To each his own, I guess. I found Melonia's open harassment to be really cringey (poor Ricky) and I dunno why it took like five trips to the hot tub to get her into bed when she clearly would have boned us after making the slightest move. Her sex scene sucked, too. I thought I'd like Iwanka more but she came off far too vapid and her "sheltered" bit never felt believable. We saw her character already done much more competently and to much greater success with Roxxy and Eve. It's a shame, too, because DC's art for both of them was absolutely killing it; he gets better with each update, even if it pushes the release envelope.
And I don't really mind that he introduces character parodies as much as they're starting to crop up for no real reason and serve no real purpose. I'll flip right around on Father Keeves if he gets a bigger role in the Mia/Helen/Nun rework (probably in 2023 at this rate), but right now he's just kind of....there. It's also a bit of an issue with his backgrounds, which are again gorgeous but are increasingly used for one-offs (the crypt, Rump's office, etc.). For a game that's taking longer and longer to make, it feels like his time could be better spent elsewhere.