There's something about this update that disappointed me a little bit, and I think I can explain it with a scene that happens in SS 0.15 and was expanded in the previous update.
This scene happens during Ms. Bisette's route when you need Jenny to improve Roxxy's cheerleading skills.
There are multiple outcomes (4 in total) for this scene depending in which routes you have completed and which don't:
A - If you didn't complete both Jenny and Roxxy routes, they both make fun of MC.
B - If you completed Jenny's route, she tries to convince Roxxy that MC is a very helpful guy, and that he's heavily endowed.
C - If you completed Roxxy's route, she shows off about how good is MC in bed in front of Jenny.
D - If you completed both of them, basically B and C together.
This makes the game more replayable and entertaining, because you can get unique dialogues depending on the order in which each of the routes are completed. It turns everything into something more interconnected, I think.
Now what I do when I play SS is start constantly new games, because I want to know what can I discover if a play differently.
That's why I am a bit disappointed about 0.17, because dialogues didn't really change. I tried doing Diane first, then Diane last... And I think the kind of scenes like the one with Jenny and Roxxy really are an appealing point of this game.
I really hope that in the 0.17.1 or 0.17.2 update they will add more variety to the dialogues.
What do you guys think? I want to know your opinions.