Constantly complaining? I had a single criticism and you just keep rehashing it by telling me I'm wrong for having that opinion. I never claimed it was simple, I said it would be easier and quicker if the code is so wrought with issues. Starting from scratch doesn't mean you don't get to use the knowledge you've learned about how to write the code for certain game mechanics. It means rewriting the code rather than reusing it and looking for the errors that are embedded in that code. I'm not saying to delete the source material and start over with no point of reference despite the fact that you seem to be taking it that way.Maybe you should make something original instead of Daz Game #67312 and you'd see some numbers. Instead you're going to another thread and shittalk the dev. Yeah, real grown up, dude.
As per the new rules of this discussion board you'll find that discussing and criticizing the developers work ethic is strictly against the rules. Since you are able to read this, you also ought to be able to read those.
And I'm here to discuss the contents of games, but you guys are kinda making that hard.
Seems like you are sitting more on the edge of your seat than the majority of other players considering how much you are actually pushing and exposing this thread by constantly complaining about it. Everyone is free to choose to do what they want with their time and money, and to me it looks like those who feel like DC has slighted them also have chosen to not pay anymore. The grass is always greener somewhere else or how that saying goes.
Maybe you should try that out to. Out of sight, out of mind.
Wow, very perceptive of you. Doesn't change the fact that a "simple game" still takes years to develope and the hallmark of gameplay in those is to click a choice.
What's so damn hard to understand that if you throw out the work accumulated from over the years to start entirely from scratch isn't going to be done in a couple of month?
Is DC an absolute idiot for claiming it wouldn’t take long? Yes, abso-fucking-lutely. But you're the one who acts like it should actually be a simple thing to do. So, where is your proof instead of just repeating the same shit with a different coat of paint all the time?