You have no idea what you are talking about. They added a flag for Jenny and Tina in this update so they can not get pregnant until you have completed their entire route. The reason DC did that is because before you could get them pregnant before their content was finished and they would bounce from pregnant in one scene to not pregnant in another, which obviously doesn't make sense. So the change they implemented in this version is that when you finish all of their content it changes a flag from false to true which enables the impregnation mini game that is required to activate the pregnancy. They can both get pregnant in this 20.5 version. Still with me?
However, and now this is important. If you load an even valid old save where you have already completed Tina and Jenny's content the flag does not get set to true and since you already finished their content their is no in game way to set the flag to true which means no mini game and no pregnancy.
It was an unfortunate oversight in this release. Also known as a fucking bug. Which is why the changelog you keep telling people to read says:
- Delayed Jenny's ability to get pregnant until after her route completes to avoid inconsistencies.
and doesn't say they removed her pregnancy until a later version. Her route was completed many versions ago...
So to be clear, it is the definition of a bug. But congrats on being so sure you know what you are talking about when you clearly don't I guess.