
Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
a toast to the abandoned tag
View attachment 3610247
they really dropped the ball here.
they were milking about a million dollars a year from patreon for 2 updates a year of barely any content.
how could they let it become abandoned? this seriously impacts their bottom line and was so easy to avoid.
Hold up, so your saying the update (that's supposed to add newer content to what the game already has) is going to strip off content which it already has??? :eek:
Many such cases
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Nov 18, 2017
On one side this is NOT how any masterpiece is created. This is the m.o. of movies & TV show producers who see that an IP sells so they pile on another installment and then another and another, butchering the canon, butchering the lore in however way seems to be most profitable next, not giving a flying fuck about the fanbase, until inevitably the quality tanks so badly the IP is no longer useful to extract money from suckers. That's EXACTLY what DC did.
Just remember how quickly he dropped incest as soon as it presented any risk to his income despite incest being THE central theme of his original vision. There was no burning need for integrity there because money.
If he actually had a vision he "needed" to tell with artistic integrity SS would release in very well defined chapters, each one building upon the previous one, like DmD, LomL and countless other Ren'Py games, with no reason to break old saves.
Don't really have an issue with the rest of what you wrote and agree for the most part, but you are 100% wrong here. Objectively 100% wrong.

The whole idea that porn games must be fully episodic and must never break saves is idiotic and makes that quality of the games much much worse. Visual novels are least hurt by that kind of development process, but it also forces lots of games that aren't really trying to be visual novels to basically have the structure of visual novels. And not particularly complex visual novels either.

Imagine trying to make a video game where you can never make changes that impact the saved game file structure. Imagine having to make the complete and finished start of your game first, rather than focusing on the most important and critical parts and then building the rest of the game around those.

No making revisions to improve the story, no making technical changes that improve performance, no iterating on or improving game mechanics.

It would be retarded to make a video game that way, but people in the threads will bitch and moan if ever their precious saves break or content is added to or changed from earlier parts of the game. Anything that would prevent them from just immediately going through the most recent content each and every release.

So we get a lot of games that are very inferior to what they could be, and most of them wind up being basically just visual novels even if that wasn't what the game dev was going for.
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Jun 23, 2019
There are dozens, if not hundreds of sites like F95 - and not all of them are "english only" like F95. Are they all the size of F95? No. However, here is a screengrab of one site where you can "find" Summertime Saga while browsing games... with links available to the developer's website, etc:
View attachment 3618346
That's 70.4 million downloads from that website (of the APK - across all versions)... which is almost double the number of views of this thread, and the number of views of this thread is more than the number of downloads for Summertime Saga from F95.

Here's another site:
View attachment 3618379

And another:
View attachment 3618380
There are 600-700k paying subscribers to adult game creator on Patreon.

Look, even if you say they registered for an account in the past year in order to be active, 1.2 million did --- and you'd have to have nearly 100% of the adult game patreon subscribers be among them in order to get to 50% of those those newly added accounts in just the past year. It's 2.3 million in the past 2 years, now you've dropped down to 30%...

Yes, F95 is a good place for NEW developers to get some recognition and a base of supporters (paying and nonpaying) - the average being maybe 20-50 paying subscribers from all sources... but the average user here on F95 has never and will never subscribe to any developer. And the percentage of users (active or not) who do is not a significant percentage.
someone should take that fucking respected user tag away from your ass because this is embarassing


Active Member
Sep 9, 2019
someone should take that fucking respected user tag away from your ass because this is embarassing
Don't ever write a review for a game here either, if the dev doesn't like it they delete it and smack you on the dick. I am actually surprised F95 didn't rewrite their dev agreement to accommodate this douchebag


Jun 30, 2017
There are dozens, if not hundreds of sites like F95 - and not all of them are "english only" like F95. Are they all the size of F95? No. However, here is a screengrab of one site where you can "find" Summertime Saga while browsing games... with links available to the developer's website, etc:
View attachment 3618346
That's 70.4 million downloads from that website (of the APK - across all versions)... which is almost double the number of views of this thread, and the number of views of this thread is more than the number of downloads for Summertime Saga from F95.

Here's another site:
View attachment 3618379

And another:
View attachment 3618380
There are 600-700k paying subscribers to adult game creator on Patreon.

Look, even if you say they registered for an account in the past year in order to be active, 1.2 million did --- and you'd have to have nearly 100% of the adult game patreon subscribers be among them in order to get to 50% of those those newly added accounts in just the past year. It's 2.3 million in the past 2 years, now you've dropped down to 30%...

Yes, F95 is a good place for NEW developers to get some recognition and a base of supporters (paying and nonpaying) - the average being maybe 20-50 paying subscribers from all sources... but the average user here on F95 has never and will never subscribe to any developer. And the percentage of users (active or not) who do is not a significant percentage.
Is that 70M number legit? Seems inflated. There are many sites that don't give real numbers because they want your click and the add revenue that follows from it. I know from torrent sites more than anything. The most watched videos of all time on Pornhub are barely getting to those numbers.

After DC made his swerve so close to the abandoned tag on this site you will need more than just screenshots to prove this site had no impact at all on DC. Better to just give it a rest.


Jun 30, 2017

That's a list of most played normal video games. Just makes that 70 million downloads from one non english site even more unlikely. If we were to buy it then SS would be high on that list once you included all such sites including english ones.

Fortnite has 350M registered free players for example.


May 8, 2017
Don't really have an issue with the rest of what you wrote and agree for the most part, but you are 100% wrong here. Objectively 100% wrong.

The whole idea that porn games must be fully episodic and must never break saves is idiotic and makes that quality of the games much much worse. Visual novels are least hurt by that kind of development process, but it also forces lots of games that aren't really trying to be visual novels to basically have the structure of visual novels. And not particularly complex visual novels either.

Imagine trying to make a video game where you can never make changes that impact the saved game file structure. Imagine having to make the complete and finished start of your game first, rather than focusing on the most important and critical parts and then building the rest of the game around those.

No making revisions to improve the story, no making technical changes that improve performance, no iterating on or improving game mechanics.

It would be retarded to make a video game that way, but people in the threads will bitch and moan if ever their precious saves break or content is added to or changed from earlier parts of the game. Anything that would prevent them from just immediately going through the most recent content each and every release.

So we get a lot of games that are very inferior to what they could be, and most of them wind up being basically just visual novels even if that wasn't what the game dev was going for.
Common sense should tell you there are NO porn games (inc. SS) with a significant portion of players that:
  • Play them for their gameplay.
  • Or enjoy when a new release imposes replaying of all past content without an ability to:
    • Fly over and only stop at what's new (like you can with CTRL in Ren'Py)
    • or skip ahead to see only all new content.
If you disagree then you are in a safely ignorable minority, like the guys who read Playboy for the articles.
The rest of us play porn games just to jerk off to new stuff and very rarely do it by replaying old stuff. We don't rerererererereplay porn games for sport like they're Counter-Strike.

Considering the impact of above realities on dev priorities, remaking past content is an extreme luxury that devs should grant themselves only under extreme circumstances. To be clear, this luxury includes: Reworking the visuals (redrawing 2D games, remodelling & rerendering 3D games) and reworking the gameplay.

There are good faith ways to achieve any adjustment of past content that you might ever need:
  • Split your game into a new executable that starts a new chapter every few years, when enough content piled up that you're bumping into your [team's] current limits of handling everything in the same executable.
  • When the time comes for a new executable you are again the Master of the Universe. You can redo gameplay however you want, you can change whatever technical aspect you want (e.g. native resolution or aspect ratio), you can start with a new "engine", you are in a green field at a new technical start. All you need is a way to import the major state variables that define what happened so far. If you were not wise enough to define this state in the old game (to be able to import it automagically) you can literally just ask the user what his major choices were. For porn games this is REALLY simple. Everything can be described in 10-30 variables (MAX) and next time you'll know to track variables like these and import them automatically.
  • This shows respect for your player's time and a proper focus on new content and a tight chase of stories that need telling. It's the opposite of charging for redoing garbage that nobody asked for.
  • DmD did all of the above well if you want an example.
  • BuT WHat iF I nEEd tO reDDDOOOOOO IAM SUCH fULL of vISIon 4 muh poRN GAYEEEMS!11!!
    • You can do it in good faith. Now that you isolated a chunk of past content you have safe options depending on your finances:
      • You can assign a chunk of your time to literally rework whatever you want.
        • Frankly, I don't think any porn game dev has enough time for this path except when talking about the simplest projects. If it took you 2 years to do the chunk in normal time, it'll take you just as much if not more to redo it according to your latest ideas as a side-project (depends how wild your latest ideas are) and you will VERY likely NOT see the ROI in that. There are just not enough erections demanding such an effort.
      • You can hire third parties exclusively to rework said chunk because their target is very clear and requires minimal or no creativity, it only requires raw, repetitive, well defined work.
        • This is VERY possible when you make millions of $ like SS did.
        • Yes, this was also possible for SS despite its 2D artwork. Competent devs can redo your codebase VERY quickly when they have a clear technical target to hit and all your artwork can be technically upscaled. When the technical upgrade of your code base is done you're left with just a bunch of images that need retouching and filling up to look good at the new resolution and/or aspect ratio, something that DC always claimed it's NOT a problem because he always alleged he is years ahead in drawing vs. the imaginary coders he blames for the disaster.
      • Most importantly, you can track the ROI for whatever option you choose and tune your investment accordingly without pissing off anyone.

Time and time again we've seen projects fail because they went the REMAKE road. It's an extremely seductive and dangerous road.

When you burn to do new stuff that impacts old content you need to do it as described or just move on to the next project, something that most sane people feel a natural need to do every few years to escape the unavoidable swamp any long stretch of work will lead you into.

Rancid Dragon Productions

Game Developer
Feb 27, 2020
Common sense should tell you there are NO porn games (inc. SS) with a significant portion of players that:
  • Play them for their gameplay.
  • Or enjoy when a new release imposes replaying of all past content without an ability to:
    • Fly over and only stop at what's new (like you can with CTRL in Ren'Py)
    • or skip ahead to see only all new content.
If you disagree then you are in a safely ignorable minority, like the guys who read Playboy for the articles.
The rest of us play porn games just to jerk off to new stuff and very rarely do it by replaying old stuff. We don't rerererererereplay porn games for sport like they're Counter-Strike.

Considering the impact of above realities on dev priorities, remaking past content is an extreme luxury that devs should grant themselves only under extreme circumstances. To be clear, this luxury includes: Reworking the visuals (redrawing 2D games, remodelling & rerendering 3D games) and reworking the gameplay.

There are good faith ways to achieve any adjustment of past content that you might ever need:
  • Split your game into a new executable that starts a new chapter every few years, when enough content piled up that you're bumping into your [team's] current limits of handling everything in the same executable.
  • When the time comes for a new executable you are again the Master of the Universe. You can redo gameplay however you want, you can change whatever technical aspect you want (e.g. native resolution or aspect ratio), you can start with a new "engine", you are in a green field at a new technical start. All you need is a way to import the major state variables that define what happened so far. If you were not wise enough to define this state in the old game (to be able to import it automagically) you can literally just ask the user what his major choices were. For porn games this is REALLY simple. Everything can be described in 10-30 variables (MAX) and next time you'll know to track variables like these and import them automatically.
  • This shows respect for your player's time and a proper focus on new content and a tight chase of stories that need telling. It's the opposite of charging for redoing garbage that nobody asked for.
  • DmD did all of the above well if you want an example.
  • BuT WHat iF I nEEd tO reDDDOOOOOO IAM SUCH fULL of vISIon 4 muh poRN GAYEEEMS!11!!
    • You can do it in good faith. Now that you isolated a chunk of past content you have safe options depending on your finances:
      • You can assign a chunk of your time to literally rework whatever you want.
        • Frankly, I don't think any porn game dev has enough time for this path except when talking about the simplest projects. If it took you 2 years to do the chunk in normal time, it'll take you just as much if not more to redo it according to your latest ideas as a side-project (depends how wild your latest ideas are) and you will VERY likely NOT see the ROI in that. There are just not enough erections demanding such an effort.
      • You can hire third parties exclusively to rework said chunk because their target is very clear and requires minimal or no creativity, it only requires raw, repetitive, well defined work.
        • This is VERY possible when you make millions of $ like SS did.
        • Yes, this was also possible for SS despite its 2D artwork. Competent devs can redo your codebase VERY quickly when they have a clear technical target to hit and all your artwork can be technically upscaled. When the technical upgrade of your code base is done you're left with just a bunch of images that need retouching and filling up to look good at the new resolution and/or aspect ratio, something that DC always claimed it's NOT a problem because he always alleged he is years ahead in drawing vs. the imaginary coders he blames for the disaster.
      • Most importantly, you can track the ROI for whatever option you choose and tune your investment accordingly without pissing off anyone.

Time and time again we've seen projects fail because they went the REMAKE road. It's an extremely seductive and dangerous road.

When you burn to do new stuff that impacts old content you need to do it as described or just move on to the next project, something that most sane people feel a natural need to do every few years to escape the unavoidable swamp any long stretch of work will lead you into.

A poem for you:
Where's your game?
Haven't made one?
Then please stop talking about how to make one.
If you don't like what's being made,
you can move along and not play it.
especially without giving us your long winded opinion of what YOU want.
But you probably didn't figure out
this isn't really a poem or that this was about you,
because you're busy talking about how you jerk off,
instead of finishing the story.

When you burn to speak, you should do it as described and shut the fuck up.

Rancid Dragon Productions

Game Developer
Feb 27, 2020
Don't really have an issue with the rest of what you wrote and agree for the most part, but you are 100% wrong here. Objectively 100% wrong.

The whole idea that porn games must be fully episodic and must never break saves is idiotic and makes that quality of the games much much worse. Visual novels are least hurt by that kind of development process, but it also forces lots of games that aren't really trying to be visual novels to basically have the structure of visual novels. And not particularly complex visual novels either.

Imagine trying to make a video game where you can never make changes that impact the saved game file structure. Imagine having to make the complete and finished start of your game first, rather than focusing on the most important and critical parts and then building the rest of the game around those.

No making revisions to improve the story, no making technical changes that improve performance, no iterating on or improving game mechanics.

It would be retarded to make a video game that way, but people in the threads will bitch and moan if ever their precious saves break or content is added to or changed from earlier parts of the game. Anything that would prevent them from just immediately going through the most recent content each and every release.

So we get a lot of games that are very inferior to what they could be, and most of them wind up being basically just visual novels even if that wasn't what the game dev was going for.
People in the comments bitch about everything to do with a game ... too much or not enough of what they want, no babies dropping from vaginas every second, boobs too big or not big enough, models aren't the same as every other game they've seen, game is too easy or too hard, they have to push more than one button. The complainers are the biggest bunch of adults living in their mother's basements on the planet. They cry on every single game, bitch when they are even asked to pay for what someone else makes, and generally smear shit on everything that isn't exactly the game they want. Yet, not one of them is talented or driven enough to make one of their own to put up to criticism by those who do. They encourage each other to steal the game from behind the paywalls, because they can't wait to jerk those little wieners in their hands until it's sore, and then on to the next one. IF they don't jerk off to people reading their troll language comments. So, as a game designer, no matter what you do doesn't matter. You can't please these trolls. Best to do the game you have in your head and don't worry about them talking. Smack their grubby little fingers with a knife when they try and steal your stuff, and move along.

The worst part is that they seem to multiply every time someone adds a new game and they think they're doing the designers a favor by trying the game free and never paying for it. That just because this is a pirate site, designers should shut up and deal with them, that's just what they are and you can't expect them to buy a game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
WOW we have a dev now saying "make your own game or shut up".
We are really close to the bottom of the barrel,guys!

Is that 70M number legit? Seems inflated. There are many sites that don't give real numbers because they want your click and the add revenue that follows from it. I know from torrent sites more than anything. The most watched videos of all time on Pornhub are barely getting to those numbers.

After DC made his swerve so close to the abandoned tag on this site you will need more than just screenshots to prove this site had no impact at all on DC. Better to just give it a rest.
I was going to say something similar,70 millions seems like a insane number.
I know this game is popular in places like India and south America but that number seems way inflated,especially when you can download this game in their site for free.


Aug 15, 2021
WOW we have a dev now saying "make your own game or shut up".
We are really close to the bottom of the barrel,guys!

I was going to say something similar,70 millions seems like a insane number.
I know this game is popular in places like India and south America but that number seems way inflated,especially when you can download this game in their site for free.
A dev with their own abandoned game too:LUL:


Jan 24, 2020
Don't ever write a review for a game here either, if the dev doesn't like it they delete it and smack you on the dick. I am actually surprised F95 didn't rewrite their dev agreement to accommodate this douchebag
In my experience, negative reviews on F95zone go one a few ways: 1. hating just to hate/this-game-is-trash-type-review 2. Attacking the game for not having their desired kinks/fetishes/content 3. Attacking linear games for being linear 4. Criticizing the devs/wait time/finances instead of the game on its own merits 5. Word salad. I'd remove that bullshit too.
4.00 star(s) 368 Votes