved that.

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Rachel: Honestly Dad, you deserved worse than just a punch in the gut.

Anon: You're Mom is just telling you everything that happened at the hospital. I agree that I did deserve it.

Roxxy: And trust me, your dad got what was coming to him.

Crystal: It was shocking, but honestly, also kind of funny to watch.

Anon: Yup, this Coffee isn't going to be strong enough...Irish Coffee it is.

*Anon Says as he pours some of his MacSeamus Irish whiskey into the coffee*

Ryan: Um, what about the whole incident thing?

Roxxy: Oh right, where were we?

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: Again, thanks for agreeing to watch her. I called both Debbie and Diane, but they were both too busy, and Jenny was not responding to her phone, and I didn't want to drop them off at daycare for just a couple hours.

Crystal: Well you owe me one. What's this for again?

Roxxy: An audition. Trying to find some ways to make some extra money so I can help Anon with the new mortgage, or at least maybe Groceries.

Crystal: Got ya. Well I'll take the baby off you.

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*As Crystal takes Ryan from Roxxy's hands, she looks down to notice about Roxxy's outfit.*

Crystal: Roxxy, you're leaking again.

*Roxxy looks down, more annoyed than anything.*

Roxxy: Oh yeah. they've been doing that all week.

Crystal: And you plan to go to an audition in that?

Roxxy: I have a spare shirt and some tissues in the car, I'll change before going in.

Crystal: Roxxy, I think you just need to update your wardrobe.

Roxxy: I can't really afford to do that right now.

Crystal: Roxxy, your shirts are filled with stains from taking care of kids and are stretched out to their max from you growing 4 cup sizes. Plus look at those shorts. You can't even button them up anymore. You don't have a teenager body anymore, You're 22, it's closer to lookin like mine.

Roxxy: I mean....I guess. But that might help in this case scenario.

Crystal: How?

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Roxxy: Going to a Rap video Audition. They are looking for some backup girls and I think I finally got a booty to make it. The only positive of 2 Pregnancies.

*Roxxy turns around to show off her ass.*

Crystal: I'll admit, you got more booty than I have ever had.

Roxxy: Plus I can finally do this...

*Roxxy says shaking her hips, as her ass claps*

Roxxy: Finally got the goods to do that.

*Clapping can be heard from the other room as Rachel is clapping her hands*

Rachel: Yay! If Mommy's happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Roxxy: Yes, great job sweetie. Go play with Mira!

*Rachel runs back into the room*

Roxxy: She's just too sweet.

Crystal: Alright, you go do this audition then. Just be careful.

Roxxy: I got a Mask in the car, I should be fine.

Crystal: No I mean there's a lot of scams out there. I did a few of those back in the '90s and didn't get anything out of it, plus there are probably some VHS tapes still floating out there of me on the casting couch.

*Roxxy rolls her eyes*

Roxxy: I'm fine Mom. I'm smarter than you think. Okay I'm heading off, I'll call you when I'm heading back.

*As Roxxy Leaves the Door, Crystal then exhales*

Crystal: Finally. Some me time....Hope you don't mind kiddo, but Grandma needs a kick.

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**To Be continued**
I had a suspicion about who Mira was; I was just hoping it wasn't true. But in typical Anon fashion, just add another one to the ever-expanding family tree. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Angelica had a kid with Anon...on second thought, NO. FUCK NO! Anyway, does adult Mira make an appearance?
May 8, 2021
I had a suspicion about who Mira was; I was just hoping it wasn't true. But in typical Anon fashion, just add another one to the ever-expanding family tree. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Angelica had a kid with Anon...on second thought, NO. FUCK NO! Anyway, does adult Mira make an appearance?
I don't think an Appearance, more of a cameo. We might see where she is now, but she hasn't lived in Summerville in a long time now, and probably doesn't remember it.
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May 8, 2021
It's a shame, but understandable. The cast of characters is already going to be big enough, and we have more kids yet to discover.
Crystal:....Actually Mira doesn't live with me anymore.

Roxxy: Glad she got out.

Crystal: No Roxxy...she's been living with another family for 18 years now.


Crystal: You saw what happened. I overdosed while babysitting all of them. The State would of taken her away from me and she'd be in foster system. The only good decision I made in that time between my first and second overdose was that I gave Mira to a home where she could be loved and cared for.
All of a sudden this hits more doesn't it?
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May 3, 2024
All of a sudden this hits more doesn't it?
Yes. And I now realize that we haven't even gotten to the girls at Sugar Tats or that situation with the Rumps buying the bank, And we haven't even hit other characters like Consuela, Tina, or Daisy. There is so much material here I don't know what is going to finish first, The OG STS or ALMA MATER STS (more than likey you. DC is too dam slow)


Jun 27, 2023
*The Cummings make it into the Doorway. Roxxy and Crystal make their way into the kitchen to talk while Ryan approaches his dad, with Rachel and Astrid not too far behind*

Ryan: So....How exactly did Mom and Grandma Crystal end up on bad terms?

Anon: Ryan, it was 18 years ago and your Mom just started talking to her again. Do we really want to bring up old drama that's only recently now under the bridge?

Rachel: I think you do. I'm fuzzy on the details myself, plus you owe us. We are tired of all the secrets.

Astrid: She has a point, Dad. I mean you kept me a secret.

Anon: I....*sigh*...fine. I guess I do....I'm going to get some coffee, but it started right at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic of '20

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

*Knocking on the Trailer door*

Crystal: It's open.

*Roxxy walks in, her arms full as she is holding Ryan while Rachel walks in*

Roxxy: Hey Mom, thanks again for agreeing to babysit.

Crystal: Ah, it's nothing. Besides Babysitting should be pretty easy.

Rachel: MeeMaw! *Three year old Rachel yells in excitement*

Crystal: Hey there, kiddo. I think Mira is in the other room. MIRA!

*a three year old brunette girl comes running out, getting excited when she sees Rachel*

Mira: Ray-Ray!

Rachel: Mira!

*The two girls hug each other as they then run off back to the bedroom in the trailer*

Crystal: So much easier when they can both entertain each other.

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Ryan: Wait, who is Mira?

Rachel: ....Honestly I don't remember. I remember OF her, but I just assumed Grandma just babysat or something.

Roxxy: She is your Aunt
Crystal: She is your Sister

*Both Roxxy and Crystal speak up at the same time, causing visible confusion amongst Roxxy and Crystal, while Rachel, Ryan and Astrid doubletake*

Roxxy: MOM!

Crystal: What? It's not like it's not true.

Roxxy: Yeah but did they need to know that?

Ryan: Wait, so was Mira our Aunt or our Sister?

Crystal: Both. She's you kid's half-sister, but also Roxxy's sibling too.

Astrid:....Jesus Christ Dad.

Rachel: WTF?!

Ryan:....How does that work.....?

*Rachel looks at her brother with a glaring look*

Rachel: Do I have to explain it to you, stupid?

*Ryan takes a moment and his face brightens up*

Ryan: Oh, I get it now.....Jesus Dad, with My Mom and Grandma?

Rachel: Mom, how are you not livid about this?

Roxxy: What makes you think I wasn't at the time?

Anon: Something tells me Coffee isn't going to be strong enough for this story retelling.

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**Saturday, June, 4th, 2016**

Crystal: Hey Stud.

Roxxy: Yeah "Stud". Guess who just told me that she is also Pregnant and that it's also potentially yours?

Anon: Um....who?

Roxxy: Who do you think, you dumb fuck, backstabbing bastard?

Crystal: I mean, considering Everyone I've slept with over the last month, there's about a one third chance it's his.

Anon: Um...Roxxy we weren't really exclusive until just a few days ago after you told me you were pregnant.

Roxxy: You better hope that baby doesn't have your stupid brown hair or your dumb pretty grey-blue eyes, or I'll kick you so hard down there that you shoot blanks the rest of your life.

Anon:....You think I have pretty eyes?

Roxxy: Shut up! I'm mad at you!

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**Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 **

Anon: Roxxy! You okay. I rushed out of class as soon as you messaged me.

Roxxy: I'm fine. And so is our daughter.

Anon: Wow....hi little Rachel...Wow, she's basically a little you.

Roxxy: Well, not completely. She has your cute eyes, ears, and nose.

Crystal: Hey Stud, how's my Granddaughter?

*Anon got frightened a bit hearing Crystal's voice from behind him, seeing her in another bed*

Anon: Wait, you gave birth too?

Crystal: Yeah, it's rare, but when there is a large change in atmospheric pressure sometimes it can trigger women to go into labor early. And that Tornado that just missed the Trailer park did just that.

Roxxy: Yeah....and do you know who else has your cute eyes ears and nose? My BRUNETTE sister over there.

Anon: Um....Roxxy you know I'm sorry about that....

Roxxy: Nurse can you please hold my baby for me?

Micoe: Of course.

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**Roxxy then leans forward and punches Anon right in the gut, surprising both Crystal and Micole**

Roxxy: You are lucky I just Passed a baby through me because I want to kick you so hard in that stupid dick of yours!

Anon: *ugh* know what...I deserved that.

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Rachel: Honestly Dad, you deserved worse than just a punch in the gut.

Anon: You're Mom is just telling you everything that happened at the hospital. I agree that I did deserve it.

Roxxy: And trust me, your dad got what was coming to him.

Crystal: It was shocking, but honestly, also kind of funny to watch.

Anon: Yup, this Coffee isn't going to be strong enough...Irish Coffee it is.

*Anon Says as he pours some of his MacSeamus Irish whiskey into the coffee*

Ryan: Um, what about the whole incident thing?

Roxxy: Oh right, where were we?

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: Again, thanks for agreeing to watch her. I called both Debbie and Diane, but they were both too busy, and Jenny was not responding to her phone, and I didn't want to drop them off at daycare for just a couple hours.

Crystal: Well you owe me one. What's this for again?

Roxxy: An audition. Trying to find some ways to make some extra money so I can help Anon with the new mortgage, or at least maybe Groceries.

Crystal: Got ya. Well I'll take the baby off you.

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*As Crystal takes Ryan from Roxxy's hands, she looks down to notice about Roxxy's outfit.*

Crystal: Roxxy, you're leaking again.

*Roxxy looks down, more annoyed than anything.*

Roxxy: Oh yeah. they've been doing that all week.

Crystal: And you plan to go to an audition in that?

Roxxy: I have a spare shirt and some tissues in the car, I'll change before going in.

Crystal: Roxxy, I think you just need to update your wardrobe.

Roxxy: I can't really afford to do that right now.

Crystal: Roxxy, your shirts are filled with stains from taking care of kids and are stretched out to their max from you growing 4 cup sizes. Plus look at those shorts. You can't even button them up anymore. You don't have a teenager body anymore, You're 22, it's closer to lookin like mine.

Roxxy: I mean....I guess. But that might help in this case scenario.

Crystal: How?

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Roxxy: Going to a Rap video Audition. They are looking for some backup girls and I think I finally got a booty to make it. The only positive of 2 Pregnancies.

*Roxxy turns around to show off her ass.*

Crystal: I'll admit, you got more booty than I have ever had.

Roxxy: Plus I can finally do this...

*Roxxy says shaking her hips, as her ass claps*

Roxxy: Finally got the goods to do that.

*Clapping can be heard from the other room as Rachel is clapping her hands*

Rachel: Yay! If Mommy's happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Roxxy: Yes, great job sweetie. Go play with Mira!

*Rachel runs back into the room*

Roxxy: She's just too sweet.

Crystal: Alright, you go do this audition then. Just be careful.

Roxxy: I got a Mask in the car, I should be fine.

Crystal: No I mean there's a lot of scams out there. I did a few of those back in the '90s and didn't get anything out of it, plus there are probably some VHS tapes still floating out there of me on the casting couch.

*Roxxy rolls her eyes*

Roxxy: I'm fine Mom. I'm smarter than you think. Okay I'm heading off, I'll call you when I'm heading back.

*As Roxxy Leaves the Door, Crystal then exhales*

Crystal: Finally. Some me time....Hope you don't mind kiddo, but Grandma needs a kick.

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**To Be continued**
do you have your own thread for this fanfic? i wanna read it from the start but its gonna be a pain in the ass here
May 8, 2021
do you have your own thread for this fanfic? i wanna read it from the start but its gonna be a pain in the ass here
I've thought about it here, but not sure what the rules are on f95 for creating a thread just for a series of fanfic posts.

Been thinking about making a separate site though too that would do the same thing.

Either way the answer is "No, but I'm working behind the scenes to address that"


Jun 27, 2023
I've thought about it here, but not sure what the rules are on f95 for creating a thread just for a series of fanfic posts.

Been thinking about making a separate site though too that would do the same thing.

Either way the answer is "No, but I'm working behind the scenes to address that"
alright, thanks. guess this thread would have to do :BootyTime:
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