
Sep 30, 2021
Wow. This is a massacre. All I know about the game is that I played it once and didn't turn off notifications.
F for those who paid and waited for the update.


Aug 26, 2020
Anything interesting in this update or are we just waiting for them to put all the old stuff back into this new system?
Nothing new and im guessing there wont be for at least a year if the dev is actually consistent and updates every two months like they say they will, doubt it though.
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New Member
Dec 21, 2017
My guess is Dark Cookie is REALLY taking a hit on Patroen as far as donors is concerned, So he had to release "something" to stop the bleeding. This version is "1080p" compared to "480p". Open the old version and you'll see it's square instead of full screen like the "new" release. He should have started the conversion process MANY years ago (at least 5 years).

I like the changes, but it's nowhere near and actual release, it's more of a demo, Very grind-y too. I spend at least 2 hours and only unlocked 7 of 24 Jenny Cookie Jar replays, and only 1 of 4 characters listed in the Cookie Jar.

Lots of sleeping in order to advance the story. Jenny's story seem "stuck" at "now I'll be able to connect to her laptop. It'll give you error you can't escape (Esc) out of, you can only back out of it using Page Up.
He shouldn't have started the conversion at all imo. It would be better to finish the game FIRST, and then maybe, I mean MAYBE, think about reworking it. Seriously, who asked for a 1080p mode that doesn't really add anything in terms of content and will take him 3-4 years to finish? Or even more.


Jul 30, 2018
Have they ever said what engine they are using now? or did they do a new one up from scratch? Either way this is no longer a renpy game specifically.


Jan 8, 2018
The huge wave of excitement I felt only to be immediately killed upon launching the game and seeing 90% of the content gone. It's honestly hilarious considering how long it's been since the last update. Maybe I'll check back in in another 18 months and see how if the game has even half its content returned


Sep 12, 2017
He shouldn't have started the conversion at all imo. It would be better to finish the game FIRST, and then maybe, I mean MAYBE, think about reworking it. Seriously, who asked for a 1080p mode that doesn't really add anything in terms of content and will take him 3-4 years to finish? Or even more.
Hell yeah. So DC said, "We're gonna update the game. Toss out all this content and then slowly add it back into game." I'd say it'd be an episode of Whu happened? if it wasn't clearly being done to keep patreon dollars rolling.

What's funny is if I remember my last playthrough the game's story seemed like it was basically finished. So maybe the game seemed like it was 60-70% percent done. At least the mobster's daughter stuff. They needed to update Roxxy's and Debbie's stuff. Plus add in the coach's, nerd girl, lifeguard, hall monitor, and some others I'm probably forgetting, but it seemed like the mobster stuff was done and the prom stuff needed to be added.

I tend to be less cynical then others in this thread about these things, but to spend all this time with no update and have so much of the game taken out? Are you kidding me?

Then again, it's not my money going to him. It just seems like spending resources in the wrong place. I didn't need a 1080p mode. But I care a lot more to get more story and characters.
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New Member
Jan 16, 2021
He shouldn't have started the conversion at all imo. It would be better to finish the game FIRST, and then maybe, I mean MAYBE, think about reworking it. Seriously, who asked for a 1080p mode that doesn't really add anything in terms of content and will take him 3-4 years to finish? Or even more.
It's pretty simple. He's scared. the abandoned tag might have been like a warning sign for him, he doesn't wanna lose his golden cow, wanna keeps milking his followers and in an act of impulse, he put this wannabe update.
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Jun 25, 2017
"releasing our progress every 2 months"
Alright, I hope you make good progress. :(

If we're lucky, maybe in two years we'll get as much content as before—yes, no new content.
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Mar 2, 2020
I could be wrong and I hope I am but is the only actual new scene the remake of going down on Jenny? everything else just seems recycled... funny shit yo.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
Please, can someone explain how this game, which is putting out updates every very long time, which even seemed dead, can continue to have more than 30 thousand patrons? I want the recipe because it's really incomprehensible. When the game was at its peak, maybe for whatever reason people loved it, but please, if now it's half dead...


Aug 21, 2018
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: wait he is going :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: to add the same content to the game every 2 months :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: with improvements the Same content again after 2 years or more really? you can't make this up this is real life shit EA is proud of you boy, Madden the same game every year and now this guy with the same game and content every 2 months for you guys/girls Now i understand why i never put money in this game i support other game that give something but i never try to support this guy now i understand why.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: he is like Capcom with the remakes now is Summertime Saga The Remake ( nothing new just improvements).


Dec 27, 2020
Lmao , lol even.

Lul , DarkCookie playing the fools like a damn piano , now he'll release the same game same content he had made years ago but in 16:9 that too which he has already made but will release bit by bit slowly over the next 2 to 3 years.

And this will lead to Patreon surge in his patrons.

His patrons must have blueball and cucking fetish.
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