I prefer it smoother, the lines on the cheeks always makes everyone look older than they should be, but that's me. I respect those of you who preferred the older ones, there were elements I liked better on some of the old ones too.
The problem is that this game started as a way for him, an artist, to learn Python. This was never intended to be an actual game, that is why it is 6x4, rather than 9x6, why it's got so many issues in some ways, and so on. But once it became popular, it was too late to change some of it, but he started hiring people to do the other things, like fixing his broken code, and focused on the art alone, and now he is contracting an animator as well. A lot of those old problems are still there, and take band-aids to keep them working until everything has caught up to the new system.
In this case they are fixing things that are very broken. When I started playing this game, by the time I was near the end of what there was, a save took like 30 to do, and were about 4-5meg, now they are pretty fast, and take up about half a meg each. That alone ought to tell you how much more efficient things are.
I wish they would just say screw it and do the Erik update and get it over with once Jenny is done (or Eve), but as they say, wish in this hand, and shit in the other one and see which one fills up first...