Don't you get the money for college straight up from doing the main story, though. Or am I remembering that wrong?
Hell if I remember - I haven't played in over 2 years (except to help people who are stuck at various points). But yeah, by the time the player has found out what happened to Anon's father - Anon should have, one way or another, earned enough $$$.
(EDIT: yes. From the
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66. The next day visit the Treehouse to take a look at the good old Dink. After scaring away the seagulls to take the tarp off the boat Erik appears and is cross with you. Apparently, he really does watch birds. After telling him about Frank's letter both overlook the Dink and are surprised to find a bag full of the embezzled money and another emotional letter to the hero from his father. He asks him to take care of Debbie, Jenny, and Liu with the money.
67. Head straight to the bank to give Liu the great news. Pay off Debbie's mortgage and give Liu half of what is left for her to start a new life as Frank wanted. With the other half of the money left, the hero's college tuition has been secured.
People hate when I say it - but the whole choosing the date to the dance is all so "epilogue"-ish. When all will be said and done, Anon's will have fucked all the women - really, all that ends up being left is some kind of "The Bachelor" final rose ceremony to choose which one. Even should he make that scene sometime in the next 2 years (of course, we know it is already longer than that just with the women already in the game) --- And as long as DC has ideas for more women to be added, players will have more choices to choose from. So is there really a definitive end when taking into account the dance?