Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Oh and btw tell me, since the coder is lazy please do tell when should have he finished the code if he wasn't lazy.
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May 3, 2017
1. Your reasoning lacks logic. Is a coder and the language which he codes two independent and autonomous things? If he codes in an easy language and takes too much time in said language, we can there arrive at the general premise that he is lazy. I'm sorry if you can't keep up with formal logic 101.

2. "If it's so easy why don't you do it?" I have my own job and I don't need another one. This argument seems again invalid and is a non sequitur. Imagine I go to a grocery shop and file a complaint because an employee did a bad job; would my complaint be invalid because I ought to go there and show them how to do a better job? What about if my house is being robbed and I call the police and they arrive too late? Am I to excuse them just because if I really want a better service I ought to do it myself?

3. Seems a bit hypocritical to say "you didn't provide proofs to make your argument valid" while you yourself do not do what you ask or point out. So where are the proofs that ascertains that he is not lazy? Sincerely this seems like an auto-destructive argument since you accuse your own premise of being non-logical.

4. I can ask you the same. Am I saying that? Or are you implying that he had a whole month to work and decided in the last few days to do all he to do in this side job and thus almost completed it? Honestly, by that standard it is almost as like you're admitting that he is lazy.
Sorry to say this : But this is the most idiotic statement i have ever heard. Just because a programming language in itself is simple doesnt make anything done with it less complex or fragile. If you had any serious knowledge of programming and development i would invite you to challenge someone who reads pdf code like a book (right. easy language too) or to rewrite something in a complex qsp game (baby language too like BASIC). The real creativity is not in the language but what you do with it and the math. It actually requires a 'smarter' person to do anything complex with an easy language compared to any higher language like c# or c++ (just to correct your wrong usage of the notation by the way)


Sep 21, 2016
Your missing the link between one and another.
Q:"Show me why this dev sucks"
A "Not a real language, it's easy, anyone can do it."
I asked you about the dev, not the language, if you want to mention the language as a reasoning point as to why he should be more productive do it but don't just say the language is easy and be done with it.

Never said that. I said and I quote:

Defenses don't require evidence when the accusation provides no evidence. You're the one saying he's lazy and I'm asking for proof. Asking for a defense of something that doesn't exist is like asking me to prove that unicorns don't exist. You provide the evidences to why they exist and I'll defend my point afterwards.

Code me a game about resources... But you won't be given the resources. Now that he has every resource he needs to actually code his part, he's doing it and doing it at a spectacular rate, even by your own standards.
1. I don't understand what makes you not understand this point, but I hope that this time together we can find why you're unable to understand this.

A. Renpy is an easy language.
B. The coder codes in Renpy.
C. Things that are easy take little to no time to do.

The average person would agree that all these premises are valid in a general and abstract understanding.

If the coder, who codes in an easy language, takes more time than he's supposed to, we can assume, by general rule, that he's lazy or incompetent. We can also arrive to the conclusion that he is lazy or incompetent if he is constantly not complying with deadlines.

The reason why the language itself is more important than the "coder" itself, is because the coder is nothing without the code. Is "John" a coder if he doesn't know code? How can John be a lazy or a bad coder if he doesn't know code? His ability to code depends on the proficiency on the language. A coder isn't a coder because it simply is a coder in relation to the substance of knowing code. Thus, if a coder codes in an easy language far slower than it is normally acceptable than he is a bad coder. If, by your own admission, he can code 60% of the code in two days, but he only did it after the deadline was reached, then you, by your own words, said that he is lazy because only know did he do his job.

Honestly, I don't know how to simplify even more this point. I'm trying to make this as simple as it gets to the point of even being slightly confusing because I have to explain every single step to an absurd level. Plus, you have to decide on what you said. First you say that you said that question was about if he's lazy or not; now it is about if he sucks? You sure like to back pedal a lot.

Basically: a coder depends on the language because the word coder depends on substance of code.

2. You never said that. That's a complete lie and as a moderator you should be ashamed of blatantly lying that shamelessly. Never in this exchange did you expressed those ideas. And since when are you defending a point? You made a claim and I asked you if you wanted me to tell why I disagreed and you said yes. If anything I'm the defense since I made a counter-argument. You're just evading your own need to justify your own statements by saying that it is my job. But even in this way this not make any sense: why do you don't have to justify your own statements? Because you were not the first to propose a claim? Ludicrous.

3. Does the need 100% of the art to start his job? 99%? 56%? Why 100%? He could have started a long time ago. He had resources. DC didn't just delivered the entire art in one day and said "now get to work". So wait; If my associate gives me a case to work on, but he hasn't give all of the papers for the case: is it okay for me to do 0?
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Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
1. I don't understand what makes you not understand this point, but I hope that this time together we can find why you're unable to understand this.

A. Renpy is an easy language.
B. The coder codes in Renpy.
C. Things that are easy take little to no time to do.

The average person would agree that all these premises are valid in a general and abstract understanding.

If the coder, who codes in an easy language, takes more time than he's supposed to, we can assume, by general rule, that he's lazy or incompetent. We can also arrive to the conclusion that he is lazy or incompetent if he is constantly not complying with deadlines.

The reason why the language itself is more important than the "coder" itself, is because the coder is nothing without the code. Is "John" a coder if he doesn't know code? How can John be a lazy or a bad coder if he doesn't know code? His ability to code depends on the proficiency on the language. A coder isn't a coder because it simply is a coder in relation to the substance of knowing code. Thus, if a coder codes in an easy language far slower than it is normally acceptable than he is a bad coder. If, by your own admission, he can code 60% of the code in two days, but he only did it after the deadline was reached, then you, by your own words, said that he is lazy because only know did he do his job.

Honestly, I don't know how to simplify even more this point. I'm trying to make this as simple as it gets to the point of even being slightly confusing because I have to explain every single step to an absurd level. Plus, you have to decide on what you said. First you say that you said that question was about if he's lazy or not; now it is about if he sucks? You sure like to back pedal a lot.

Basically: a coder depends on the language because the word coder depends on substance of code.
NO fucking shit. What you have there is a logical error. You can have highly complex language and you can have a basic language, one doesn't necessarily take more or less time than the other, because you have complex and simple jobs. If you're coding something complex or advanced you're going to take time, no matter how basic the language actually is.

2. You never said. That's a complete lie and as a moderator you should be ashamed of blatantly lying that shamelessly.
Quote me then. Don't acuse me of being a liar when you can't fucking prove it. I told you to talk to the dev and express your point, he'll most likely say the same thing I said, please provide some evidence that the coder is lazy. And I've said that because if you knew the dev at all you'd know he's open to criticism and complaints, specially when it comes to HIS money.

And since when are you defending a point? You made a claim and I asked you if you wanted me to tell why I disagreed and you said yes. If anything I'm the defense since I made a counter-argument. You're just evading your own need to justify your own statements by saying that it is my job. But even in this way this not make any sense: why do you don't have you justify your own statements? Because you were not the first to propose a claim? Ludicrous.
So you want me to provide proof that he's not lazy, but you provide no proof that he's lazy. Prove to me that he's not sitting in his computer doing nothing. Can you do it? If your answer is no than you know why my answer is no. Ludicrous indeed, your logic that is.

3. Does the need 100% of the art to start his job? 99%? 56%? Why 100%? He could have started a long time ago. He had resources. DC didn't just delivered the entire art in one day and said "now get to work". So wait; If my associate gives me a case to work on, but he hasn't give all of the papers for the case: is it okay for me to do 0?
At best an idiotic statement. At best. If you followed the progress at all you'd know he started way before the art was done, but if 1 pose, 1 face, 1 line of text, 1 detail, 1 image is missing then he can't end the task. It's a line of production. Backgrounds / characters are made by the art. Posers get the the art and draw the faces, expressions, movements and then it goes to the coder. Also let's not forget the dialogue, which he will also have to wait on before a task can be closed. The code started not even 3 days after the first was made so please do tell me how he didn't do that when he clearly did.

Still waiting a response on this.
Oh and btw tell me, since the coder is lazy please do tell when should have he finished the code if he wasn't lazy.
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Sep 21, 2016
I'm not even trying.
You're seem trying really hard since you're posting those inspirational quotes like a 13 years old girl on her facebook profile picture. Yet, you seem quite shocked that you didn't tried to dispute my previous remark to your statement. Which leads me to believe that you're flustered.
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Sep 21, 2016
NO fucking shit. What you have there is a logical error. You can have highly complex language and you can have a basic language, one doesn't necessarily take more or less time than the other, because you have complex and simple jobs. If you're coding something complex or advanced you're going to take time, no matter how basic the language actually is.
Tell me what and where is the logical error. I'm from Law setting so I would really like to know from you. Tell me what is the logical fallacy and explain me how it relates to my statements.

So you want me to provide proof that he's not lazy, but you provide no proof that he's lazy. Prove to me that he's not sitting in his computer doing nothing. Can you do it? If your answer is no than you know why my answer is no. Ludicrous indeed, your logic that is.
I'm honestly not in the mood to explain civil procedure or even how proof claims works in epistemology. Basically, you want others to ascertain their claims while you refuse to do the same. Seems like blatant hypocrisy and I won't insist anymore on this point.

At best an idiotic statement.
I stopped there. Since I was already reported for "misbehavior" I will equally report this post for misbehavior. This is the third time I was predicated as "idiotic". If I'm not able to defend myself because I'll be sanctioned then I won't do it at all.
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Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Tell me what and where is the logical error. I'm from Law setting so I would really like to know from you. Tell me what is the logical fallacy and explain me how it relates to my statements.
I'm honestly not in the mood to explain civil procedure or even how proof claims works in epistemology. Basically, you want others to ascertain their claims while you refuse to do the same. Seems like blatant hypocrisy and I won't insist anymore on this point.
So you say you're in the law setting but don't know something as simple as the Burden of proof?
In criminal cases, the burden of proof is placed on the prosecution, who must demonstrate that the defendant is guilty before a jury may convict him or her.
Not a criminal case but I'll apply the same principle. I've asked you for proof and I'll dispute any and that you might bring up, but until you do so, just like in the law that you were so hurried to bring up he's not "guilty".

I stopped there. Since I was already reported for "misbehavior"
Of course, because when you directly said to a member "Begone brainlet" you were totally mentioning his statements, and not going after the person. And saying you can't argue any further without making statements like the ones you were warned for, says a lot to me personally...

But I'm glad, that way I won't have to fill up this thread with more pointless crap that will get nowhere due to aspects mentioned earlier.

I will equally report this post for misbehavior. This is the third time I was predicated as "idiotic". If I'm not able to defend myself because I'll be sanctioned then I won't do it at all.
Passed your report of my statement onto admins. Don't expect a response regardless of their decision (just like any other report).
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Aug 24, 2016
does this game have a decent amount of content or is still in early stages? i wanted to try it but if it has nothing to propose...
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Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
does this game have a decent amount of content or is still in early stages? i wanted to try it but if it has nothing to propose...
Good amount imo, but I'd say wait for a stable version of the next update since it will have a lot more content.
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Sep 21, 2016
So you say you're in the law setting but don't know something as simple as the Burden of proof.
Is this a criminal setting? If not: why the hell are you applying an onus probandi dear to penal law? If anything this is civil procedure which has nothing to do with criminal law or criminal procedure law.

Not a criminal case but I'll apply the same principle. I've asked you for proof and I'll dispute any and that you might bring up, but until you do so, just like in the law that you were so hurried to bring up he's not "guilty".
It applies because you want it to be applicable or because it is applicable? I already gave my proofs through formal logic. It is you who has until now refused time after time to explain yourself. You go as far as to go to penal procedure law (the exception of the general rule in terms of procedure law) to make your assumptions.

Of course, because when you directly said to a member "Begone brainlet" you were totally mentioning his statements, and not going after the person. And saying you can't argue any further without making statements like the ones you were warned for, says a lot to me personally...
When everyone said my statements are idiotic [ergo I'm idiotic] that is totally different and therefore justifiable?


Quote my posts if you want an answer
Former Staff
Aug 5, 2016
Is this a criminal setting? If not: why the hell are you applying an onus probandi dear to penal law? If anything this is civil procedure which has nothing to do with criminal law or criminal procedure law.

It applies because you want it to be applicable or because it is applicable? I already gave my proofs through formal logic. It is you who has until now refused time after time to explain yourself. You go as far as to go to penal procedure law (the exception of the general rule in terms of procedure law) to make your assumptions.

When everyone said my statements are idiotic [ergo I'm idiotic] that is totally different and therefore justifiable?
Mate you have a problem with the warning take it up to f95, if you want to discuss my point's pm me, but as people have said they are tired of this discussion and personally so am I.
So move onto my pm's and leave this discussion out of this thread.
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