
Feb 6, 2018
So you don't start with cheats cause you're tired of restarting (100% non-issue unless you delete your persistent/save folder) but play again on normal mode but you don't like grinding ? So you go tinker with mods/console and then question why your game bugs ? Weird logic. There's also probably a reason they disabled rollback (aside their coder blowing ass)
I dont know if your refering to me with that or not but i didnt say anything about being tired of restarting. in fact i never stated anything about being tired of restarting or in fact complain at all

what i am saying is that previously (as in before this current patch) i have redownloaded this game whenever i felt like playing it again and since its often many months inbetween so i restart from the beginning but use the cheat mode and eventually encountered some sort of glitch like a story route reverting to a previous point. this time, since i noticed that the front page specifies that editing skill level would cause glitches/events not triggering (which is not what the glitch i encountered in this patch) so i just started normally and grinded the skills normally.

all i wanted to know is if this is some sort of known glitch or a mistake on my part in either the way i modded it or something and if someone else encountered something similar. tho i mistakenly didnt really imply this in my original


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
I dont know if your refering to me with that or not but i didnt say anything about being tired of restarting. in fact i never stated anything about being tired of restarting or in fact complain at all

what i am saying is that previously (as in before this current patch) i have redownloaded this game whenever i felt like playing it again and since its often many months inbetween so i restart from the beginning but use the cheat mode and eventually encountered some sort of glitch like a story route reverting to a previous point. this time, since i noticed that the front page specifies that editing skill level would cause glitches/events not triggering (which is not what the glitch i encountered in this patch) so i just started normally and grinded the skills normally.

all i wanted to know is if this is some sort of known glitch or a mistake on my part in either the way i modded it or something and if someone else encountered something similar. tho i mistakenly didnt really imply this in my original
Modding will 99%+ bork you. Even the advertised mods around here can and will screw themselves sometimes. You got 3 choices : normal mode + grind + whine, cheat mode + lol @ everything or mod + hope you don't format your HDD if it bugs

Like DC said on the release posts on Patreon : Don't save in the middle of dialogs/quests, always save in either MC's room or the town map. Routes resetting themselves indicates you did the above


Mar 7, 2018
I played 0.20.1 and, well, this is quite good. Of course we waited a loooong time for few news but, hey, I like this game. One can play without any headache and girls are pretty (dev are a bit too mucch "big boobs lovers", lol). Becca's mother is average but Josephine got a nice body and nice animations. Banging Tony's wife is a lot of fun.
OK dudes, keep on this good job.


Apr 26, 2017
About Eve went back to an old save and decided to see what would happen if I chose the "Maybe" option. Now I cannot unsee it haha. Conflicted because it makes more sense to me that Eve is a "Trap" "Trans", but not into dude on trans action. I could more easily get behind it if the MC was a female. Oh well I still like Eve as a girl and her personality.
Use Console. If you want to see Eve as women with vagina:
M_eve.biggus_dickus = u''

or Eve with penis:
M_eve.biggus_dickus = u'_alt'

You can switch it as often as you wish)))
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srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
Modding will 99%+ bork you. Even the advertised mods around here can and will screw themselves sometimes. You got 3 choices : normal mode + grind + whine, cheat mode + lol @ everything or mod + hope you don't format your HDD if it bugs

Like DC said on the release posts on Patreon : Don't save in the middle of dialogs/quests, always save in either MC's room or the town map. Routes resetting themselves indicates you did the above
I take it you never use mods. So please do not spread false statements. I am using my mod all the time and I never screwed up anything, except maybe when I was in the process of modding something and saving in the middle of that, which is called development. And, of course, modders are also not perfect and produce bugs. But those bugs normally get fixed more often than every five months.


Jun 16, 2018
I searched the thread and the forum but couldn't find a renpy specific answer. My question is .......
Does anyone of you have experience using an xbox controller for renpy games ? SS particularly ? What needs to be done ?
The controller works but the contorls are wonky at best and there is no way to changes bindings except assigning keyboard bindings to the controller. All inputs welcome !!
Thank you !


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
I take it you never use mods. So please do not spread false statements. I am using my mod all the time and I never screwed up anything, except maybe when I was in the process of modding something and saving in the middle of that, which is called development. And, of course, modders are also not perfect and produce bugs. But those bugs normally get fixed more often than every five months.
Maybe you can mod like a pro, but there's people around here who can barely start the game without their PC catching on fire, let alone importing older saves and/or modding. Most of them don't even mod : they console wank and expect things to not explode
I searched the thread and the forum but couldn't find a renpy specific answer. My question is .......
Does anyone of you have experience using an xbox controller for renpy games ? SS particularly ? What needs to be done ?
The controller works but the contorls are wonky at best and there is no way to changes bindings except assigning keyboard bindings to the controller. All inputs welcome !!
Thank you !
What. The. Actual. Buttfuck ..... Renpy (and this game in particular) is heavily point-and-click. Most of us do that with a mouse. How/why/wut the f you wanna do with a controller where 99%+ of the game is move the mouse pointer to X spot and click it ? Not only would you have to wiggle your joystick (pun intended) on a pixel perfect spot for some quests, you'd have done the exact same thing 4390567137546483 times faster with a mouse
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