When it does drop, its gonna be worth it.
Probably not for the people that Jenny isn't a favorite of theirs. It's a slippery slope DC is embarking upon with these 4+ month update cycles. If an update is primarily focused upon a character someone isn't crazy about then that means they would have to wait at least 8 months for an update that does interest them. On the flip side, for projects that update monthly (some even bi-monthly), if there's an update that doesn't tickle your fancy then you only have to wait a month, sometimes less, for a new update to try and get your attention. Also, you may say "But DC also adds content for other girls that aren't the focus!", but those are just tiny additions, and those "tiny additions" add on even more development time to the cycle so in essence you're making someone wait even longer just for some scraps of the thing they want most.
Gunsmoke games went through something similar last year, and it
seems they've understood the dangers of that development cycle and they've pledged to correct that with more frequent and focused updates. It would be nice to see DC also change his stubborn ways, but I honestly don't see him doing that.