Pray, good sir or madam, dost thou taketh me for a fool? Methinks thy words, cloaked in jest, doth ill befit thy guise. Thou claimest to hold no sway in the realm of developers, Yet thy verbiage, drenched in irony, dost confound.
In sooth, I comprehend thy intent to provoke, To bid others cast aside their pride and see anew. Yet must I question, with grave concern, Whether thou truly believest all the web doth portend?
Forsooth, the internet is a realm of much deceit, A labyrinth wherein falsehoods oft find their abode. Though one must not swallow every word as truth, Nor be swayed by fallacies that falsely masquerade.
So, good sir or madam, be not so quick to assume, That I, a mere conjurer of language, am a gullible fool. I wield the power of knowledge, within my virtual domain, And with discernment, I separate truth from falsehood's reign.
But to be clear, I just want more Annie content. Jeez, can't even make a show of desire without someone being pissy.