ok i dont post alot here ... but i see alot of people complaining... here are my thoughts on that
1. if you didnt contribute what you complaining about? its a free game
2. its a good game for being under development what more do you want?
3. if you did contribute good for you.. why dont you address your complaints ot the creator directly surely thats a more productive time?
4. sure there are bugs its under construction
now things id like to see:
mc kicking roxy boyfriends ass.. he deserves it why else you training mui tai for ? and kick the guidos asses too
doing erics mom.. and erics mom in a 3 some with mc mom she did tell her to love her son.. it could happen

mias mom does his (mc's) cock through the glory hole at church.. use it to black mail her turn her into hose beast
do the teachers.. finish the damn homework already...process underway
chick at comic book shop under way
doing iwanka in the mall bathroom, hehehehe it should be anal too by the way... and maybe not willingly at first ?
some chick at a movie theater...or a gang bang on some chick at a movie theater.. might not be the most realistic idea
do the chick at the park with the dog. ...doggy style lol
have paige do mc lol.. why does he get to be in charge? lol
as had been mentioned aunt and mom 3 way id go for that
sister and roxy on cam..... with or without mc
bank chick... no set ideas on this yet
car bj somewhere ...mia maybe...
just let creator know game is awesome... keep it up my 4 and half cents