
Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Not trying to be one of those jealous devs, but it must be nice to pull in around 63000 per month for doing practically nothing each update. With that kind of money, he could easily hire staff for art and code, and still be sitting pretty with more content flowing each update. He's basically sitting in a chair laughing at Patreons while he draws out the game for as long as possible for more payments by limiting his releases. That's honestly pretty cheap, not at all surprising, though.

They are paying, though. Whether you want to call it that or not is up to the individual, but they're supporting under the premise that they'll see actual work being put into what they're supporting. Kinda like how people hate to pay taxes, but realize that it gives them nice things (and medicaid for most of America). If they wanted to donate, they could just buy him a coffee or send something through devs Paypal. There should be clear signs of effort being put in and there just isn't, especially when you factor in that he's literally making almost $800,000 per year.
Those who support on Patreon are literally patrons. Patrons of the arts support artists so that they can create art--they are don't the same as those who pay for specific works.


Jun 7, 2017
English speakers have an idiom that goes "overstaying your welcome". I'm not 100% sure if it applies to what I'm about to ask, but here I go anyway: would you consider that Summertime Saga's developtment has overstayed its welcome?

I remember the earlier years of the game, the excitement and hype everytime a new patch was uploaded.
Then came months of pacing, waiting while numerous patches piled up until there was enough new content to justify starting all over.
And now... I don't feel any of that. My last playthrough was the Roxxy update, which I sincerely loved! That was roughly 2 years ago. But now... I don't feel like downloading any more v0.X.X patches.

Maybe I'm growing old and impatient (30 yo), but this game was THE game. Summertime Saga was the game that had me checking every week to see if it got a new update. But not anymore. Does anyone here share my feelings?


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
create an account that increases your download limit amount install the windows app that increases your download limit amount install the android app and you will have a 100gig download limit amount with all of that you do not have to keep the apps installed to keep the 100gig download limit but I would keep the windows app so you will not have to keep the browser tab open
Yeah, since I created a free account, I've never had an issue regarding limits.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
English speakers have an idiom that goes "overstaying your welcome". I'm not 100% sure if it applies to what I'm about to ask, but here I go anyway: would you consider that Summertime Saga's developtment has overstayed its welcome?

I remember the earlier years of the game, the excitement and hype everytime a new patch was uploaded.
Then came months of pacing, waiting while numerous patches piled up until there was enough new content to justify starting all over.
And now... I don't feel any of that. My last playthrough was the Roxxy update, which I sincerely loved! That was roughly 2 years ago. But now... I don't feel like downloading any more v0.X.X patches.

Maybe I'm growing old and impatient (30 yo), but this game was THE game. Summertime Saga was the game that had me checking every week to see if it got a new update. But not anymore. Does anyone here share my feelings?
If you think it has overstayed its welcome, you are free to cancel any patronage you've been providing. Old and impatient at 30? I think patience comes with age (I'm 61). I have plenty of other games to play while waiting on updates.
Looks like another future wallpaper...
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
My save in 20.5 not working on 20.6 is it only happend to me?
No, I had this problem as well. Apparently something I did in 20.5 had to be undone for 20.6.
One problem I found is that after playing 20.5, I had a number of pregnancies pending. The notices each morning from the graveyard ended up crashing the game.
Is the save compatible or you still need to make a new game again?
The save is "semi-compatible." It will allow you to play, but it ends up undoing some items or actions from 20.5 (or possibly earlier). One thing is for sure, it did not undo any of the pregnancies that occurred when I last played 20.5. They all "popped" in the first few mornings of 20.6...
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New Member
Sep 10, 2019
English speakers have an idiom that goes "overstaying your welcome". I'm not 100% sure if it applies to what I'm about to ask, but here I go anyway: would you consider that Summertime Saga's developtment has overstayed its welcome?

I remember the earlier years of the game, the excitement and hype everytime a new patch was uploaded.
Then came months of pacing, waiting while numerous patches piled up until there was enough new content to justify starting all over.
And now... I don't feel any of that. My last playthrough was the Roxxy update, which I sincerely loved! That was roughly 2 years ago. But now... I don't feel like downloading any more v0.X.X patches.

Maybe I'm growing old and impatient (30 yo), but this game was THE game. Summertime Saga was the game that had me checking every week to see if it got a new update. But not anymore. Does anyone here share my feelings?
I first played this game like 2 months ago, so I don't have the years-long frustration everyone else does but I get it I guess.
I've been playing a ton of games the last few months and I always feel like updates for ALL of them are lackluster. At least with Summertime Saga, the animations are good and the drawings are hot. Because of that, I feel like it's still good. To me, it's "THE" game.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
But don't forget about what patreon takes from the amount they get plus the taxes they have to pay at some point.
And I am not saying I don't agree with you that they make a lot of money but still there are expenses they have to pay which we know nothing about+taxes + patreon cut.
Also they are still human beings and they need to relax every once in a while.
Edit 2: If you don't like it then don't support them. If you do support them and don't like what they do then comes the question: why do you support them?
Part of being a patron of the arts or of an artist is to help provide living expenses for the artist(s), allowing them to not have to worry about making ends meet. It is not about purchasing a particular product, it is about being a patron.
2 months of work, with a team of 7 peoples working full time on the game to release :
  • An eerie mini-route for a certain someone.
  • A brand new cookie jar scene with that person.
  • A spooky new location.
Over 60k $ per month, hum , he was releasing 3 times more content than this when he started the development with less than 1k (alone) .
I think its true when people says that humanins get greedy easily.
no offense !
Imagine having HR for a fucking indie porn game, Jesus Christ. What's the point? Hire another dev or artist.

Patreon takes max 12%, so hypothetically $60,720 a month or $8,674 per employee or $54 an hour or $102,000 per year for the game before taxes which I'm assuming they're all 1099. Taxes in CA (the highest in the US) would be 11,300 - $20,340. Healthcare being around $4,000 a year again for California, the highest. So they're still making $78,000 each a year.

All this assuming they're working 40 hour weeks which I seriously doubt because of how slow updates release. My team of 4 devs for a major financial software company released 6 major updates this year alone, including a rebuild from the ground up.

Love the game, hate the wasted resources.
Easy solution. Don't be a patron. In the mean time, let those who wish to be patrons, be patrons.
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Leo D. Marstone

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Does anyone here share my feelings?
Welp, I do. Actually my last played version was the one in which the mermaid was introduced?
I dunno. I really liked the concept since it was one of a kind back then and I liked the art and characters that came with it.
My thought process was like to wait and play the finished game to enjoy it to the fullest but....hm. I lost interest? xD
I definetely will play the game again when it is finished but the game is so long in development and from the looks of it the end is not nearly in sight. So yeah.

Also Dragon59
Yoo, i love your enthusiasm but keep it in one post? ,)=
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