Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

3.50 star(s) 2 Votes

The Black Cat

Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2023
This is going to be a shot in the dark but did anyone save the Futa Dewitt x Debbie video from this dildorog post:

It seems to have been removed.

Also Dildorog posted a bunch of new spitroasting gifs:
This one?

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Apr 23, 2017
Too skinny
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50 Glazes Of Pain. A Judith and Annie story. A story requested by Sorpiov. Justhavingalook does pics
"I warned you no food in the lockers!" Annie shouted at Judith, her favorite target. "That's detention for you." Annie got out her notebook. "Hey, that's not fair," MC interjected. "Quiet! Unless you want to join her?" Annie cocked an eyebrow. "Come on, Annie, just give.." MC tried to plead. "I warned you, and now you join her as well." And gave them both a detention slip. "Sorry, MC," Judith looked apologetic. "It's ok." He smiled at her. Judith and MC talked and got along well at detention, which earned them another detention. The more they talked, the more fondness MC had for Judith, and they asked her out. She said yes immediately. She waited for MC to notice her and wasted no time making things hot and heavy. That earned her the ire of Annie, who forbade such shows of affection on school grounds. One day, Annie caught them having sex in the girl's locker room bathroom stall. "Indecent! Follow me!" She demanded. They obeyed, wondering if they were going to be expelled. Upon entering Ms. Smith's office, Smith was not there. Annie explained that the principal was out due to an injury and that she would punish them herself. Annie gave them both a paddling. As they were leaving the office, Judith noticed how wet she was. And how good it felt to have that paddle smack across her ass. She liked being beaten. But she kept this to herself for fear of scaring away MC. Days passed, and Judith found ways to get herself in trouble and punished. Eventually, Annie hurt herself, punishing Judith, and called MC to the office. Upon arriving, Annie told him he would have to do it. He was reluctant, but Judith told him it was ok. As he was paddling, he noticed a wet spot on the ground. She was enjoying this, and this made him so hard. He went harder, and she screamed louder. He stopped for a breather and turned to see Annie subtly masturbating. She was enjoying this, too, and staring at his cock. She stopped, cheeks pink with embarrassment, looked up at him, and said, "You need extra punishment; you both will meet me after school." They met her after school; she was dressed in a brown cloak. "If you tell anyone about this, I will have you expelled." She said. They didn't believe her but went with it. She led them to the janitor's closet and pushed a tile to reveal a passage. They descended into a cavern lit by torchlight and held torture devices of every kind. "Um, What's this?" MC asked. "Your extra punishment," Annie said. She disrobed to reveal sexy BDSM wear underneath. "Put Judith on the rack and get the riding crop." She commanded. Judith squealed in pain and pleasure; Annie smiled sadistically, MC trying so hard not to cum. MC and Judith both professed how much they loved each other. Then MC turned to Annie, who was masturbating again, "Time for your punishment too." Annie couldn't take it anymore. She put her head and hands in the stockade. "Punish me, MC!." After that, Annie was always more subdued around them, much to the principal's confusion. After graduation, Annie became the youngest school super independent, Judith turned the donut shop into a bakery that made erotic-looking baked goods, and MC became the youngest police chief in Summerville history (all thanks to Annie spurring him on). MC married Judith and took both girls on their honeymoon, and they both got pregnant—Jennine was by Judith, and Ashley was by Annie.
Too skinny and small breasted to be Judith.
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May 3, 2024
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Missy Fanfiction 2. Justhavingalook and Scorpiov did the pictures
"Oh please, MC prefers big tits," Becca said, holding both of her up. "Then how come he said me liked mine the best?" Missy countered. "He just felt sorry for you." Becca laughed. "We all know what boys actually want," Missy said, putting her leg on a bench in the changing room. "Yours looks like someone put dots all over with a brown marker." Missy clapped back. "BITCH!" Becca screamed. And launched herself at Missy. "Enough." Roxxy turned around to face both of them. "The only thing MC likes is all this." Roxxy rubbed her hands up and down. "You girls only get with my man because I allow it," She sternly said. "I know, Roxxy," Becca backed off. "Yeah, yeah," Missy sighed. Even though Missy helped make their deal, she wanted MC all to herself, too, sometimes. She had liked him the longest, and she deserved some compensation. She had to think of some way to be alone with him, but how? After changing their clothes they were in the cafeteria; Missy was sipping her milk in a lewd way to get MC's attention. And it worked, kind of. He grinned and said, "It's still weird she sees Diane's face on those cartons." "You know her?" she asked. MC nodded. "She's a friend of my landlord, and I work for her part-time". Bingo, she thought. "You know my family are goat farmers." She said. "Really?" he said. "Yeah, anything goat related, including milk." She smiled. "Maybe there can be a partnership between us." She stepped towards MC. "That would be great," MC smiled. "Awesome, come around my house on Saturday." She touched his chest. "See you there," and she walked away. When Saturday came, she wore her skimpiest dress and was all dolled up; she had been waiting all week for this. A Thotbot was cleaning the shelves, and Jerry the goat was chewing on something. Giles, her butler, opened the office door. "Miss Quill, your guests have arrived." "Guests?" she thought as MC and Diane walked in. Diane looked her up and down. "I take it you weren't expecting me," Diane said with a mischievous smile. "Of course I was; this is just my best dress," Was all Missy could come up with as she tried to look professional. "Okay. And where are your parents? I thought we were here to do a deal," Diane questioned Missy. "Daddy said I could do it". She said. Giles made a choking sound, eyes wide in disbelief. Thotbot dropped the feather duster and looked short-circuiting over what she had just heard. Even Jerry the goat dropped what he was chewing on in shock. And there was Missy, smiling like an idiot. "Ok then, let's get started." Diane sat in one of the chairs. Missy proved to be anything but an idiot regarding her family business; MC just sat there in stunned silence. It was like two equals talking. When the talking was done, they shook hands. "Come back anytime." he was looking directly at MC. As they headed home, Diane told MC he would hammer out the deal's final details. "I don't think she wanted to deal with me anyway," Diane grinned. "What do you mean?" MC was confused. "Call it a woman's intuition," she laughed. Missy and MC would spend a lot of time together, making Becca jealous and pissing Roxxy off. "It's just a business deal," MC consoled them. "Yeah, relax," Missy said, hugging his arm. She stopped by Diane's farm and was impressed by the operation. She was even more giddy when she discovered it was all breast milk. She befriended Daisy, thinking she was the most adorable thing she had ever seen; the bond was instant. With the deal done, Missy invited MC over to sign and finalize. With the paperwork done, she said, "Good, now it's time to seal the deal." She took off her clothes and bent over the desk. "This is going to be a beautiful partnership," MC said, wild with lust. Missy also coaxed Becca and Roxxy to join the milking operation. Diane's and Quill's partnership made both of them internationally known. Roxxy would go on to become the #1 recruiter for Diane. Becca became a CFO for the two empires: Missy, the CMO. And MC was the #1 breeder and negotiator of the company.
May 8, 2021
Ryan: So did you get the part?

Roxxy: What?

Ryan: You dropped us off for an audition...did you at least get it? Yeah, no, I didn't get it.

Ryan: That was a suspiciously long pause

Roxxy: ANYWAY...!

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: God I'm such an Idiot....I realized quickly this was a fake casting couch, Mom warned me and everything, and yet I still fell for it. Why is it that after having kids all it takes is some dumb compliments about me and I just lose all inhibitions. Oh god, there's still some of it on me.

*She says as she quickly gathers up the white splatters of goo on her breast and cheek, and out of desperation to clean it up quickly, just sucks on it and swallows it*

Roxxy: Eww.... Anon's doesn't taste this rank. Okay, I don't tell anyone about this and I should be fine....just hope that camera was just a prop, and they aren't releasing any of that shit online. Well that was a waste of 3 hours.

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*Roxxy enters into the Trailer once she is cleaned up fully*

Roxxy: Hey Mom. Is your phone on silent? you didn't answer my call....OH MY GOD, MOM!

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*Ryan is crying on the Couch, as Crystal is passed out. Her face is a deathly pale, and her lips had turned a shade of blue. Rachel is on her tiptoes on the arm of the sofa looking at her Grandma and Baby brother, while Mira is pulling on her mother's top to wake her up, having pulled it down until Crystal's bra was showing. And by Crystal's hand was a bottle. to Roxxy, it was clear, her mother overdosed*

Rachel: Ryan, don't cry. MeeMaw, wake up! Ryan is Crying...why won't you wake up.

Mira, looks towards Roxxy when she walks in the door.

Mira: Roxxy....Mommy won't wake up...

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*An hour later*

*Anon Came Rushing as soon as he could. Explaining to his College professor he had a family emergency. He rushed to the Trailer park. When he got there, he saw Roxxy out by the front with Ryan in her arms, and Rachel and Mira by her sides.*

Anon: Are you all okay?

Roxxy: We're okay...I guess.... *Roxxy said, her mascara had smeared under her eyes from clearly some time crying*

Rachel: Hi Daddy.

Mira: Mommy was taken by the Wambulance. *Mira said still in tears*

Anon: So what happened? You only told me you were here alone with the kids and Mira and you needed help.

Roxxy: Mom Overdosed on Fentanyl. I told Mom she needed to get off that stuff, but she wouldn't listen to me....I stayed here to watch over the kids. Last I heard, she was stable, but she's still not concious.

Anon:....Tell you what, I stopped by to get some stuff not knowing what you needed. I got some formula, then went to Dairy Milfs and I got 2 Kids Meals and a Quarter Pound Towner. How about we go inside and I take over the parenting to give you a break.

Roxxy: No I need got me a meal? *Roxxy says feeling cared for*

Anon: Yup. I'm a parent too, and you need a break.

Roxxy: Okay.

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*Anon was holding Ryan as he finished off the bottle, and was just holding him, as Roxxy finished off her meal, while Rachel and Mira ate their kids meals. Roxxy then cuddles up into Anon, as she just looks at her baby in his father's arm*

Roxxy: I'm the worst mother ever.

Anon: What are you talking about?

Roxxy: I should of never left the house. I put all the kids in danger because I left them with my Mom...Someone I know is irresponsible. It seems like everyone is just a better Mom than me and I'm struggling.

Anon: Roxxy, you're being too hard on yourself. Nobody could of predicted what happened. I think it's just that "mother's guilt".

Roxxy: I should of never left the house.

Anon: Okay, well think of it this way, Mira would have been alone if you hadn't.

Roxxy:....I guess....She's too young to dial 911, so you might be right.

Anon: Look, considering what happened, you made sure all the kids were safe. I think that makes you a wonderful Mother.

Roxxy:...You think?

Anon: I know.

*Roxxy snuggles in, adjusting the blanket on Ryan to make sure it's snug, and booping her baby's nose as he sleeps*

Roxxy: Anon....I don't know what I'd do without you.

Anon: Thanks.

Roxxy: No I mean it. You're my rock. You just seem to know how to address all my insecurities....You could of been with anyone, but you chose me....You infuriate me sometimes, but I really do love you.

Anon: Ahh...Babe, I love you too.

*Roxxy leans in to give Anon a kiss*

Roxxy: Though you do need to shave.

Anon: But you said it looks good?

Roxxy: Yeah, but until it grows in, it feels like kissing sandpaper.

Anon: Man, guess I'll have to wait it out then. Going to miss those kisses though.

*Roxxy is silent for a moment before saying*

Roxxy: Mom endangered everyone...She couldn't even wait 3 hours....I don't think I can forgive her for that. What if something happened to any of the kids.....She's a danger to the family....I think it's about time I do what I should of done a long time ago and cut ties with Mom....for the kids.

Anon:....I mean I will support any decision you make.

Roxxy: Thank you.

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Ryan: So whatever happened to Mira?

Crystal: When I recovered from Overdosing, a report with Child Protective services was opened on me. I quickly came to the conclusion that CPS would of taken Mira Away from me once their investigation was I made the hard choice and looked for a Family to adopt her. She's with a lovely couple in Vermont. I actually have a photo from her graduation.

*Crystal pulls out her purse and takes the wallet out from it, as she pulls out a photo and hands it to Ryan, to which Rachel and Astrid look over too*

Ryan: Wow...she's very Pretty.

Rachel: Pretty? She's Beautiful.

Crystal: And Smart too. An Honor Roll Graduate, and she's in MIT's Aerospace Engineering program.


Astrid: Are you in contact with her?

Crystal: No. I didn't want to fuck up her life anymore than I already had...Her Adopted Parents send me photos and stuff of her, but I requested that they don't mention me, and I won't reach out to her.

Rachel: That's....kind of sad.

Crystal: Rachel, sweetheart. I was a mess of a person until 4 years ago. I have lots of regrets. I miss her a lot, but I don't regret giving her a good family. What I want most now is to try to fix the relationships I have now.

Roxxy:....Well...I'm glad that you are trying.

Crystal:....It's getting late, I should get out of all of your hairs.

Astrid: Actually, Same. My Mom will probably start throwing away my stuff if I don't come back soon.

Rachel: It was great seeing you again MeeMaw...and Ash, don't be a stranger.

Anon: Our door is always open.

Ryan: Grandma, even despite circumstances, it was a pleasure meeting you...I guess again.

Crystal: It's nice actually getting to know you kid. Hopefully next time it won't be me bailing out your Mom.

Roxxy: Mom...Thanks again for everything today.

Crystal: Thank you for giving me the chance.

*And Everyone said there goodbyes as it left the chapter for the day complete.


**Later That Night**

Anon: God, what a Day.

Roxxy: You are telling me. Never thought I'd see my Mom again.

Anon: Yeah...but I'm glad she's trying to improve. of course there is the matter of Astrid.

Anon: Thanks for not being mad about that.

Roxxy: Who said I was done with you about that?


Anon: Well I....uh....*gulp*.....I haven't seen that in a long time.

Roxxy: You haven't been a naughty boy in a long time.

Anon: I still hate Jenny got you that....Do we really have to?

Roxxy: Anon, you hide a kid from me that was literally Rachel's age. I'm not mad about the kid, because literally Annie and I got pregnant around the same time before we were even official, but hiding it from me?

Anon: Fine.....promise to use extra lube and to be gentle.

Roxxy: Of course. I'm not a monster, I'm just punishing you. Last thing we need to to throw out either of our backs doing this.

Anon: Alright....time to be a man about it, I guess.

Roxxy: In the Ancient Greek sense, sure.


**Ryan wakes up to weird noises he is hearing downstairs**

Ryan: The fuck is that?....why does it sound like Mom is wresting a Camel down stairs?


Last edited:
May 3, 2024
Ryan: So whatever happened to Mira?

Crystal: When I recovered from Overdosing, a report with Child Protective services was opened on me. I quickly came to the conclusion that CPS would of taken Mira Away from me once their investigation was I made the hard choice and looked for a Family to adopt her. She's with a lovely couple in Vermont. I actually have a photo from her graduation.

*Crystal pulls out her purse and takes the wallet out from it, as she pulls out a photo and hands it to Ryan, to which Rachel and Astrid look over too*

Ryan: Wow...she's very Pretty.

Rachel: Pretty? She's Beautiful.

Crystal: And Smart too. An Honor Roll Graduate, and she's in MIT's Aerospace Engineering program.

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Astrid: Are you in contact with her?

Crystal: No. I didn't want to fuck up her life anymore than I already had...Her Adopted Parents send me photos and stuff of her, but I requested that they don't mention me, and I won't reach out to her.

Rachel: That's....kind of sad.

Crystal: Rachel, sweetheart. I was a mess of a person until 4 years ago. I have lots of regrets. I miss her a lot, but I don't regret giving her a good family. What I want most now is to try to fix the relationships I have now.

Roxxy:....Well...I'm glad that you are trying.

Crystal:....It's getting late, I should get out of all of your hairs.

Astrid: Actually, Same. My Mom will probably start throwing away my stuff if I don't come back soon.

Rachel: It was great seeing you again MeeMaw...and Ash, don't be a stranger.

Anon: Our door is always open.

Ryan: Grandma, even despite circumstances, it was a pleasure meeting you...I guess again.

Crystal: It's nice actually getting to know you kid. Hopefully next time it won't be me bailing out your Mom.

Roxxy: Mom...Thanks again for everything today.

Crystal: Thank you for giving me the chance.

*And Everyone said there goodbyes as it left the chapter for the day complete.

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**Later That Night**

Anon: God, what a Day.

Roxxy: You are telling me. Never thought I'd see my Mom again.

Anon: Yeah...but I'm glad she's trying to improve. of course there is the matter of Astrid.

Anon: Thanks for not being mad about that.

Roxxy: Who said I was done with you about that?

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Anon: Well I....uh....*gulp*.....I haven't seen that in a long time.

Roxxy: You haven't been a naughty boy in a long time.

Anon: I still hate Jenny got you that....Do we really have to?

Roxxy: Anon, you hide a kid from me that was literally Rachel's age. I'm not mad about the kid, because literally Annie and I got pregnant around the same time before we were even official, but hiding it from me?

Anon: Fine.....promise to use extra lube and to be gentle.

Roxxy: Of course. I'm not a monster, I'm just punishing you. Last thing we need to to throw out either of our backs doing this.

Anon: Alright....time to be a man about it, I guess.

Roxxy: In the Ancient Greek sense, sure.

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**Ryan wakes up to weird noises he is hearing downstairs**

Ryan: The fuck is that?....why does it sound like Mom is wresting a Camel down stairs?

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It's nice to get closure on Mira. I understand Crystal's not wanting to get in touch. MIT's Aerospace Engineering program—dam, she must have gotten the brains from MC's side of the family. Hopefully, Crystal will be around more often.

MC is one kinky son of a bitch, after all; I wonder what else they have. He is going to need a ton of lube to cover ALL the kids she doesn't know about when she finds out and the kids we have yet to discover. I bet when she gets done every time, the wind blows his butt whistles.
3.50 star(s) 2 Votes