OK my school time was some decades ago. It was in no way a religious school and I live in Germany where sex is not something of the devil. I cannot guarantee that there was *absolutely* *no* sex at school because I did not watch everybody all the time, but I am pretty sure if there was, it were the two cool kids out of a hundred who had it, if at all, and not in the open. I definitely was not one of those. And there were no pregnancies at all. I am wondering if I lived in another world maybe...?
The problem is that many American school districts follow the belief that if you don't teach teens about sex (because it is, as you suggest,
of the devil), they won't do it on their own, so they don't bother to teach them about contraception or moderation.
It could be a "times have changed" situation. I've certainly heard about a time when an unmarried girl getting pregnant was the most shameful thing that could possibly happen to her, and she would have to move away and live with an aunt or something.
When my mother got married (1958), she was forced to leave high school. I was born over 15 months later, so it was not pregnancy. Either they felt she had "Received her MRS degree" and no longer needed education, or she would be a corrupting influence on the unmarried girls.
Correct: I didn't mean that kids were having sex in the building. There were lots of private make-out places in the auditorium (the dressing rooms under the stage, and the various sound, lighting and tech rooms) and in the basement (like the tunnel that only led to a few teachers' offices). I can't say that sex never occurred on the premises, but I assume most people were getting laid at home.
Unlike this infamous situation?
Great! I'll do my best not to misgender you.