Most women are not into porn unfortunately especially kinky animated porn like what you get here. I keep it a secret from my wife and all my friends. If she finds out what im looking at here and what i play when i go to my dacha in the weekends there will be a lot of nagging. Most women in my experience get upset even if you are watching standard porn. Some even considered it as a form of cheating. I tried introducing one of my girlfrends when i was a young lad to normal porn. Just switched on the XXX chanel on the TV in the bedroom before we went to bed. Lets just say she didnt take it so well. I love homemade porn where the counples are watching porn together and having sex. Its kind of my kink maybe because i cant get my wife to do it in real life. On that note i kind of wanted the dev to add something like that in the game. Being able to watch porn in the game while getting it on.
Dear friend, you are generalizing and that is not good.
You have to realize that people's attitudes vary greatly depending on the country and culture that surrounds them. Japanese people or in a REPRESSIVE Muslim country will surely be much more closed than women can be in Spain or the US.
I live in Spain, and throughout my 26 years I have met quite a few women who, if they did not masturbate without fear or complexes, would admit to having seen porn or played a Hentai game. The problem is the education they have been able to receive: Have they been raised to be princesses and see sexuality as indecent? Should they fear god if they caress her pussy?
My girlfriend, without going any further, knows that I watch porn even that I play hgames ... She hates it, of course. But he also knows that I write erotic stories and although he doesn't like it, he respects it.
And that's the important thing, that you find people who accept you for who you are and for what you like. Living repressed is not a good thing ... Unless you like things that are illegal and that can harm other people, of course.