srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
Never seen anyone so willingly ignorant about how patreon works. You unwittingly proved my point by arguing this way.

Perks are not seperate from the game if they were why would his patreon be named after it? You pay certain tiers to have a right to participate in polls... For what? For the fun of voting in polls or for the right to steer the game in the direction they want it to go?
Pledges mean something since you payed for whatever you got on top of ensuring the project you supported still keeps running...

Which goes back to my original point: if EVERYONE pulled their pledged the game will not continue to be worked on, his team will move on to other titles and get their bread. The same would have happened in Summertime Saga's infancy.

That's not a hard fact to grasp considering the amount of failed projects halted because they didn't get enough financial support. Not only on here but elsewhere. Sorry but you can't 'spin' this the opposite direction without looking like a dullard, very rarely would someone spend their precious time towards developing a game just for the heck of it.
DC started this project with little to no expectations. There were updates every other week in the beginning, but of poor quality (not the least comparable to what he delivers today). People voted for longer cycles providing larger updates, and that's what he delivers.

Everybody gets the game for free. What patrons pay for is extra content (wallpapers) or being mentioned in the credits, or even get a character or story twist. Who pays the least $1 gets the game one day early, hooray!

Apart from that, there is a fan comunity which enjoys the game as it is. Now you even can contribute by not only bug reporting but translating the game. Guess what, people do that for free because they like the game so much. I would count myself in, providing the mod for free. So much to your theory that nothing would be developed without being paid.

Last not least, talking about mods: if there was an update every two weeks, I would not think that anyone would bother making one. People would not install them if they had to wait a week each time.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
^ You're obviously a crazy wackjob doing all this modding stuff for free ...........................

/mega extreme sarcasm


Active Member
May 29, 2018
It's not a free game, if he didn't get any donations the game wouldn't be worked on to this day. Doesn't matter if you personally don't pay for his work, an artists work is never free.

A facepalm also means nothing besides you being unnecessarily insecure enough to point it out and try to use it as proof of your being correct.
^ Are you paying for the game ? Nope, you pay to help DC make what he wants, this isn't Kickstarter
Is your pledge paying for the game ? Nope, you pay for the tier perks
Is the game behind a paywall ? Nope, every1 gets it for free
Would the game still be made if your pledge was not there ? Yes, unless you can convince the ~25k dudes to unpledge overnight, the game will still come out

So, how is any of this milking ? You don't pay for the game, you pay for tier perks to vote in polls and get roles on Discord, you still get the game for free and your pledge doesn't mean anything in the ocean of dudes pledging.
your both right to an extent. it takes money to make what he makes and it takes time to make what he makes but i agree on that if it takes until 2025 to finish it then what is the problem? the game is a good few hrs to play and its getting more hrs as it gets worked on. kinda wish they worked like this on fallout 4 and fallout 76 like this but hey its imo.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
your both right to an extent. it takes money to make what he makes and it takes time to make what he makes but i agree on that if it takes until 2025 to finish it then what is the problem? the game is a good few hrs to play and its getting more hrs as it gets worked on. kinda wish they worked like this on fallout 4 and fallout 76 like this but hey its imo.
Fallout 76 would actually have to be a functional game for the devs to work up on it
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 24, 2017

Status update:
We're nearing the end of the update development!
I took a week off-stream to focus on wrapping up the art (which I am in the process of doing) and will resume daily streams by the end of this week or next week. When I come back I will likely be working on content for the next update and other fun stuff!
The progress bar should slowly make its way to 100% over the next weeks but keep in mind that if the progress seems "stuck", it's mostly due to trying to make sure the update is stable and getting rid of any remaining bugs we find in QA.
New wallpapers:
For you high tier Patrons you can get the new wallpapers on our Kompas site.
Check it out here:
For the lower tier Patrons, simply wait a few hours for them to leak! ^-^
Rhonda feedback:
Thank you to all of those who sent their thoughts and feedback on Rhonda! I appreciate the time you spend sending me your ideas and will make sure that she gets a great story. Cheers!
-DC <3


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 22, 2018
Dick Iwanka : great
Dick her hard : still great
Dick her so hard you trip and hit the nuke button : great ?
Nuke the world while dicking Iwanka : great
  • Haha
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New Member
May 30, 2020
Well, there's no singular way in which patreon works. Some creators promise and deliver very regular releases and charge patrons for the release, where higher tiers get early access, some charge per release/episode and some use it as some kind of tip jar and give away the product to everyone, maybe with some smaller additional perks which aren't related to the product itself.

It's a huge difference, whether a creator promises early access to a product and charges money for it or whether you'll get the product for free, no matter whether you are a patron or not. I guess this far we can agree.

In return that's going to have an impact on patrons expectations on on their patience. If you pay $20 to $25 a month for early access you may indeed demand something within a predefined timeframe, because you are paying for it. If you essentially toss some money in a tip jar, the situation is certainly different.

Edit: Of course the money matters to a significant degree, but the situation is as it is for 2.5 years by now and I refuse to believe that there's a sane patron left, who still pledges significant amounts of money and still expects monthly or so releases. So you may indeed assume that those who give money are somewhat satisfied with the development process.
I'm aware that patreon is used in different ways, everything you said is correct. My point still stands that patreon is a middle man for people to support artists, in this case it means the people are giving him money to pay for his product and whatever they get in perks is just extra/his appreciation for funding the game. It's stupid to assume that all the money ONLY goes into perks... It goes into the game, I figure that much is obvious? To believe that that 60k goes into wallpapers and discord roles is ridiculous.

But I digress. To address others point that, in the beginning, the guy pushed out updates with not much money... Duh, those are updates creators make are in the hopes that people will notice the game and give them money... Why else bow to the demands of people if not to garner their support? Looking back at his early patreon he gained a lot of finacial support early on, a few hundred dollars even. He wouldn't have continued if he didn't see that growth

But the other guy doesn't understand, he keeps talking about 'oh if 30k drop he'll still be working on it' when I'm talking about if he had ZERO dollars, the game wouldn't have come as far as it has. It's just true... and no one can seriously delude themselves into thinking the opposite.

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
I'm aware that patreon is used in different ways, everything you said is correct. My point still stands that patreon is a middle man for people to support artists, in this case it means the people are giving him money to pay for his product and whatever they get in perks is just extra/his appreciation for funding the game. It's stupid to assume that all the money ONLY goes into perks... It goes into the game, I figure that much is obvious? To believe that that 60k goes into wallpapers and discord roles is ridiculous.

But I digress. To address others point that, in the beginning, the guy pushed out updates with not much money... Duh, those are updates creators make are in the hopes that people will notice the game and give them money... Why else bow to the demands of people if not to garner their support? Looking back at his early patreon he gained a lot of finacial support early on, a few hundred dollars even. He wouldn't have continued if he didn't see that growth

But the other guy doesn't understand, he keeps talking about 'oh if 30k drop he'll still be working on it' when I'm talking about if he had ZERO dollars, the game wouldn't have come as far as it has. It's just true... and no one can seriously delude themselves into thinking the opposite.
Yes, sure, if he hadn't made all that money he still wouldn't have a team now, and still be producing low-quality stuff or fast updates with poor content. So why not be happy that he now can deliver? Why all that hatred about him making too much money? Let him just do his thing. Let him get incredibly rich but do his thing, man.
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New Member
May 30, 2020
DC was making the game with little to no $, he'll still be making the game if the pledges drop : his
Point still remains : where in anything said so far does DC come out as a milking scamlord ? People pledging are either happy with being milked or there's no milking whatsoever
People are happy being milked, clearly. Seeing as he has no end in sight after years developing it that much is clear, *an ending was never an option*. I mean he's adding useless stuff like old memes and trump that should be your first clue, that and redrawing all the art a 5th time.

I also can't help but hear 'TRUST THE PLAN' echoing in my head when you reply to me, weird.

Anyways, I don't really have an sympathy for the guys who are donating and getting strung along. I'm not 'whining' about them being milked or anything, it's not my problem or my original point. The only thing that irked me about you is that you keep using 'is free bro' and 'omg whining about milking' to stifle and lower people who rightly criticise the game. Whether you find some aggressive or not, those people cared enough to comment their issues with the game in the hopes that it would get better. There's some valid insight and critique in every roidraged rant post believe it or not.... And that's why I stepped in in the first place.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017

I think you've taken a few things, said by some, too literally. Nobody here is claiming that DC would develop the game without making any money. What people mean when they say that "the game is free" is, that you simply don't pay for the game via patreon. Everybody gets it, so it doesn't matter whether you are a patron or not. Simple as that.

Somebody once compared that to musicians. One gives a concert, sells tickets and expects people to pay up front to listen to his music, while another sits in the park, plays for free with his hat in front of him so people can donate a little. Of course both need money to live, but there's still a fundamentally different distribution of power going on. Those who give money to the latter give it because they want to, not because they actually buy the product.

But yeah, to stick with that analogy, people will of course continue to claim that "the guy with the hat in the park" is milking people, who don't have to give a cent to listen to his music. Absurd, isn't it?
Last edited:


Aug 6, 2016
I am confused, the latest post said that the progress bar will go up to 100% over the coming weeks but 2 months ago they said 20.5 would be split up into two parts. Which one is it?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
I am confused, the latest post said that the progress bar will go up to 100% over the coming weeks but 2 months ago they said 20.5 would be split up into two parts. Which one is it?
The current tracker is for both parts of the update combined. To me it sounds like they are currently wrapping up the first part (hence the tracker isn't moving and we should get a release soonish) and will finish the second part in the next weeks or, lets be realistic, months.

But yeah, the post is certainly confusing, especially because it's not clear what "next update" actually means. As I read it, he's currently finishing the art for the whole of 0.20.5 and will continue with Ronda's stuff next week?


New Member
May 30, 2020
Yes, sure, if he hadn't made all that money he still wouldn't have a team now, and still be producing low-quality stuff or fast updates with poor content. So why not be happy that he now can deliver? Why all that hatred about him making too much money? Let him just do his thing. Let him get incredibly rich but do his thing, man.
If you read the stuff I said you'd know it has nothing to do with what your saying. I never hated on anything my point was simple and I reiterated it several times that repeating it is overkill at this point. At the end of the day I don't care about how much money he makes, how much content he has, or how long it's taking him to churn out content with no end in sight, but it's pure folly to ignore reality.

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
If you read the stuff I said you'd know it has nothing to do with what your saying. I never hated on anything my point was simple and I reiterated it several times that repeating it is overkill at this point. At the end of the day I don't care about how much money he makes, how much content he has, or how long it's taking him to churn out content with no end in sight, but it's pure folly to ignore reality.
With "let him do his thing" I did not mean you specifically. Sorry for the confusion.
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