You can triple and quadruple down on it, I'm just repeating what DC said several times on his streams not that long ago. You don't have to take my word.
In Roxxy's case there's simply no choice needed givne that she's a cuck and in Eve's case Sploosh actually even hinted it (or what do you think the other dialog choices are for?) but they didn't pull through. I'm not even saying that the secodary and tertirary chracaters need more content, I'm just saying not doing it does lead to bad/unfavourable outcomes, like it now did in Grace's case. If someone likes Grace, he essentially has to play Eve's full story, get all lovey-dovey with her just to get scenes with Grace who is feeling guitly about all of that.
As far as I'm aware Rhonda and Annie never were supposed to get a split/choice, so you'd indeed have to wait until Judith. I'm clearly not saying that there should be choices everywhere, but just that there are some situations where they simply make a lot of sense.
Edit: I'm 100% sure that at least in Mia's case a choice will remain - given the amount of content they've added for Harold/Yumi* and given how Harold is displayed in for example the main story anything else just doesn't make sense anymore. In Erik's case I'm at least 99% sure, given that DC seems to have made up his mind about it and given that the alternatives actually seem quite a bit worse.