Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

3.50 star(s) 2 Votes
May 8, 2021
*The Cummings make it into the Doorway. Roxxy and Crystal make their way into the kitchen to talk while Ryan approaches his dad, with Rachel and Astrid not too far behind*

Ryan: So....How exactly did Mom and Grandma Crystal end up on bad terms?

Anon: Ryan, it was 18 years ago and your Mom just started talking to her again. Do we really want to bring up old drama that's only recently now under the bridge?

Rachel: I think you do. I'm fuzzy on the details myself, plus you owe us. We are tired of all the secrets.

Astrid: She has a point, Dad. I mean you kept me a secret.

Anon: I....*sigh*...fine. I guess I do....I'm going to get some coffee, but it started right at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic of '20

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

*Knocking on the Trailer door*

Crystal: It's open.

*Roxxy walks in, her arms full as she is holding Ryan while Rachel walks in*

Roxxy: Hey Mom, thanks again for agreeing to babysit.

Crystal: Ah, it's nothing. Besides Babysitting should be pretty easy.

Rachel: MeeMaw! *Three year old Rachel yells in excitement*

Crystal: Hey there, kiddo. I think Mira is in the other room. MIRA!

*a three year old brunette girl comes running out, getting excited when she sees Rachel*

Mira: Ray-Ray!

Rachel: Mira!

*The two girls hug each other as they then run off back to the bedroom in the trailer*

Crystal: So much easier when they can both entertain each other.

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Ryan: Wait, who is Mira?

Rachel: ....Honestly I don't remember. I remember OF her, but I just assumed Grandma just babysat or something.

Roxxy: She is your Aunt
Crystal: She is your Sister

*Both Roxxy and Crystal speak up at the same time, causing visible confusion amongst Roxxy and Crystal, while Rachel, Ryan and Astrid doubletake*

Roxxy: MOM!

Crystal: What? It's not like it's not true.

Roxxy: Yeah but did they need to know that?

Ryan: Wait, so was Mira our Aunt or our Sister?

Crystal: Both. She's you kid's half-sister, but also Roxxy's sibling too.

Astrid:....Jesus Christ Dad.

Rachel: WTF?!

Ryan:....How does that work.....?

*Rachel looks at her brother with a glaring look*

Rachel: Do I have to explain it to you, stupid?

*Ryan takes a moment and his face brightens up*

Ryan: Oh, I get it now.....Jesus Dad, with My Mom and Grandma?

Rachel: Mom, how are you not livid about this?

Roxxy: What makes you think I wasn't at the time?

Anon: Something tells me Coffee isn't going to be strong enough for this story retelling.

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**Saturday, June, 4th, 2016**

Crystal: Hey Stud.

Roxxy: Yeah "Stud". Guess who just told me that she is also Pregnant and that it's also potentially yours?

Anon: Um....who?

Roxxy: Who do you think, you dumb fuck, backstabbing bastard?

Crystal: I mean, considering Everyone I've slept with over the last month, there's about a one third chance it's his.

Anon: Um...Roxxy we weren't really exclusive until just a few days ago after you told me you were pregnant.

Roxxy: You better hope that baby doesn't have your stupid brown hair or your dumb pretty grey-blue eyes, or I'll kick you so hard down there that you shoot blanks the rest of your life.

Anon:....You think I have pretty eyes?

Roxxy: Shut up! I'm mad at you!

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**Tuesday, March 21st, 2017 **

Anon: Roxxy! You okay. I rushed out of class as soon as you messaged me.

Roxxy: I'm fine. And so is our daughter.

Anon: Wow....hi little Rachel...Wow, she's basically a little you.

Roxxy: Well, not completely. She has your cute eyes, ears, and nose.

Crystal: Hey Stud, how's my Granddaughter?

*Anon got frightened a bit hearing Crystal's voice from behind him, seeing her in another bed*

Anon: Wait, you gave birth too?

Crystal: Yeah, it's rare, but when there is a large change in atmospheric pressure sometimes it can trigger women to go into labor early. And that Tornado that just missed the Trailer park did just that.

Roxxy: Yeah....and do you know who else has your cute eyes ears and nose? My BRUNETTE sister over there.

Anon: Um....Roxxy you know I'm sorry about that....

Roxxy: Nurse can you please hold my baby for me?

Micoe: Of course.

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**Roxxy then leans forward and punches Anon right in the gut, surprising both Crystal and Micole**

Roxxy: You are lucky I just Passed a baby through me because I want to kick you so hard in that stupid dick of yours!

Anon: *ugh* know what...I deserved that.

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Rachel: Honestly Dad, you deserved worse than just a punch in the gut.

Anon: You're Mom is just telling you everything that happened at the hospital. I agree that I did deserve it.

Roxxy: And trust me, your dad got what was coming to him.

Crystal: It was shocking, but honestly, also kind of funny to watch.

Anon: Yup, this Coffee isn't going to be strong enough...Irish Coffee it is.

*Anon Says as he pours some of his MacSeamus Irish whiskey into the coffee*

Ryan: Um, what about the whole incident thing?

Roxxy: Oh right, where were we?

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: Again, thanks for agreeing to watch her. I called both Debbie and Diane, but they were both too busy, and Jenny was not responding to her phone, and I didn't want to drop them off at daycare for just a couple hours.

Crystal: Well you owe me one. What's this for again?

Roxxy: An audition. Trying to find some ways to make some extra money so I can help Anon with the new mortgage, or at least maybe Groceries.

Crystal: Got ya. Well I'll take the baby off you.

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*As Crystal takes Ryan from Roxxy's hands, she looks down to notice about Roxxy's outfit.*

Crystal: Roxxy, you're leaking again.

*Roxxy looks down, more annoyed than anything.*

Roxxy: Oh yeah. they've been doing that all week.

Crystal: And you plan to go to an audition in that?

Roxxy: I have a spare shirt and some tissues in the car, I'll change before going in.

Crystal: Roxxy, I think you just need to update your wardrobe.

Roxxy: I can't really afford to do that right now.

Crystal: Roxxy, your shirts are filled with stains from taking care of kids and are stretched out to their max from you growing 4 cup sizes. Plus look at those shorts. You can't even button them up anymore. You don't have a teenager body anymore, You're 22, it's closer to lookin like mine.

Roxxy: I mean....I guess. But that might help in this case scenario.

Crystal: How?

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Roxxy: Going to a Rap video Audition. They are looking for some backup girls and I think I finally got a booty to make it. The only positive of 2 Pregnancies.

*Roxxy turns around to show off her ass.*

Crystal: I'll admit, you got more booty than I have ever had.

Roxxy: Plus I can finally do this...

*Roxxy says shaking her hips, as her ass claps*

Roxxy: Finally got the goods to do that.

*Clapping can be heard from the other room as Rachel is clapping her hands*

Rachel: Yay! If Mommy's happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Roxxy: Yes, great job sweetie. Go play with Mira!

*Rachel runs back into the room*

Roxxy: She's just too sweet.

Crystal: Alright, you go do this audition then. Just be careful.

Roxxy: I got a Mask in the car, I should be fine.

Crystal: No I mean there's a lot of scams out there. I did a few of those back in the '90s and didn't get anything out of it, plus there are probably some VHS tapes still floating out there of me on the casting couch.

*Roxxy rolls her eyes*

Roxxy: I'm fine Mom. I'm smarter than you think. Okay I'm heading off, I'll call you when I'm heading back.

*As Roxxy Leaves the Door, Crystal then exhales*

Crystal: Finally. Some me time....Hope you don't mind kiddo, but Grandma needs a kick.

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**To Be continued**
Ryan: So did you get the part?

Roxxy: What?

Ryan: You dropped us off for an audition...did you at least get it? Yeah, no, I didn't get it.

Ryan: That was a suspiciously long pause

Roxxy: ANYWAY...!


**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: God I'm such an Idiot....I realized quickly this was a fake casting couch, Mom warned me and everything, and yet I still fell for it. Why is it that after having kids all it takes is some dumb compliments about me and I just lose all inhibitions. Oh god, there's still some of it on me.

*She says as she quickly gathers up the white splatters of goo on her breast and cheek, and out of desperation to clean it up quickly, just sucks on it and swallows it*

Roxxy: Eww.... Anon's doesn't taste this rank. Okay, I don't tell anyone about this and I should be fine....just hope that camera was just a prop, and they aren't releasing any of that shit online. Well that was a waste of 3 hours.


*Roxxy enters into the Trailer once she is cleaned up fully*

Roxxy: Hey Mom. Is your phone on silent? you didn't answer my call....OH MY GOD, MOM!


*Ryan is crying on the Couch, as Crystal is passed out. Her face is a deathly pale, and her lips had turned a shade of blue. Rachel is on her tiptoes on the arm of the sofa looking at her Grandma and Baby brother, while Mira is pulling on her mother's top to wake her up, having pulled it down until Crystal's bra was showing. And by Crystal's hand was a bottle. to Roxxy, it was clear, her mother overdosed*

Rachel: Ryan, don't cry. MeeMaw, wake up! Ryan is Crying...why won't you wake up.

Mira, looks towards Roxxy when she walks in the door.

Mira: Roxxy....Mommy won't wake up...


*An hour later*

*Anon Came Rushing as soon as he could. Explaining to his College professor he had a family emergency. He rushed to the Trailer park. When he got there, he saw Roxxy out by the front with Ryan in her arms, and Rachel and Mira by her sides.*

Anon: Are you all okay?

Roxxy: We're okay...I guess.... *Roxxy said, her mascara had smeared under her eyes from clearly some time crying*

Rachel: Hi Daddy.

Mira: Mommy was taken by the Wambulance. *Mira said still in tears*

Anon: So what happened? You only told me you were here alone with the kids and Mira and you needed help.

Roxxy: Mom Overdosed on Fentanyl. I told Mom she needed to get off that stuff, but she wouldn't listen to me....I stayed here to watch over the kids. Last I heard, she was stable, but she's still not concious.

Anon:....Tell you what, I stopped by to get some stuff not knowing what you needed. I got some formula, then went to Dairy Milfs and I got 2 Kids Meals and a Quarter Pound Towner. How about we go inside and I take over the parenting to give you a break.

Roxxy: No I need got me a meal? *Roxxy says feeling cared for*

Anon: Yup. I'm a parent too, and you need a break.

Roxxy: Okay.


*Anon was holding Ryan as he finished off the bottle, and was just holding him, as Roxxy finished off her meal, while Rachel and Mira ate their kids meals. Roxxy then cuddles up into Anon, as she just looks at her baby in his father's arm*

Roxxy: I'm the worst mother ever.

Anon: What are you talking about?

Roxxy: I should of never left the house. I put all the kids in danger because I left them with my Mom...Someone I know is irresponsible. It seems like everyone is just a better Mom than me and I'm struggling.

Anon: Roxxy, you're being too hard on yourself. Nobody could of predicted what happened. I think it's just that "mother's guilt".

Roxxy: I should of never left the house.

Anon: Okay, well think of it this way, Mira would have been alone if you hadn't.

Roxxy:....I guess....She's too young to dial 911, so you might be right.

Anon: Look, considering what happened, you made sure all the kids were safe. I think that makes you a wonderful Mother.

Roxxy:...You think?

Anon: I know.

*Roxxy snuggles in, adjusting the blanket on Ryan to make sure it's snug, and booping her baby's nose as he sleeps*

Roxxy: Anon....I don't know what I'd do without you.

Anon: Thanks.

Roxxy: No I mean it. You're my rock. You just seem to know how to address all my insecurities....You could of been with anyone, but you chose me....You infuriate me sometimes, but I really do love you.

Anon: Ahh...Babe, I love you too.

*Roxxy leans in to give Anon a kiss*

Roxxy: Though you do need to shave.

Anon: But you said it looks good?

Roxxy: Yeah, but until it grows in, it feels like kissing sandpaper.

Anon: Man, guess I'll have to wait it out then. Going to miss those kisses though.

*Roxxy is silent for a moment before saying*

Roxxy: Mom endangered everyone...She couldn't even wait 3 hours....I don't think I can forgive her for that. What if something happened to any of the kids.....She's a danger to the family....I think it's about time I do what I should of done a long time ago and cut ties with Mom....for the kids.

Anon:....I mean I will support any decision you make.

Roxxy: Thank you.


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Jan 29, 2021
This is going to be a shot in the dark but did anyone save the Futa Dewitt x Debbie video from this dildorog post:

It seems to have been removed.

Also Dildorog posted a bunch of new spitroasting gifs:
May 3, 2024
Ryan: So did you get the part?

Roxxy: What?

Ryan: You dropped us off for an audition...did you at least get it? Yeah, no, I didn't get it.

Ryan: That was a suspiciously long pause

Roxxy: ANYWAY...!

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**Thursday, May 14th, 2020**

Roxxy: God I'm such an Idiot....I realized quickly this was a fake casting couch, Mom warned me and everything, and yet I still fell for it. Why is it that after having kids all it takes is some dumb compliments about me and I just lose all inhibitions. Oh god, there's still some of it on me.

*She says as she quickly gathers up the white splatters of goo on her breast and cheek, and out of desperation to clean it up quickly, just sucks on it and swallows it*

Roxxy: Eww.... Anon's doesn't taste this rank. Okay, I don't tell anyone about this and I should be fine....just hope that camera was just a prop, and they aren't releasing any of that shit online. Well that was a waste of 3 hours.

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*Roxxy enters into the Trailer once she is cleaned up fully*

Roxxy: Hey Mom. Is your phone on silent? you didn't answer my call....OH MY GOD, MOM!

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*Ryan is crying on the Couch, as Crystal is passed out. Her face is a deathly pale, and her lips had turned a shade of blue. Rachel is on her tiptoes on the arm of the sofa looking at her Grandma and Baby brother, while Mira is pulling on her mother's top to wake her up, having pulled it down until Crystal's bra was showing. And by Crystal's hand was a bottle. to Roxxy, it was clear, her mother overdosed*

Rachel: Ryan, don't cry. MeeMaw, wake up! Ryan is Crying...why won't you wake up.

Mira, looks towards Roxxy when she walks in the door.

Mira: Roxxy....Mommy won't wake up...

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*An hour later*

*Anon Came Rushing as soon as he could. Explaining to his College professor he had a family emergency. He rushed to the Trailer park. When he got there, he saw Roxxy out by the front with Ryan in her arms, and Rachel and Mira by her sides.*

Anon: Are you all okay?

Roxxy: We're okay...I guess.... *Roxxy said, her mascara had smeared under her eyes from clearly some time crying*

Rachel: Hi Daddy.

Mira: Mommy was taken by the Wambulance. *Mira said still in tears*

Anon: So what happened? You only told me you were here alone with the kids and Mira and you needed help.

Roxxy: Mom Overdosed on Fentanyl. I told Mom she needed to get off that stuff, but she wouldn't listen to me....I stayed here to watch over the kids. Last I heard, she was stable, but she's still not concious.

Anon:....Tell you what, I stopped by to get some stuff not knowing what you needed. I got some formula, then went to Dairy Milfs and I got 2 Kids Meals and a Quarter Pound Towner. How about we go inside and I take over the parenting to give you a break.

Roxxy: No I need got me a meal? *Roxxy says feeling cared for*

Anon: Yup. I'm a parent too, and you need a break.

Roxxy: Okay.

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*Anon was holding Ryan as he finished off the bottle, and was just holding him, as Roxxy finished off her meal, while Rachel and Mira ate their kids meals. Roxxy then cuddles up into Anon, as she just looks at her baby in his father's arm*

Roxxy: I'm the worst mother ever.

Anon: What are you talking about?

Roxxy: I should of never left the house. I put all the kids in danger because I left them with my Mom...Someone I know is irresponsible. It seems like everyone is just a better Mom than me and I'm struggling.

Anon: Roxxy, you're being too hard on yourself. Nobody could of predicted what happened. I think it's just that "mother's guilt".

Roxxy: I should of never left the house.

Anon: Okay, well think of it this way, Mira would have been alone if you hadn't.

Roxxy:....I guess....She's too young to dial 911, so you might be right.

Anon: Look, considering what happened, you made sure all the kids were safe. I think that makes you a wonderful Mother.

Roxxy:...You think?

Anon: I know.

*Roxxy snuggles in, adjusting the blanket on Ryan to make sure it's snug, and booping her baby's nose as he sleeps*

Roxxy: Anon....I don't know what I'd do without you.

Anon: Thanks.

Roxxy: No I mean it. You're my rock. You just seem to know how to address all my insecurities....You could of been with anyone, but you chose me....You infuriate me sometimes, but I really do love you.

Anon: Ahh...Babe, I love you too.

*Roxxy leans in to give Anon a kiss*

Roxxy: Though you do need to shave.

Anon: But you said it looks good?

Roxxy: Yeah, but until it grows in, it feels like kissing sandpaper.

Anon: Man, guess I'll have to wait it out then. Going to miss those kisses though.

*Roxxy is silent for a moment before saying*

Roxxy: Mom endangered everyone...She couldn't even wait 3 hours....I don't think I can forgive her for that. What if something happened to any of the kids.....She's a danger to the family....I think it's about time I do what I should of done a long time ago and cut ties with Mom....for the kids.

Anon:....I mean I will support any decision you make.

Roxxy: Thank you.

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A sad beginning but a sweet ending.
Roxxy would fall for a casting couch; I hope it does come back to bite her in the ass.
I love the name Dairy Milfs. I wouldn't be surprised if DC stole the name and put it in the game.
And that backpack Anon has is still going strong I see.
I will always love the dynamic you have with Roxxy and Anon; it makes Anon feel more like a person and less like a walking scrotum whose only purpose is to breed.
Another great chapter and the custom drawings were good, too. I hope they weren't too much trouble.
May 8, 2021
A sad beginning but a sweet ending.
Roxxy would fall for a casting couch; I hope it does come back to bite her in the ass.
I love the name Dairy Milfs. I wouldn't be surprised if DC stole the name and put it in the game.
And that backpack Anon has is still going strong I see.
I will always love the dynamic you have with Roxxy and Anon; it makes Anon feel more like a person and less like a walking scrotum whose only purpose is to breed.
Another great chapter and the custom drawings were good, too. I hope they weren't too much trouble.
Yeah, it's a pretty serious chapter in their lives, but as always, Anon will come to save the day.

Well once something is on the internet, it can easily be deleted and never keeps circling around for years to come ;).

Hell, I would be greatly Honored if DC reads these and takes anything from it. Makes my comic Loosely Canon.

Hey, if the backpack ain't broke, don't replace it. Plus Anon is still in Community college in 2020, so he's still got classes.

Part of my goal with this series has been to try to humanize the cast a little bit. I mean we all love a good walking porno situation when we see it, but Anon has some serious "Bella from Twilight" energy with him being so much of a self insert that he has no personality minus "Sometimes Dumb". If in my future Anon and Roxxy are married, than that means they need to have an actual dynamic that makes sense for why they are together.

Custom drawing wasn't too bad, just takes work and effort. Will work on the next chapter soon. In the mean time, I'm going back and starting to put buttons on all my posts for Previous, Next and first, so it's easier for people to absorb my comic from beginning to end.
May 3, 2024
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50 Glazes Of Pain. A Judith and Annie story. A story requested by Sorpiov. Justhavingalook does pics
"I warned you no food in the lockers!" Annie shouted at Judith, her favorite target. "That's detention for you." Annie got out her notebook. "Hey, that's not fair," MC interjected. "Quiet! Unless you want to join her?" Annie cocked an eyebrow. "Come on, Annie, just give.." MC tried to plead. "I warned you, and now you join her as well." And gave them both a detention slip. "Sorry, MC," Judith looked apologetic. "It's ok." He smiled at her. Judith and MC talked and got along well at detention, which earned them another detention. The more they talked, the more fondness MC had for Judith, and they asked her out. She said yes immediately. She waited for MC to notice her and wasted no time making things hot and heavy. That earned her the ire of Annie, who forbade such shows of affection on school grounds. One day, Annie caught them having sex in the girl's locker room bathroom stall. "Indecent! Follow me!" She demanded. They obeyed, wondering if they were going to be expelled. Upon entering Ms. Smith's office, Smith was not there. Annie explained that the principal was out due to an injury and that she would punish them herself. Annie gave them both a paddling. As they were leaving the office, Judith noticed how wet she was. And how good it felt to have that paddle smack across her ass. She liked being beaten. But she kept this to herself for fear of scaring away MC. Days passed, and Judith found ways to get herself in trouble and punished. Eventually, Annie hurt herself, punishing Judith, and called MC to the office. Upon arriving, Annie told him he would have to do it. He was reluctant, but Judith told him it was ok. As he was paddling, he noticed a wet spot on the ground. She was enjoying this, and this made him so hard. He went harder, and she screamed louder. He stopped for a breather and turned to see Annie subtly masturbating. She was enjoying this, too, and staring at his cock. She stopped, cheeks pink with embarrassment, looked up at him, and said, "You need extra punishment; you both will meet me after school." They met her after school; she was dressed in a brown cloak. "If you tell anyone about this, I will have you expelled." She said. They didn't believe her but went with it. She led them to the janitor's closet and pushed a tile to reveal a passage. They descended into a cavern lit by torchlight and held torture devices of every kind. "Um, What's this?" MC asked. "Your extra punishment," Annie said. She disrobed to reveal sexy BDSM wear underneath. "Put Judith on the rack and get the riding crop." She commanded. Judith squealed in pain and pleasure; Annie smiled sadistically, MC trying so hard not to cum. MC and Judith both professed how much they loved each other. Then MC turned to Annie, who was masturbating again, "Time for your punishment too." Annie couldn't take it anymore. She put her head and hands in the stockade. "Punish me, MC!." After that, Annie was always more subdued around them, much to the principal's confusion. After graduation, Annie became the youngest school super independent, Judith turned the donut shop into a bakery that made erotic-looking baked goods, and MC became the youngest police chief in Summerville history (all thanks to Annie spurring him on). MC married Judith and took both girls on their honeymoon, and they both got pregnant—Jennine was by Judith, and Ashley was by Annie.
May 3, 2024
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Ms. Bridgett & Rhonda Fanfiction. A story requested by Justhavingalook. Scorpiov and Justhavingalook did pics.
Rhonda lay gasping for air on the grass. Coach Bridgett had ramped up her training."That's all you got," Coach called with her arms crossed. Rhonda weakly got to her feet. "All right, that's enough." Bridgett held out her hand. "Don't need you dying out here. Without you, we have no chance at nationals. "Ok," Rhonda said. "Alright, let's hit the showers!" In the shower room, Rhonda had never noticed how ripped Coach was, and she kept posing in the mirror. "Heh. Still got it." Ms. Bridgett chucked to herself. The coach turned and noticed Rhonda. "Dam girl, looks like training is paying off." And gave her ass a hard smack. "COACH?!" Rhonda yelp in surprise. "What? With an ass like that, they'll be too distracted to win," Coach said with a chuckle and a shrug. Rhonda was more surprised than shocked by her behavior, but she was also turned on, which confused and delighted Rhonda at the same time. As time went on, the coach's antics ramped up bit by bit. Not that Rhonda minded. Slaps on the ass turned into back scrubs in the shower, stretching, and muscle massages were becoming more drawn out...almost intimate. One night, Rhonda had a dream where she was saving Coach Bridgett from drowning. When Rhonda gave her CPR, she noticed that Ms. Bridgett had a huge boner. Rhonda brought her into the medic tent and was about to take her bottoms off when she woke up. Her panties were soaked all the way through. After cleaning and changing, she went downstairs for breakfast. She asked her mom and dad what they thought about the LGTBQ+ community. "We don't care as long as they're good people," they said. That was all she needed to hear. After class, she met with Coach Bridgett and made a bet. If she wins 1st place, she gets whatever she wants. "Deal," Bridgett said. On the day of the competition, Rhonda smoked everyone. After the celebrations, it was just her and the coach in the shower room. "You mentioned a reward. So what did you want?" Nervous Rhonda walked towards her and started to feel her up. Bridgett. Did the same. It escalated to kissing and heavy petting, and then Rhonda tried to eat Bridgett out, but she wasn't satisfied. "Looks like I'm gonna have to train you some more." And left the shower room for a minute. She came back with a strap-on in one hand and a dildo in the other. "Be gentle," Rhonda said. "Ain't I always gentle," Coach said with a wicked smile. They had to keep their relationship a secret, but they all knew in their way. After graduation, Rhonda went to college to study sports medicine but was scouted by the Olympic team and quit after 2 years. She ended up winning three gold medals and retired. She returned to college to finish her degree and opened a rival gym to Planet Thickness with her partner/wife, Bridget Krüger. Bridget taught wrestling techniques at the gym.
May 3, 2024
Yeah, it's a pretty serious chapter in their lives, but as always, Anon will come to save the day.

Well once something is on the internet, it can easily be deleted and never keeps circling around for years to come ;).

Hell, I would be greatly Honored if DC reads these and takes anything from it. Makes my comic Loosely Canon.

Hey, if the backpack ain't broke, don't replace it. Plus Anon is still in Community college in 2020, so he's still got classes.

Part of my goal with this series has been to try to humanize the cast a little bit. I mean we all love a good walking porno situation when we see it, but Anon has some serious "Bella from Twilight" energy with him being so much of a self insert that he has no personality minus "Sometimes Dumb". If in my future Anon and Roxxy are married, than that means they need to have an actual dynamic that makes sense for why they are together.

Custom drawing wasn't too bad, just takes work and effort. Will work on the next chapter soon. In the mean time, I'm going back and starting to put buttons on all my posts for Previous, Next and first, so it's easier for people to absorb my comic from beginning to end.
I think it would be hilarious if one of the kids at school pulls Roxxys video and showed it to Ryan: "Hey, isn't that your mom?" :ROFLMAO:

DC using some of my fan fiction as the basis for some of his material would be great for me, too. Even though mine aren't as deep as yours.
3.50 star(s) 2 Votes