
May 8, 2017
Last month I explained Patreon's latest ban craze is a major new reason (on top of existent major reasons, specific to SS) why SS will never see another release.

Here's a relevant (and fresh) example of what happens if you release and come up on Patreon's Fascist Fantasy Police radar. Notice the uptick in supporters & revenue and then BANG! Project is gone. This is not odd. There have been MANY major projects banned in the past few months (see my comment from last month).


ATU has a LOT of similarities with SS: MC, mom & sis in the same house, 2D project started in 2016 around when SS started, same post-2018 attempts to decorate the original central incest theme by renaming relations, same ages for MC & LIs, same major setup around highschool, same collisions with Patreon's latest turboinsane ideas of what consent is (e.g. sex with teachers), etc. etc.

Let's indulge for a second the "naive" idea that the TU was actually worked on so far and will get released for whatever reason. The latest realities show that Patreon will VERY likely kill SS days after the TU releases.
So for DC the choice is:
Option A = Release the TU and in doing so run the MASSIVE risk of having cashed the last SS check ever.
Option B = Don't release the TU, keep selling bullshit and keep cashing whatever still comes in for however long that lasts.
A = $0.
B = $500000 to $1000000 more in the bank over the next 1-2 years.
What would you choose?

Don't think SS will move to another platform. DC's m.o. gained him a lot of animosity over the past few years. One slip anywhere else and his real id will be exposed. If SS is EVER bound to his real name his real life will become a nightmare. His kids will be bullied in any school, incessantly. His family will be estranged from any community. He will have a VERY hard time finding any work with SS popping up on a background check. He won't risk that. Once SS is off Patreon, it's gone for good.

P.S: My afforementioned last month comment:
There will be no more releases for Summertime Saga.

In 6 days it'll be 3 years since the last normal (story) release came out. Since then the profitability of NOT putting out a story release increased spectacularly while the risks of actually releasing anything new also increased, again, spectacularly.
This equation ensures there will be no more normal SS releases in the future because there's too much money in not releasing while simultaneously being a LOT of money to lose in releasing.

A breakdown:

(1) In 6 days, on 25-Mar, it'll be 3 years since DC has no excuse to claim work on the TU hasn't started. He actually first claimed this work started on 14-Feb-2021 (see Patreon post) but let's take the latest moment, which is 25-Mar-2021.
Now consider this date and remember that he sold the TU to paypigs as something that'll take "3-4 months to complete". That's what they voted on. He is now 36+ months into those 3-4 months and there is no release date in sight, no direction, no reliable progress. The project is dead in the water, going absolutely nowhere except towards the next paycheck.

(2) Across these 3 years the number of paypigs dropped when he nearly stopped simulating the project is alive but once he started putting on the theatre of wallpapers, word salads, empty words, etc. the imbeciles came right back. Today he has MORE supporters than he did when the TU vaporware started.

(3) A month ago DC reached an important milestone in how much he cashed in for SS. The total amount he got for the TU vaporware in the past 3 years (~$2.16+ million, you can find the exact calculation with graphs in my past posts) surpassed what he got for all of SS story/normal releases (~$2.11 million) from the beginning (Aug-2016) all the way up to when the TU Saga began in early 2021.

(1) + (2) + (3) = He can break his promises not once or twice over but ~10 times over and the paypigs won't budge. They will cling to hope like a drunk to his bottle so there is no end in sight to how much can be milked out of them. DC literally made more money by NOT delivering anything of value over the last 3 years than he did by delivering the whole of SS' stories in the years before that. So paypigs provide a STRONG financial incentive (we're literally talking millions of $) for DC to continue doing what he's doing and continue delivering what they actually paid for (i.e. hope).

At the same time, there are continuously rising risks in ever delivering the TU or any other future SS releases.

(5) The expectations his paypigs now nurture for the TU & future releases are now so intense they're practically bombs. There is no way in Hell these expectations can be met. If the TU is delivered as promised (i.e. no new story, just a behind-the-scenes update) the disappointment will detonate. Even with Rhonda's story baked in it will still be an immense disappointment because the paypigs will be faced with the reality of what their money actually bought. There was no serious work on the engine or anything DC promised. The paypigs will just be faced with a big turd they paid dearly for.

(6) The latest Patreon devolution into the insanity of policing fantasies creates a huge risk for any new SS releases. Patreon just banned a slew of devs, including some pretty big names (e.g. Zetan (Desert Stalker), UberPie (Taffy Tales)) for reasons that go FAR beyond any predictable rules a dev can reasonably work with.
Again and again we saw banned devs reporting years of work was abruptly terminated by one rando from Patreon being judge, jury and executioner, with no honest attempt at dialogue (all He said was "You're breaking T&C." then let a few days go by and then ban). Patreon ran out of resources and ability to define rules for what they don't like and now their rules are so vague and their fantasy policemen so unhinged that only the blandest most vanilla adult games imaginable can be safely financed through the platform.
Perhaps the worst fanaticism we've seen is in how they started policing the fantasy of "consent". Games can no longer depict any character being slightly drunk or in any state of mind where consent is not CLEAR (to Patreon, not to normal people). So MCs can not pressure, get LI drunk or on drugs, grope, perform anything but the mildest BDSM (and even then, with the girl yelling I CONSENT before any new move). I don't even need to mention mind control, rape, etc.
So now about every other common fantasy is a reason to be banned and Patreon has proven it intends to achieve the elimination of these fantasies through abuse, by being vague with devs who have been on the platform for years and then cutting them off. There is absolutely no good faith in what Patreon is doing. It's just abuse 101.
Now let's return to SS.
It has plenty of scenes where consent is very sketchy at best. I remember there was some hate fucking between MC and Jenny. There were also moments when MC took control of the fucking (breaking cuffs, fucking her during nighttime, cumming inside when she doesn't want it, etc.) without slavishly asking for consent like a purebred westoid now has to. Even Jenny & Mom have moments when they help themselves to MCs dick without asking for consent first, like the latest leftard hallucinations require.
MC steals panties without consent, giving them to perverts.
In the library people are filmed without their consent.
The whole story between the nun and Helen is predicated on Helen being just "taken" without much consent.
The whole story around the principle is again predicated on her just fucking over pupils abusing her authority, sometime physically, sometime psychologically. In fact, everything that has to do with the school is hugely problematic now as highschoolers fucking their teachers is WAY WAY WAAAAAY past the latest redlines.
The above is not an exhaustive list. It's a few things, off the top of my head, to underline how much SS is in the red when evaluated through Patreon's latest Fantasy Police insanity.

(5) + (6) = SS is under serious risk if it ever releases. (5) ensures there will be a LOT of unhappy paypigs wanting some revenge while (6) ensures there's a litany of reasons why SS can be banned under the latest rules.

Instead of running the risk of releasing, DC is presented every day with the alternative:
Keep doing what you're doing.
Predictably cash in at least one more million $ in the next 1-2 years by doing nearly nothing.
Then vanish with nothing bad attached to your real name.

This is why you will never see another SS release. Either the risks or the incentive to get money with nearly no work would've been enough to ensure the project has no real future. When you combine the two there is no chance in Hell.

In fact, the best strategy DC can take is to get himself banned when the money well runs dry. Then he can say "Patreon did it", whine a bit about how he was "SO CLOSE" and then vanish.


Mar 5, 2020
Still in 81%?? Lol , it' s been more than a year and people continue to support DC... Funny thing is that they obviously know that if they stop give money to the plataform and to the developer, they would be forced to accelerate the tech update or kill the game for good! But... we know people love to make themselves like idiots


Active Member
Feb 4, 2017
So Patreon is on a tear right now kicking devs off the service. Become someone got booted for BDSM content. I wonder what will happen to a game with questionable content?:unsure:
Looks like the free gravy train may end sooner than someone thinks

Oh and this is just comedy gold, first question in the FAQ section, bahahahahahahaha
View attachment 3535862
Is that you trying to subtly say you'll report him?


Oct 11, 2019
The dev already have dedicated website for the game, still doesn't understand why they're using Patreon to post "locked" or lewd content there.
They can just use the Patreon as a way to monitor paid member, and post non-lewd stuff there like update progression or non-lewd art or music

This way they don't need to change anything to accommodate Patreon's rule


Nov 3, 2020
I strongly believe that the Rhonda update will be included in this tech overhaul, although I have no proof of this, obviously.

That being said, it's not exact to say that we're not getting any new content with the next iteration of this game, seeing as there's quite a few scenes that are being expanded and reworked from the earlier parts of the game. So scenes with Jenny and Diane etc. will have some extra work put into them.


Nov 4, 2023
I strongly believe that the Rhonda update will be included in this tech overhaul, although I have no proof of this, obviously.

That being said, it's not exact to say that we're not getting any new content with the next iteration of this game, seeing as there's quite a few scenes that are being expanded and reworked from the earlier parts of the game. So scenes with Jenny and Diane etc. will have some extra work put into them.
I don't see how though.
Maybe writing and art are mostly done for Rhonda but you still need to pose everything and posing is far from done with the tech update. The tech update tasks also don't include Rhonda from what I've seen on here.
If posing gets done with tech update stuff and there's like 4 months + of code and bug fixing then at that point sure they could go finish up Rhonda content. But even then all that would do is make the wait time in between shorter since code still has to finish the stuff for tech > bug fix > code for Rhonda > bug fix (wtv way you wanna put that it would take the same time). Also if they do add Rhonda to Tech update then we would see tasks being added or it would be mentioned in a status update but I for one haven't seen that.

Though I totally agree that If the upgrades to the scenes are large enough - like diane rework large - then those might as well be considered new.


Oct 20, 2018
I've seen a couple of animations like that. Are those made by fans? If so DC needs to fucking hire the person or people doing them.
He was already working with him
Apparently DS his pace of work did not suit him, because how can you do 1 animation not 3 years, it's nonsense


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
I strongly believe that the Rhonda update will be included in this tech overhaul, although I have no proof of this, obviously.
No chance this happens:KEK:
The Rhonda update is going to be hyped before is released,gotta get those patreons lost back.
I can see DC adding some pity new minor scenes in the tech update through.


Nov 12, 2019
Imagine getting $114,272 in 4 months span to just say hey guys I'm still alive keep waiting for content. How is this game like patrons top 11th highest paid account over other games? Is it just their marketing? Not flaming the game but I'm genuinely confused why they have such a following.
I seriously think that bunch of the Patrons have died of covid or something and the Patreon just keeps billing their credit card


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
Do it, then. Ball is on your side of the court now. Let's see if there's any worth in your words.
I mean, it's quite likely that SS has been reportet countless times, given how much some poeple seem to diskike DC. I'd still say it's quite unlikely, that Patreon is going to ban DC (again), given how vanilla and clean SS is, compared to the games that have been banned.
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