Finally got around to trying out the new stuff with Eve.
It's a surprisingly touching story, especially if you go with the version that has her as transgender, although the MC is suddenly really articulate and calm about a sensitive topic. He's adorably dumb the rest of the time, but suddenly woke as all fuck during conversations with Eve and Grace, which feels a little jarring. I see why it was done this way, but it's weird enough to comment on.
Also, gotta say: it does seem weird to go this way with Eve, of all characters. It would've made more sense to make Grace the possible trans girl, since it's hard to reconcile Eve the shrinking violet with Eve the drunken karaoke singer who hangs out with rappers and gives zero fucks.
It's a fun set of characters, an interesting dynamic, and a nice set of scenes with a few hints for the future in there, but it's starting to get weird and obvious how the game has exploded out into a complex web that the developers can't quite control.