Being a Summertime Saga fan is a kind of spiritual journey or a journey towards acceptance that nothing is going to change no matter what you do.
1.-In a first phase you enjoy the game, open the cookie jar, visit the wiki and do everything you can to squeeze the game and squeeze yourself. I call this phase the "Honeymoon phase".
2.-In a second phase, you realize that there is no more content but you still support DC as a hardcore fan, you enjoy his live streams and you defend in this forum their work no matter how much the other people criticize it. You even consider becoming a subscriber. The "Plateau or stability phase"
3.-In a third phase you realize that it's going to be 2 years and a half without content, you no longer find the live streams entertaining and an irrepressible rage takes hold of you. You become incapable of opening the game, and everything related to it disgusts you so much, that you come here to cry constantly and try to make all the forumers realize that they are being milked. No doubt, this is the "Berserker phase", and it is very difficult to get out of it.
4.-Finally, we reach the "Buddhist phase". A phase in which you accept that your money (or not) has gone down the drain, that Summertime Saga was just a dream and that maybe the tech update will never come out. And that you have to go on living no matter what. You accept your anger, and even if from time to time you look at the progress bar, you know that nothing will change and that the best thing to do is to dive for hours in F95 to be happy again.