I really don't understand people's compulsion to act as overzealous PR for developers. What the person said a few pages back about them paid online advocates is obviously crazy conspiracy but I kinda get why someone could come to believe it with the level of hostile fanaticism some people display to critics. People are allowed to be critical, that is how a developer learns where he needs to work on. Especially when it's not really a subjective thing like in this instance where a developer promises something, doesn't deliver then fails to even communicate about it. This is not entitlement, it's a normal productive consumer response.
There's also a reason why it's free, it's not charity it's an intentional lucrative business model. Consumers of a free game don't need to pay for the privilege of feedback and criticism can lead to improvements for everyone. So as much as those zealots think they're rescuing damsel in distress developers by interjecting themselves between them and the consumers of their products, they're not. They're just hurting all parties involved including themselves.
And the sad truth is even in the cases where they did pay, all these people typically end up saying is "if you don't like it just don't buy it." Which is the worst possible thing to do. That halts the spread of awareness of a prospective problem while instead advocating cutting off the "problem people" before they alert other consumers to it. Hence the products never need to evolve and can implement detrimental things unimpeded. It's exactly this type of behavior that has wreaked havoc on the entire game industry, especially free games.
So TLDR if you see someone criticizing a product you like, whether it's Summertime Saga or any other, stop and think before you go and bite off his head. Unless he's proposing something that will actively hurt your play experience if implemented, just let it go. You don't have to agree let alone act as his defender, the dev is a professional and is more than capable of handling criticism. And in the long run, not acting as a barrier can lead to a better product for you and everyone else.