It's something that happens to many projects which start very small, aren't meant to be something but then become huge and way outlive anything the creator ever imagined. SS wasn't even meant to be a game when it started but just DC's way to teach himself coding. After that they simply continued update by update and only at the start of last year they finally decided to go big. That's why we see the rig system (which will allow the game to stay small and playable on android) and all those heavy recodes now. It's the base that's needed to actually complete the game.
In which case he should be using some of that money ($50,000 per month) to sort that out. Part of the problem is that he has one person doing the code. A project this size needs at least 2. The other part of the problem is that Ren'Py is not built for this time of game. They are using the wrong engine and, at some point, it will bug out. They should be moving towards a different engine, maybe Unity. The trouble with that is that will cost money. Firstly, DC will have to employ someone to be porting the code (parallel to the Ren'Py release versions) so that there is seamless switch. Secondly, Unity is not necessarily a free engine and Kompass may have to pay for it.
However, soon DC will have to decide. Does he want $50,000 a month and have to invest some of that in Kompass, or does he not.
At the moment he wants his cake and to eat it and that won't last for ever. He also needs to be proactive before discontent results in a bad reputation. I can't help thinking this update might be that turning point. I cancelled my patronage after the lacklustre teacher update and criticised him a lot around then. I walked back a lot of that criticism because the Roxy update was spot on in terms of graphics and writing. The Diane update was meh (really, a fucking barn?) and this update, which remember is just a re-working of previous content, is proving to be a little problematic.
So I will reiterate my main complaint, he needs a project manager. He needs someone to plan the updates so we aren't constantly having updates that are reworking of previous content. Debbie has been reworked (and still needs another rework), Diane has been reworked, Jenny has been reworked. Erik and Mrs Johnson is in need of a rework, Mia is incomplete (Angelica is still WiP). So, basically, since the game began, we have had Roxy and the Teachers that haven't been or announced that they would be re-written. That's unbelievably bad planning, which is why there are accusations of milking.
My challenge to defenders of DC: what part of what I have just said isn't true and isn't worthy of criticism?