I pay patreon a dollar a month, and I sure got $5 bucks worth from this update.
What a steaming pile. what an absolute sh!t shoot. and here come the fanbois, if you don't like dont support. Im sure this scammer DC wants you to not say this. See he wants your money, and to not leave, listen to your saviour. he has delivered. a massive sh!t in your mouth, enjoy.
I absolutely laugh, this entirely validates ever person "whinging" about the delay. the "offscreen" content was almost non existent so lets add up the number of hours on picarto tv, minus the game playing over this 5 month period. this sh!tbag works 3 days a week for 1.5 hours a day to earn 50k a month, and you sheep defend him? join a cult you mindless saps.
Theres a reason this clown is on patreon, as his last employer clearly sacked him for lack of input. he has talent no ones going to argue, but he's taking the absolute piss.
If this pr!ck put in 40 hours a week like most of us hard working, tax paying individuals who funnily enough support this lazy POS, then maybe just maybe an absolute gem of a game would emerge, but no, the patreons will leave and the game will lose sight and it'll end at 21.5 in the year 2750.
I cannot feel more validated for being a "whinger" right now. all you fanbois, enjoy your sh!tburger with extra lies on the side.
Go watch picarto, listen to DC and kung foo fighting, and let him sooth you with the words of, don't worry 18.5 is around the corner, then 19, you'll like 19, remember, Eve wasnt on the radar, like Roxy, until I said the story was good. you can all nod your heads and bow in reverence. then vote for that, and wait, just wait, its around the corner.
The corner is all the animation done in 2 weeks, but 5 months after the last update, where the coding was also done in 2 weeks, but wait, they need the pics from DC.
Well sh!t I dont know, maybe do that first, then the non NSFW stuff can be done by the weekend only part time animator does his stuff. seriously, 30 minutes in any managers meeting would show these clowns how to do it better.
but why do it better? if I was on 50k (soon to be 30k or less) a month whats the incentive you say? well heres the incentive. its called a pissed off community and having to go back to a 9 to 5 because you shit on the people who pay you.