Nah, I don't. But I just hope that the mood for WaL will stay as positive as it is right now, even if they start to earn more money. Especially because the team is actually active on F95 and it would be a bit of a shame if they'd get negative feedback and lose some motivation for no real reason. After all, some of these "scamming discussion" that are common here, started there, too, before the update dropped. But that's indeed offtopic here and I'm sure they'll deal with it once it happens. The one thing we can be sure of is, that WaL will probably take just as long to be finished as does SS.
To have a least some on topic discussion, it looks like the modern mansion next to Rump's house will be for Missy. DC hinted at something like her divorced father beeing a lawyer who is rarely/never at home. I think it would be fitting.