Oh get the entire fuck outta here with this bullshit. Dont try and paint yourself as the noble martyr, enduring the slings and arrows of "uncompleted, shitty, buggy" porn games so that you can warn off the hardworking everyman before he gets scammed out of their money.
That is such a crock and you know it. The truth is, you are upset with the dev team for the content of the game and the timeframe for the release of said content. Which is FINE. You are allowed to be upset. But do not try and sell me this shit about you being the hero we need for PORN GAMES.
You are simply mad and decided to 'take to the streets' of a porn game pirating forum to try and foment rebellion against the evil game creator and oppressor. How DARE he create an experience that some people enjoy enough to OF THEIR OWN VOLITION AND UNDER NO DURESS OF ANY SORT donate to his process in hope of more of the same content. And how DARE THEY CONTINUE AFTER YOU SAY THEY SHOULD STOP.
Truly, these poor souls must be of limited thinking capacity and are being taken advantage of. In swoops you, you veritable internet Galahad you, to save them from their folly. To pick up and carry the cross of playing a free game and intentionally looking for anything and everything you can needle at and pick apart, then to make pithy and redundant comments about it, repeatedly, on a forum that most of those poor, unfortunate souls will likely never see.
You are the hero we need.
Truly I say unto thee, Fuck outta here with that bullshit.