jjj otgb

New Member
Sep 7, 2018
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/patch.rpy", line 77, in patch_menu
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 3, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 3, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 6, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 7, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 9, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 12, in execute
NameError: Name 'poker_sayer02' is not defined.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/bedroom/bedroom.rpyc", line 67, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/hallway.rpyc", line 65, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 29, in script call
File "scripts/locks/home_lock_check.rpyc", line 123, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/shower/shower.rpyc", line 42, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/hallway/hallway.rpyc", line 65, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/entrance.rpyc", line 185, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/characters/debbie/button.rpyc", line 7, in script call
File "scripts/locks/01global_lock_check.rpyc", line 61, in script call
File "scripts/locations/home/entrance/entrance.rpyc", line 185, in script call
File "scripts/characters/mrsj/button.rpyc", line 100, in script call
File "scripts/minigames/poker_minigame/poker.rpyc", line 325, in script
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1626, in execute
choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)
File "game/patch.rpy", line 77, in patch_menu
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 983, in menu
rv = renpy.store.menu(new_items)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 1217, in display_menu
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='menu', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\ui.py", line 295, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 2699, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3091, in interact_core
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 541, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 430, in visit_all
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 3091, in <lambda>
root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact())
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 440, in per_interact
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\display\screen.py", line 625, in update
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 3, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 3, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 6, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 7, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 9, in execute
File "game/scripts/core/user_interface/renpy/choice.rpy", line 12, in execute
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\text\text.py", line 1479, in __init__
self.set_text(text, scope, substitute)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\text\text.py", line 1598, in set_text
i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute)
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\substitutions.py", line 253, in substitute
s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)
File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 563, in vformat
File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 585, in _vformat
File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 646, in get_field
File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/string.py", line 605, in get_value
File "C:\Jim Downloads\OLD XP BACKUP\03] Games\ADUGAMES\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\SummertimeSaga-0-19-1-pc\renpy\substitutions.py", line 212, in __getitem__
raise NameError("Name '{}' is not defined.".format(key))
NameError: Name 'poker_sayer02' is not defined.

SummertimeSaga 0.19.1
Sat Oct 26 12:53:49 2019

I can't play with Mrs Robinson poker game. It shows only the MC .
Any ideas ?
Thank you in advance !!


Nov 28, 2016
Anyone have any insight as to what happened that made DC axe the lead coder?
I've heard DC talking a bit in one of the last stream he did. From how he talked about it and the way he avoided to say some things, my guess is that Dogeek was a bit "toxic" to work with.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2018
you guys think there is a chance we'll get a small halloween update at the end of the month?


Feb 12, 2018
That's going to happen anyway since at least Maria will be part of the next update and Consuela will appear in Rump's house, so she may get content in 0.20, too.

Judith will likely get her content for 0.23, given that DC wants to get all the schoolgirls done. We'll see.
0.23, so basically in two years lol
(i'd like to mention i'm not throwing shade at anybody on the devs team this game is awesome and I've loved every updates since I've started following the game)
that said it's still a little frustrating to see every update the school (and Judith) gets shafted, I had hope after the teachers to get more content but i'm still waiting patiently
Last edited:


Active Member
May 26, 2019
0.23, so basically in two years lol
(i'd like to mention i'm not throwing shade at anybody on the devs team this game is awesome and I've loved every updates since I've started following the game)
that said it's still a little frustrating to see every update the school (and Judith) gets shafted, I had hope after the teachers to get more content but i'm still waiting patiently
Just let's hope he is not only looking for a lead coder, but also for 1-2 colorists. Who could update old art and help coloring new art.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
And above all, this game should switch to 16/9 format to be more attractive!!
How would that in way help make this game "more attractive"? Is it such an imposition to you that this game isn't in a widescreen format that it somehow stops you from appreciating all the incredible artwork, animations and story threads?

This game, as it is now, is already "more attractive" than 99% of the 3D, 16:9 games out there because an aspect ratio means nothing when it comes to the quality of a game.
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Feb 12, 2018
How would that in way help make this game "more attractive"? Is it such an imposition to you that this game isn't in a widescreen format that it somehow stops you from appreciating all the incredible artwork, animations and story threads?

This game, as it is now, is already "more attractive" than 99% of the 3D, 16:9 games out there because an aspect ratio means nothing when it comes to the quality of a game.
and not only that, the characters look alive and you can feel the hard work behind every new updates, some 3d games have literally like 2 or 3 half assed scenes per update. Say what you want about the game but you can't fault the team for not giving us 110%

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
How would that in way help make this game "more attractive"? Is it such an imposition to you that this game isn't in a widescreen format that it somehow stops you from appreciating all the incredible artwork, animations and story threads?

This game, as it is now, is already "more attractive" than 99% of the 3D, 16:9 games out there because an aspect ratio means nothing when it comes to the quality of a game.
While I totally agree with what you say, and it would take over a year to adopt all the graphics to the wider format, I noticed that the screen is in fact not wide enough for the new Eve story.

There are plenty of occasons where the characters are grouped too closely on screen, partly making pointing gestures supposedly to one another but in fact pointing past the one they should point to. The pointing arm is too long and they miss the target, so to say, because they are just sticking too closely. A wider screen would have helped.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
So, I finally managed to get this game done after several attempts where stories and parts of stories kept repeating. For anyone else having similar problems (srksrk 68, ZTex ), I recommend NOT force enabling the rollback with UnRen or any other mod. I settled on this being the main issue after, on a previous playthrough, I was checking the hints list in the phone the morning after having completed the Jenny route to see there was no more Jenny hints and I accidentally rollbacked, then when I got back to my previous point, a Jenny hint was back and when I went to the hallway she was there to begin her story route all over again.

This was done with the incest patch added but I restested this theory about the rollback without the patch and the same thing happened. So, basically, I think having the rollback enabled and using it at any time messes up the game tracking events as, instead of rolling back a specific part, it may be rolling back large parts and it's why it was disabled in this version of the game.

I then completed the game, with the incest patch, without any incidents after re-installing the game to remove the rollback feature. I also went through each story route one-by-one as it is laid out in the walkthrough on the Wiki so I don't know if doing multiple stories at the same time causes a problem, but I'm probably not going to test that as I'm just glad to finally be done.
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New Member
Jan 26, 2018
Translation to other languages will be done probably after the game will be completed.
It will be in a year or two. I'm talking about a month. The graphics in another month. I am writing to check if any Poles are interested in this. I have 10% translated.
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